So, was there ultimately any good Bleach fighting games?
So, was there ultimately any good Bleach fighting games?
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I liked the ds one
Dark Souls
The only good things to come out of that piece of shit series are Soifon and Yoruichi. They are best girls.
Kubo's design was god tier in general.
In what games can I kick ass with my bro Kyoraku?
I stopped reading Bleach like halfway through the final arc because it was dragging on forever and felt like it was getting progrssively more retarded with each chapter. Is it worth finishing?
>no Bleach game made by Arcsys
Why did it have to end so bad?
For the terrific endless trump card twists alone. The plot armor is of the fucking charts.
I just implore you not to take any of the shit seriously. I just wanted to know what the last bankais were.
Everything after Soul Society was below average to complete garbage.
The only reason people were sill reading it to the end was because they invested time into it and wanted to know how it ended.
The ending was disliked by nearly everyone and led to copies being burned in Japan.
The finale was extremely rushed, as the final arc was meant to end in 2019 but was forced to end 3 year early.
Aizen turns me full homo
Kenpachi gets Bankai. Nothing else is worth reading.
>The ending was disliked by nearly everyone and led to copies being burned in Japan.
What. Fucking source
.>Is it worth finishing?
Revealing that the hollow was actually the sword, and Zangetsu was a quincy was literally the last good moment in the entire manga. And it was only ironically good at best.
Stop generalizing. The ones burning copies were the IchiRuki autists.
user, Soul Society was just Yu Yu Hakusho + Saint Seya but much worse.
Kubo's design was god tier
literally every one of them is a rehashed archetype. every one of them acts the way they look.
>bratty girl
>Average guy
>Punk guy
>lazy guy
>"cool" boy
>average girl
>rat guy
>noble guy
>nerd guy
>wuss guy
Now some actually good designs would be something that acts exactly different than what you initially expect by their looks.
Hitsugaya is the closest to achieve this because he acts more mature than he looks
The PSP games were fucking tight. Emulate it on your phone
>Now some actually good designs would be something that acts exactly different than what you initially expect by their looks.
I think exactly the opposite. Being able to visually establish personality to a character (through facial expressions, pose, clothing, etc.) demands far more proficiency from an artist than giving a character design an arbitrary personality.
Why would there be?
The powers of most of the characters in Bleach are barely even explained, you can't make a fighting game out of it.
Replace with Nel Tu, Sharktits, Tatsuki, and breast boogeylady
>design = characterization
You're a fucking moron user. Character design is a purely aesthetic thing.
Fucking hell, Bleach had no right to have so many god tier women
Bleach musou when, i want to play as titty monsters
and no, soul resurreccion doesn't count since it's more action than musou
so what happened in the end? I kind of gave up. when I quit the king of souls or whatever turned into a bunch of big eye monsters
Kyoraku goes bankai, Urahara goes bankai, Kenpachi goes shikai and bankai, Aizen goes "were you under the impression...", most of the Quincy abilities are absolute bullshit, Ishida gets a deus-ex-item that sort of saves the day in the final fight.
Kenpachi goes bankai and rips a giants arm off by biting his finger. Only thing I believe to be of any importance.
You literally described every kind of teenager that exists and since manga and anime are usually filled with teens, guess what you get?
Post semen demons from Bleach
That would mean posting every girl, and the image limit won't let us do that
Did he do anything wrong?
>Chad finally gets to win for once
>Nnoitora shows up to immediately smack him back down to jobber tier
Nah, not really.
Rangiku, Yoruichi, and Halibel are best girls. All who disagree have shit taste, and should not be trusted.
I disagree only in that your best girl list ought to have more room for other best girls.
Chad could have been such a cool character if Kubo didn't just use him getting his ass kicked to show how strong the antagonists were.
>Winning ever
Nah, fuck 'im
>the final arc will never be animated
the 2D ones.
The 3D ones were total crap
Bleach was good up until the Ulquiorra fight
I thought OP was talking about fighting games, not girls
Rukia wasnt bratty though..her personality was more motherlike than romantic interest for least at the start
>Chad never got a full half Hollow suit
Kubo is retarded
Dark Souls on the DS
Well he did go on to become a champion boxer, which seems kind of unfair for him to fight normal people when he can shrug off hits that would literally obliterate a normal person.
This guy was hype as fuck.
I never liked Orihime when I was a teenager, but now I can safely say I want her to empty my balls.
Even before he ever had any powers he was tough like that.
These are pretty funny, I wish I had the ones from previous arcs.
Also spoilers obv.
It's been probably 10 years since I saw it but wasn't Chad introduced in the series by showing him tanking a steel girder falling on top of him? I think he also ripped a telephone pole out of the ground with his bare hands soon after. Chad's always been impossibly strong by normal human standards, but it doesn't count for much when superpowers get involved.
There were hints about Chad having hollow powers as he got a power up in their home world but it was never followed up.
>Ichigo goes to kill Ywach with his brand new swords, Quincy and Hollow powers
>Ywach says no and just no sells that shit
> Uryu show up and shoots him with some plot arrow
>"Ah, shit I guess you can kill me now."
>Timeskip into babies
All of this happened in the span of like 10 chapters. In a series full of hack ass horseshit Kubo truly managed to outdo himself for the finale.
Shattered Blade, I'd say.
Versus Crusade could have been a wonderful set of games if it didn't died on the 1st game too.
I'm fairly sure Kubo intended for him to get another upgrade in the Fullbring arc. But then it got axed so eh fuck Chad.
Not him but even I remember that, "bleach manga burn" in Google.
>The ending was disliked by nearly everyone and led to copies being burned in Japan.
Not denying the entire final arc was utter trash, but that was retarded shippers, a whole different problem.
So.. it really was caused by "IchiRuki" fags?
Woah.. I seriously thought that was a joke.
Actually all this shit happened IN TWO FUCK-ALL CHAPTERS, what the ever loving fuck.
To be fair, Ichigo has mountains of personal moments with Rukia and they did imply she liked him many times, yet he still ended up with Orihime who he never had much chemistry with at all.
There was a battle royale with 4 players that was good.
Wasnt less about the ending and more about Orihime and Rukia thing.
Its always the fujoshit that do the death threats in japan
I stopped really caring about Bleach after Aizen died, did anything interesting happend?
Post SS Bleach a shit
He's also a jerk. The new novel revealed he never expected Ichigo to be able to defeat Ywach and only trained him so they could force him to become the new Soul King by the end( against his will if necessary ). That's the reason Shunsui gave those ticket for his friends on earth.
The two DS games were developed by Treasure and are really fucking good. I don't know if they ever got translations.
I actually thought and remembered slowly the different Arcs and came to the conclusion that Orihime's better than Rukia for Ichigo, but then I just remembered Tatsuki and seriously thought that she should have won.
>Aizen died
He didn't, Unohana became the 2nd most badass character after Kenpachi even though she only got 1 fight, Zaraki himself got his Bankai and Yama-Jii fucking died, those are the most interesting things I remember right now.
>after Aizen died
this never happened
4th Phantom is the only one that was never translated, I think.
Fucking this.
The whole story was bitter sweet, 'cause Ichigo was a melancholic punk-ass guy whose life was turned around the moment Rukia appeared.
Ichigo was also supposed to be the "bleached", reborn Kaien, whom she was missing all this time.
What the fuck Kubo
>He didn't
That's just fucking bullshit, how did he return?
Ichigo x Rukia ended when she chose to stay in SS.
Bleach was a shitshow but most of the girls were all 10/10
I haven't read the manga since Aizen was defeated but doesn't he show up in Actual Literal Hell later on with the other Arrancars?
who is sharktits
At least post the correct one
He was sealed and sent to prison as they could not (even if they wanted to) kill him. Then in the quincy arc they partially released him from prison.
They just put him in a shinigami jail, dude.
I am still mad about pic related. What a stupid twist.
>tfw people obsess over the meme titty monsters
do you mean when gin bankai'd him or when Ichigo did FGT?
The hougyoku regenerated and evolved him right when gin killed him and FGT didnt kill him, just weakened and he was sealed. Final boss also took him down once but he cannot really die cause his existence is linked to the hougyoku making him effectively immortal
In the last chapter past time skip he even makes a comment that shows that he can see everything (which really makes me wonder if at the end he's back in prison or if he became the new soul king)
The last arc felt like
Ha my secret weapon is fire
Oh yeah? Well my sword EATS fire
Oh yeah well it turns out anything that touches my fire I can control!
Oh yeah, my secret secret ability is that etc etc
Anyone else feel like that?
Bleach should have finished with Aizens defeat.
>this was a character
Anyone tally up how many characters Kubo introduced? That shit was so infuriating.
Pretty much yeah
I think created like 100 characters who showed up 1 time and never again.
while many called it, it still didnt make that much sense since she was shown to have an aura of their own and then later 2 hollows both of which didnt have the mask for the aura.
Never fucking explained
Just another thing to add to Kenpachi strength "so powerful his zanpakutou spirit is materialized all the time in reality" and that's the weakened version (meaning separated from the sword as to handicap him)
>soul king is the cornerstone of everything
>gets destroyed
>no consequences
What the fuck?
post the thing
you know what i mean
>Remember that character? Me neither
Bleach summarized.
More like
>Remember that time Ichigo had to train and master his own powers to win instead of just getting a new one?
>Neither do I
>Yhwach is literally all-seeing and all-powerful
>still gets duped by Kyoka Suigetsu
How did a hack like Kubo make something as great as Aizen?
Where did they even stop? I honestly stopped following Bleach after the stupidness of Mexico arc.
things were getting fucked up, then Captain Tuberculosis sacrificed himself to become temporary soul king or something.
Probably because kubo realized his shikai was a direct counter to quincies.
Im still mad, especially because he mentioned old deity and whatnot with zero foreshadowing. just making shit up by that point
>Remember that time Ichigo's bankai made him become Sanic?
>neither do I
>you can see everything, pity what you were seeing were illusions.
I laughed