Are you guys just as excited for this as i am?

are you guys just as excited for this as i am?

this is a dream come true for me, a theme park based on nintendo properties

i know it will mostly be kids focused but still i was never a huge weeb but i want to fly to japan just to see this and because people i've bee talking to say that the one in orlando will probably open in 2025 or something

anyway am i the only one planning on flying to japan to see this?

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Since OP is a manchild who will die alone i came here to save the thread

How much would everything cost?
It'll probably a shitton, what's your job OP?

I hope it doesn't take that long to get here to Orlando. I've always thought Nintendo had a wide variety of franchises that would be really suitable for theme parks like Universal.

>tfw you'll finally be able to rescue daisy
I'm ready

If it doesn't make me feel like a kid now AND a squid now, I'm not interested.

I'm actually more just surprised it took this long. Seems like they should have done this in like 1992 when nintendo was the undisputed leader in gaming and we were all still kiddos.

I'm just going to wait for the Orlando section to open. With all of that concept art being leaked, it seems like they're ready to go for it.

i work at a law firm

i also plan to go to universal studios orlando before this is finished desu

will be my first time and i wanna check out the jurassic park and harry potter stuff

Have fun then, I'll hope you'll enjoy it

Nintendoworld is coming to the Hollywood location in 2020 if that's more convenient for you. Only thing is just like most of the attractions at that one is that it's second rate compared to the Orlando location.

t. Universal employee

Whatever you do, do NOT GO IN THE WEEKEND.

Or you will die.
It's 230% overcrowded on weekdays with gray weather.

I went to see the Harry Potter stuff. Best day of my adult life.

Never really had a reason to go all the way to Japan before but I'll definitely go there now. To me it's a dream come true as stupid as it sounds.

>tfw there will never be a theme park based on american mc gee alice in wonderland

an edgy surreal theme park would be my dream desu but there is probably no audience large enough for it

leaked art



Wouldn't that just be edgy Disneyworld?
Sounds boring, desu

same user

>nintendo world
>eating best ramen and sushi
>sleeping in a capsule hotel
>disney world tokyo
>hike up mt. fuji
>fuck a japanese hooker
>those crazy arcades
>huge doujin shops

i'm not even a weeb




I'm definitely going to visit at some point but it'll be pretty disappointed if there are no rollercoasters or anything and it's all just kiddie shit.

but if there ARE roller coasters? Fuck yes please. Imagine an fZero themed coaster called Big Blue or some shit.
Or a huge sky drop that's a giant ass warp pipe or something. Would be legit

Been to Japan

Akiba is not that exciting.

As for the rest...
Even better than you hope.

>fZero themed coaster called Big Blue
My nigga

maybe but if i had a billion dollars to spend i would make it so that it had some super surreal stuff in it, like huge mazes, signs that lead nowhere, holes you have to jump through, huge plants and things like that that make you feel like you are tiny

just imagine you would get lost in a spooky alice maze like this in real life


Okay, now you have my attention.


>going to theme parks
Will never understand the appeal. Theyre expensive, havve long insufferable lines to go on any of the fun rides and the crap they sell is just that - cheap crap that youd find in a lootcrate.

Post more blini

Yeah I can't wait to see the footage of all the overweight 20-something faggots sweatily walking around the place with their Switch in hand.

When is the Orlando one happening? Only an hour away from Orlando.

is this secret test footage of a ride soon to be?

like somewhere around 2019-2021

it would probably flop and be abandoned after a month because people would get spooped constantly and just get confused because they would get lost or didn't know where to go

but still if i could design my dream alice park it would feel like you are in a dream or on lsd constantly

Really? I've been to both the CA and FL locations, and the CA was by far a more enjoyable experience. FL seemed kinda run down and rather disappointing compared to the CA one.

And then people would go to the abandoned park and be even more spooped

welp hope im gonna have a wife and kids in a couple years so i have a reason to use those slides one day without feeling like a huge pedo

btw is the planned mario ride a true roller coaster or is it VR crap?

no roller coasters, only 4D-type rides

well i i'm not really that much hyped since i found out that the kirby area has been cut

but it's probably because they are still working on the project and the kirby area will come later with zelda

Am I the only one, who wouldn't go to japan primarily for Otaku stuff, but clubbing in roppongi and finding new japanese pals for drinking and having fun?

Went to Japan for a study tour two years ago. Two weeks in Hikone, and a weekend in Tokyo. Hikone was amazing. Lush green mountains to go hiking in, temples, both abandoned and functioning, tucked away in and around the mountains. One hiking point began after walking past a temple and accompanying cemetery that ran a fair way up, with tomb stones that were all overgrown with nature and moss. The city itself was unbeviably comfy. Medium-paced with friendly faces, cozy local resturants and actual, normal sized houses.

Tokyo was the complete opposite of all that. Loud, crowded, unforgiving concrete jungle. If thats how you like tour cities, its the best there is, but after Hikone I fucking hated it and never want to go back.

Am I the only one, who wouldn't go to japan primarily for Otaku stuff, nor clubbing in roppongi and finding new japanese pals for drinking and having fun, but to explore Japan, both the big cities like Tokyo and the countryside?

why not both user?

I've thought of kinda the same sometimes. Fuck, I wish I was billionaire just so I could open an awesome themepark, run it at a loss for x amount of years but deliver awesome entertainment.

Do both. You're going to a foreign country. You're supposed to indulge in the culture as it's something you cannot experience at home.

>tfw lived in Japan for a few years studying in uni
>Bought a universal year pass because my gf wanted to go all of the time
>ended up going 20+ times and ruined it for myself

ehh. I'm going back to live in Tokyo for my career in one week it might be worth going to once all of the gross foreigners that flood in for the 2020 olympics leave

are there even hookers in japan? thought that was completly banned there

>You're supposed to indulge in the culture as it's something you cannot experience at home.
But that's not what my normie friends do, they hang out with the other same-aged tourists.

Ruined what for yourself?

is it true that japanese girls lust for white dick only?

also what's the biggest/best arcade in tokyo?

Universal studios. I've been to the themepark 20+ times user, I could literally walk you through every inch of that park completely blindfolded with no issues.

Why would you go 20+ times?

Every country has it's ways of dodging the law to make money out of selling themselves.

Why bother going to another country only to do the exact same thing you do at home? These are often once in a lifetime or rare experiences that you'd want to at least get out of your comfort zone for.

No. Gross club sluts at places like "Pure" in Osaka will want to fuck you if you're white. Actual waifu material Japanese girls don't speak any English and are terrified of foreigners.

t. user with a waifu tier Japanese gf who admitted to me she hated Americans before I wooed her.

I fucked a bunch of the gaijin-hunters. They're qt but not worth it because of loose vaginas, poor morals, and generally shitty personalities.

Only the smart ones looking to trap dumb gullible gaijins. The other ones are far too busy trying to build a career in their trash economy that goes through recessions multiple times a year.

>this is a dream come true for me, a theme park based on nintendo properties
Why? Mario park looks generic as hell, like a reskin of Disneyland.

Gaijin hunters are a thing. Don't expect them to be loyal though. They'll abandon you for another sugar daddy the moment you run dry.

>Japanese gf
The average Japnese person is borderline autistic, everyone that has lived in the country for an extended period of time and actually dealt with Japanese people in their native language will confirm this
>"Hey user, we have nothing planned this weekend so let's go to uniba!"
>W-what? Didn't we go there last weekend?
>"Yeah but right now there's a limited edition minions banana drink for only one week! Plus cool Japan was a lot of fun and I want to wait in line for 3 hours to see the 5 minute 4D shingeki no kyojin movie AGAIN"
t. a conversation I had with my gf every week

We get better benefits and overall are treated better than the FL employees thus we keep the park in better shape. Plus we were the original location. But with the Comcast buyout a few years back, everything is getting more corporate creating alot of disgruntled veteran employees. Only thing we have lacking is just amount of content compared to the FL park such as the mummy ride being twice as long over there or the fact that they exlusively have Volcano Bay. We used to have more shows and we were going to add new attractions and such this years, but Comcast is fucking us up with their new business mentality they're bringing in

Yes you're the only who likes to travel

that's fine with me
i just want to know what it's like to cum inside a qts japanese fish tube just once in my life

Be sure you've got game. I still remember that one screenshot of a redditor that unironically thought the girls would be going after him and got mad his dreams were crushed.

It's a meme, dumbass.

user who studied in Japan for afew years hear. This is totally true. I used to go to "Gaijin Hunter clubs" just to cuck other foreigners out of qt sluts. I spoke fluent Japanese so it wasn;t fair
>see some gross australian weeb trying to chat up 9/10
>I walk up to her and shit talk the australian guy in Japanese something like "How did this gross fat old guy get let into this club?"
>she laughs and starts buying me my drinks, we fuck at a love hotel that night