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Do people actually find this shit funny?
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The Chad stuff is funny, but it outs the "virgin" stuff as bait which defeats the point of the image.
I'm sorry
i think the format is as so
>virgin side derives its humor from being very close to true
>chad side derives its humor from pointing out how ridiculous opposite behaviour from the virgin side would be
anyway Reddit has their hands on the meme, so it's already dead
sounds like some one here is triggered
Leave, virgin, this is a chad thread.
It's also because the original "virgin walk" originated from /r9k/.
Note how in the "Chad Stride" there is a note that says "Does not read stupid shit drawn by Quentin".
what the fuck this is literally me if you remove the wow subscription, the e-girl line and the breastfeeding
euroshit detected, reformatting internet history now
well duh, these images are clearly made by posters from here writing their own common, nonspecific habits ("very left wing or right wing")
it's the same principle as horoscopes but as a joke
especially the chad edits
cool contrarianism.
*pumps mp5 like a shotgun*
Anymore of these wizard versions?
I find it funny because he tries really hard to be the next Quentin
>the next Quentin
You mean a faggot attention whore everybody hated?
Didn't know deviant art became even more shit
Speak for yourself, manchild.
Quentin was the hero this board needed but didn't deserve.
I agree, he was a god, he brought trolling to a whole another level
someone post the quentin inspired video where some quentin-like person talks to a virgin playing his switch on a plane whilst bing bing wahoo noises get louder and louder.
shit's hilarious
I would have rather had a Shadow thread than a degenerate humor and 5 year old show and tell thread.