Protagonist of the first game gets nerfed to comedy relief in the sequel

>protagonist of the first game gets nerfed to comedy relief in the sequel


Borderlands 2

Hermit Purple is my favorite stand

>no "h-heh, just as planned kid" asspulls anymore
Good riddance.

Old Joseph still shined

>Main character is immediately killed in the second game.

What cartoon is this

>main character of the first game gets killed by a comic relief character of the first game in the sequel

He was still strong

>that empress fight in season 3
Pure distilled fanservice and it's 10/10

>no "h-heh, just as planned kid" asspulls anymore
literally every jotaro fight

Jotaro didn't even really need to plan because Star Platinum was the most overpowered fucking stand ever.

And, thanks to Eyes of Heaven, It is joint strongest stand in the entire series! (if you consider it canon, if you don't fuck you.)

>no "h-heh, just as planned kid" asspulls anymore
Literally any fight in any anime

Joseph's Fairly Average Road Trip.

This almost never happens in DBZ
any time somebody tries to be smug in DBZ they almost always get their shit pushed in by their opponent when they get a bullshit powerup

GitS, Parasyte, Berserk, Psycho Pass, Ergo Proxy and Blue Gender all immediately disagree with you. There are many others that go against your memery. Why do you willingly engage in faggotry?

>Roland killed and Lilith thwarted by Jack's cutscene power

I'm still mad.

>protagonist of the first game returns as an antagonist in the sequel


Considering Shinichi continually showed himself to be physically stronger than anyone besides the mayor dude even when that should be literally impossible, you're fucking wrong.

Also the final fight where the power of friendship wakes Migi up so he can rejoin him was retarded. He should have forcefully removed that dumb fucker.

Not even the most common type of asspull, there are way too few smug faggots mcs

>protagonist from first game returns in the sequel as a whiny emo side character

His physical strength was unimportant compared to just not being a retard and fighting smart. Goto at the end was a problem just because he was literally invincible. They allude literally ALL FUCKING SERIES to the fact migi can split himself up and manage to live as a small cluster of cells. This is all spelled out for you quite literally, so much so foreshadowing isn't even a strong enough word. Why do you feel comfortable being actually retarded?

>Blue Gender
Within a week or two of finishing an anime I'll see it mentioned here, without fail



It's like this board has millions of users and you're working through classic anime everyone has seen or something. There's no such thing as magic either, before you ask.


>side character is a better protagonist than the MC

Wrong. The world revolves around me user, you're just along for the ride

I dont know about you but one of my favorite parts of the whole jojo series is when Josephs hand comes flying out of nowhere to hit kars and he pretends that he meant for that to happen just to annoy him.

I wish that were true, then maybe my miserable fucking existence would have some meaning however trite.


I feel you

I have never seen this outside of diablo. Is thete any other game like this?

Legacy of Kain. Go play it now.

Joseph was one of the best parts of stardust you shut your face.

Drakengard 2

It's dogshit, but he's the best part of it.

Prototype 2.


Prototype I think.
It's contemporary Infamous however beat it to the punch by having the protagonist of the first game come back as the antagonist of the first game.

Baader Meinhof phenomenon


Arigato, Gyro

>jotaro get's downgraded to hell in part IV
>he still gets to defeat the main bad guy of part IV

God I wanna read SBR again, the first two volumes were fucking magnificent.

no he didn't, an ambulance beat him.

The Ambulance defeated Kira