Worth getting? sale ends soon and not sure about it

Worth getting? sale ends soon and not sure about it

Worth it.


Absolutely worth it. It's had a ton of updates and additions, and the devs just announced another YEAR of updates and additions. That's admirable, if nothing else.

Is it worth playing solo too?

yeah this as well, i have no friends who play it so id go solo

Solo is much preferable and much tense.

Picked this up a few days ago.

Definitely worth it. I'm several hours in and I don't really have any qualms about it. Much more fun than I was already led to believe.

ok just got it thanks all for your feedback

Its nice, althought it gets stale towards the end. Too little enemy variety. By the time I finished I couldnt stomach playing expansion (got to the first driving part and just left it).

Maybe I'll come back for the expansion

Sure I have the gog version. It's ok, and can 60fps/max settings on anything I reckon.

The game is actually quite demanding on ultra settings.

it runs fine on my 970 meme card/i7 4770k combo though

guessing its more CPU based maybe?

It's basically Far Cry with zombies and parkour, really long, fun to just mindlessly run around in and has good replayability. I'm a penniless neet who gets buyer's remorse over pretty much everything but even I have been enjoying this since I bought it. Definitely worth

>Console version
I've heard bad things in terms of performance, get it for PC if you can. It's most fun playing co op if you can

Pentium g4620, and GTX 1060 can max this game out on 1080p/60fps. I think most of gamers have a more powerful system for gaming.

> I think most of gamers have a more powerful system for gaming.

This is factually untrue.

Aloo a tip, early on avoid fighting zombies and humans, at start it takes 10 hits in the head to kill one, it will be a while before you can slice them up.with ease.

>This is factually untrue.

Well Pentium g4620+gtx1060 level performance is easily attainable for a pretty low price.

Solo is fun but coop is where it truly shines.

I did a whole series on it.
It was fun.