Why didn't the new DOOM contain satanism?
Why didn't the new DOOM contain satanism?
Is him going to hell and killing demons in hell not good enough for you?
It's a reboot, so they took a different art directon.
A shitty one, that is.
Pretty sure it was there, not all over your face like before though.
There was even a make shift church under Olivia's office.
Hell in the first Dooms is not some kind of biblical space either
This. Doom 1 is weird martian space hell, Doom 2 is actual biblical hell which is actually just a faction of demons from space hell, Doom 3 and 4 are back to space hell with references to the faction from 2.
Doom 64 has the best hell.
A better question would be "Why didn't the new DOOM contain good gameplay that did the original justice?"
... it did? Olivia Pierce literally worshipped Hell and opened a gateway to let Hell take over Earth.
Pretty sure Hayden was a satanist I don't think he "accidentally" stumbled across hell
The answer is "because you are shitty whiner with a bad taste"Thats Why
Bethesda is full untalented faggots
Doom64 is unironically the best game in the series. I just never realized it until I played it on PC with proper controls.
what the fuck are you talking about
How did you miss most of the plot?
Christ, Doom 64 is such a great game. Definitely had the darkest feel to it. I think the reason it's so unknown is due to it being an N64 exclusive. Plays great with keyboard and mouse. Doom64EX for anyone ITT interested.
No Hayden was purely in it for science and humanity at all costs, he's amoral.
Olivia was the retard.
Thanks user.
I remember playing a copy of doom64 in a waiting room as a child and thinking it was the objectively better game. I remember it being much harder than Doom1/2 and Wolf3D. Thanks for the info famalamaramatam
Pretty sure Hayden wanted it to happen just to awaken the Doom Slayer so he can get him the crucible. He was granting Olivia way too much freedom and even got some shit pushed by her for no reason whatsoever. He knew that would happen, but so far I don't think he's doing that purely for himself, thought this probably would be the case in the end, he needs to be an villain after all.
because nudoom isn't fun.
He was always planning on having Doom Slayer get the crucible. He did not intend for his entire facility to be destroyed in a massive demonic invasion.
Have you heard of the consolation prize?
It allows you to play Doom 64 with any gameplay mod you'd like.
There's also the PS\ port of Doom.
But isn't most of the destruction Doomguy's fault? He could have easily done everything he did without fucking up the place, but he's goddamned Doomguy and doesn't care about collateral damage. For someone as smart as Hayden to not expect that seems really silly.
I can't lie to you user; I have no idea what consolation prize is and I really don't play Doom for the mods.
You should, since there's a lot of great Doom mods out there.
One i really like and even shill at times is MetaDoom, which is brings stuff from all the Doom games and puts in Doom's gameplay. including stuff from those weird mobile games.
Check /vr/ for the Doom threads, maybe they can help you.
He was fucking the place up on purpose to close the portal, Hayden wanted to save the project