>Hates story driven cinematic games yet plays visual novels
Hates story driven cinematic games yet plays visual novels
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VNs don't pretend to be games though
That's why they are called "Visual NOVELS" instead of "videoGAMES"
>50+ hour VN's with multiple routes are somehow worse than 4-5 hour at best ''cinematic'' ''games''
>50 hours of a poorly written story with no gameplay
>4-5 hours of a mediocre one with no gameplay
They're both shit.
its been a long time since we had ''mediocre'' stories in games. They usually range from dogshit to bad.
Neither do walking sims or corridor movies. Even their devs call them an interactive experience, doesn't stop people from shitting on them.
at least one of them doesn't pretend to have gameplay
Makes sense, I prefer manga to anime too. Sitting down to watch something is booooooooring
visual novels have good stories and meaningful choices, unlike your shitty QTE games
Seriously, do good visual novels exist or all they either pandering fapfests or pretentious schlock that might as well be written by a philosophy drop out who spends all day after work reading shit on wikipedia?
>good stories and meaningful choices
>visual novels
What universe are you from?
Do you want to switch for a few hours?
>he never played KS
what the fuck are you doing on Sup Forums?
Visual novels aren't games, they're novels. Fucking idiot.
I'd play a Sabagebu VN.
I did play it. Characters were flat as fuck and it was typical tearjerker shit on par with shit like All the Fault in our Stars and The Notebook.
>VN choices
>completely change the story, actually have different routes based on your choices
>western games
>choices are only cosmetic, always leads to the same end
>I read the wikipedia article of it
VNs have hot dudes and hot girls to keep people distracted at least, and have sex scenes when it is an actual eroge.
its a
>Sup Forums tries to do enough mental gymnastics to justify and arbitrary feeling
No, I played it when it came out and Sup Forums hyped the ever living fuck out of it. Should've dropped it after Lily. Gigantic waste of time.
>i will accept an genuinely like literally anything with tiddies in it
>I googled the Sup Forums archives
Well, I love chocolate (focus in story and not much gameplay), eating it with sweets and cakes it goes with (VNs), but not with some meat or fish dish (Any other kind of game)
>They're novels
No, you're the idiot. And no I'm not implying they're games in this post dipshit.
Walking sims and corridor movies usually have a shitty story compared to even bad VNs.
>v is a single entity and the user who says he hates story driven games is the same user that says he likes vns
then your post is even more retarded
>hates one genre but likes different genre
Visual novels aren't games
I like Stein's Gate and Danganronpa but I wouldn't put them in my list of favorite games or anything.
Nigga did I say they were good?
>He doesn't like savory chocolate dishes
lmao look at this food pleb
So what's your point? People don't like shit? No shit.
>Likes a different genre
Just because I point out eating at Subway is as bad as going to Burger King, contrary to what the average person believes, doesn't mean I think Burger King is better. You're a dumb fuck.
Because I can jerk off to them
Good taste.
no amount of mental gymnastics can twist your original post now
Nice rebuttal.
But user those games are usually 60 plus dollars while a nice story driven game with light puzzle gameplay and charming characters are for as low as 30 USD.
And they're both free if you watch a youtube playthrough.
>implying I won't play a VN with best MC.
>playing an adventure or puzzle game is the same thing as watching it on youtube
people like you are the reason games turned into movies
Yes, let me just walk through your developer directed "videogame" and press QTEs once in a while for 5 hours so I feel little more involved in your story. Sounds like a great fucking time when I could just watch a movie or actually play videogames instead of pretending to play one. At least with VNs all you need is one free hand and a mouse.
No, people who prefer pretty graphics and cool cutscenes over gameplay are the reasons games are turned into movies.
People like me are the reason you don't have to worry about dropping $30 to play a digital version of your grandpa's newspaper games.
H-hey atleast my novels have puzzles.
why do people tell you to read the vn of anime adaptions
its completely different (INFERIOR) experience. No animation, slow as FUCK pacing, awkward thing where the text always scrolls faster than the voice, never can have a concise tight knit story with all the fucking routes and side stories and shit, etc.
they dont prefer it though, low budget games like minecrap or indieshit 6000 destroy major AAA titles in sales
Best girl.
To the people in this thread claiming that all VNs are shit : which one have you played? I'm legitimately curious.
The Stein's Gate anime butchered the artstyle and character faces.
My point. Anyone who likes cinematic games would be better off with movies. Anyone who likes VNs would be better off watching anime/reading manga.
"B-but it's interactive unlike the others!" Is the usual excuse.
Wait, are you actually implying KS is some deep story filled with complex characters?
Holy shit your standards must be low.
Im implying you are a godamn newfag
Fate stay Night
Biggest waste of my time
I'm not even the guy you were talking to. I went through all the routes in KS the day after it came out.
It seems you were implying that is was a masterpiece. It's not. It's average.
your leddit spacing tells a different story
Give me a /lit/ approved vn
>leddit spacing
Where the fuck did this even come from? Are you trying to shame anyone who doesn't want to make a fuckhuge wall of text?
I tried F/S, KS, and Majikoi. The typical shit. Looking at the descriptions of the typical VN I don't think I'm missing out on anything.
>unironically using the term ''wall of text''
dead giveaway, include me in the screencap when you get back
>Implying VNs are games
VNs have something that manga/anime don't have: the freedom of length and actually having a story from beginning to end and not continuing the series forever while taking never to resolve anything like the nips love to do. You also get the whole deal at once instead of waiting for minutes of content each week.
That's like having played only Assassin's Creed and claiming all videogames are shit.
assassins creed isnt a shitty eroge though, at least you can fap to Fate characters
I'd love to see what's the best VNs have to offer because everything I've seen recommended in charts might as well be your average anime except now it's padded out and the shitty story changes if you pick different choices.
Do you not understand analogies?
Who are you qouting?
Ass Creed had decent story at first actually
can you fap to any assassins creed character?
Who dis?
Visual novels are only good for wank
mfw everything is completely terrible
I've seen multiple "VNs are not games" threads today, and during a thread about guessing game plots based off of poor descriptions, one autist kept replying with shit like
>Tsukihime isn't a game
>Fate isn't a game
even when those weren't what was being described. Did /jp/ bully you or something?
Danganronpa and Phoenix Wright would like to have a word with you.
Where's your face?
People play them for the story? I thought everyone just held down CTRL and jerked off to the sex scenes.
I played neko something vol.0 since it was 1 dollaroo on humble bundle
Holy shit was it boring. Not fap worthy either. and it lasted like 15 minutes. annoying "voice actors" constantly chirping in my ears and shrieking KyAAHHH! at every opportunity. Checked the steam page and it has 95% review. Astouding
>Did /jp/ bully you or something?
That may not be far from the truth. Sup Forums and /jp/ dropouts usually end up here. Actually dropouts from all boards usually end up here now that I think about it.
I only go to /jp/ for Elona since /rlg/ is too busy bitching about Crawl while still playing it nonstop.
/jp/ is circlejerk full of general faggotry and Sup Forums is waifufag central
Also, what would /jp/ bully me about? Not liking a fucking 2hu character?
So, they hurt your feelings.
Got it.
Keep projecting
Weeaboos have no self awareness
Ace Attorney was ok. DR was shit.
Because user it's a more detailed experience, unless you have ADHD or you are a teenager you should be able to read them without problem.
Take for example Fruits Of Grisaia only had one route summerized into 12 episodes and not much was understood due to pacing issues trying to summerized a 40 hour visual novel into 12 episodes.
You don't have to be so upset about it, user. We're here for you.
Typical smug shit eating weeb attitude
Please, calm down. It's not healthy for anyone to be in this harmful state of mind all the time.
>plays visual novels
try another website thats more feelings-friendly, no reason to brag to your friends that you browse le 4chins if it makes you feel bad
Welcome to moeshit with Sekai Project. God they are terrible publishers.
There's a lot of shit talking going on in here and I still haven't seen a single recommendation for a well-written VN.
Not him, but I can read tomes just fine. I even managed to read that Worm shit when people on Sup Forums kept bringing it up. I just have zero patience for what's the equivalent for nonstop text about faggot-kun describing how soft his little sister's breasts feel. Especially when the overall plot is only slightly better than its adaptation.
And you weeb cucks wonder why you have no friends lmao
but they do, considering that they have a ratings system.
I didn't know Sup Forums had decent taste.
>Ass Creed
>good story
No, you're just easily hooked. Play it again and you will see it is dogshit.