The best games I played on my PC were locked at 30 FPS

The best games I played on my PC were locked at 30 FPS.

FPS are a meme and only matter in shooting game which, guess what, are all trash.

Prove me wrong

If the best game you played on pc was link's shitty 100 hour long physics puzzle sidequest adventure I'd suggest you get some taste. Perhaps try moving up into more intelligent physics puzzle games like angry birds, then you can move onto portal, and possibly real games from there.

I didn't know you could be a tryhard by retard contrarian standards but there you go

I said games.

There's only 1 good pc game capped at 30 fps and i doubt you could even name it.


>real games
Like what?

FPS are a meme and only matter in shooting game which, guess what, are all trash.

Off the top of my head:
Fighting games
Driving games

Games with goals, plots, and purposes, accomplished by ever-increasing arsenals of tools and abilities through logical progression.
Not "here's the world, here are all of your abilities, here's the final boss, here's 1000 angry bird levels, go ham"

>prove me wrong
I can't, you are retarded. fps aren't a meme they make your gemplay better.

Doesn't melee run at 30

So can you name a few then?

now do that using only a half-A press

Wow Witcher fags sure are still salty about Botw redefining the open world genre

>he plays racing games and platformers at 30FPS

baka fampai

I could name a million
Command & conquer
Deus ex
etc etc

Paying FULL price for a game although you KNOW you are getting a dowgraded version with HALF the frames.
I will NEVER.EEEEVER understand why people do this.

>He plays racing games after need for speed underground 2

>shooting game which, guess what, are all trash.

BOTW is my goty btw.

Oh, Todd.

Are you unironically suggesting someone plays skyrimjob


>me after work.webm
I swear to Asuka, the best games nintendo has ever made never meant to have these movement options.

Most Wanted was better than UG2 though

bad example, forza horizon 3 runs like shit even on a GTX1080

I'm unironically suggestion skyrim manages to actually be a video game (barely), while botw is at best just angry birds in 3d.

Actually the games that benefit the most from high frame rate are action games, but literally every game is better with at least 60 FPS.

>Mario is allowed to have skill based gameplay that lets people express themselves
>Smash Bros isn't


actually the game got patched and it runs fine now outside of the fact that you have to use Win10 for it still

t. 970 user

Both Mario 64 and Sunshine were directed by Yoshiaki Koizumi who's been preaching how Mario games are all about speed and flow in movement.

You bet your fucking ass the guy wants you to play it this way.
First fucking game he has a major role in again features the same type of fluid and fast as fuck movement.

Gee I wonder why

Odissey moveset is confirmed for being limited already

Koizumi is the most talented director and producer at Nintendo.
Fuck. I want him to direct the next smash bros.

>loaded up BOTW on my cemu
>action game running at 30 fps
>my reaction when I have my first fight against a monster at 30 fps

30 fps may not be "unacceptable", I've played battle for middle earth at 30 fps locked, but BOTW is a fucking action combat game, it is literally unplayable at 30 fps.

Don't worry bro I'm bout to one up him.

Rocket League, you stupid cuck. Playing that at less than 60 literally degrades the quality of your control input. Get proved wrong kid. Git fucking gud. Sage this shitty thread.

Dear God, that is one salty child.

>wah wah, too much freedom, mother!
The point of letting you access the final boss right from the start is to give you a chance to get your ass kicked and then let you get better before returning.

If you don't like side quests, then how 'bout you, I dunno, don't do them? That's why they're called "side" quests. They're optional, champ.

I can't believe I'm responding to someone who's complaining about a game being too free and having too much additional content. This is what Sony's film festival of a library has done to today's teens.

>FPS are a meme and only matter in shooting game which, guess what, are all trash.
>posts a BOTW image
>its retarded
Yep checks out

Maybe if the game wasn't a fucking joke and you couldn't blast through the final boss within 5 hours there would be a purpose to a hundred hours of angry bird "Side quests"

I know you're probably baiting for some sweet fgc (you)'s but no Melee runs at 60.

Reddit is back over there you pretentious faggot. BotW is fucking shit. Plays like dick looks like dick. It's also a Ubisoft game with actual towers and an E3 downgrade. Might as well play Gayfaggots Creed.

Dragon's Dogma plays much better at 60fps
So does Vanquish
So does every fucking game that has some sort of action gamplay

Muh giant open world bullshit isn't meaningful content

>be wrong
>ask Sup Forums to prove you wrong

what did he mean by this?

>metal gear rising has this weird bug where full screen 1080p makes it run in 30fps
>don't know this and play like shit all the way until Sam fight
>get my ass kicked so hard that just before I ragequit since it seemed so impossible to win, I noticed it was in 30fps
>fix that shit, game now runs at silky smooth 60fps
>beat that nigger first try
>beat rest of game dying only once, game actually became fun and fair
Fuck off, 60fps makes a huge difference.

>Hans buys TWO balls of ice cream, both balls are Yoghurt flavor
>he pays 3 bucks
>The next customer is mike
>Mike buys ONE ball of ice cream, same store, same sized ball, same flavor and yet he had to also pay 3 bucks
>Hans happened to witness the whole thing and told mike that he got screwd over considering that He (Hans) also paid 3 bucks but he got TWICE the ammount of the Same exact ice cream
>Mike told him that he doesn't care and that he got used to paying full price for half the product
Fucking console gamers

>guy called Hans
>"ball" of ice cream
Foreigners are cute

FPS ain't a meme because you can have shitty input lag and input drops, it also doesn't look nice compared to 60 and 120, but hey, doesn't stop an action game from being good. Look at God Hand which runs at 30 fps

60fps is important when you are sitting very close to your viewing apparatus pwning noobs in heartstone.

Stable locked 30fps is fine if you are further away from your tv enjoying immersive single player games.

I can prove you wrong.

They don't matter in shooting. It would ideally matter nost when turning, because the framerate must split between 180 degrees, but guess what? Just like in real if you turn around it's not like you're actually paesing any information to do anything with those frames. FPS doesn't matter in any games. It holds back gameplay if anything by barraging you with information you don't need. See Heisenburg' s Uncertainty Principle.

And PC apologists I don't want to hear it and you passively telling me to forget it after you lose the argument about your fad. I already forgot it.

>food analogies

That was a terrible analogy, also I have no goddamn clue why you quoted me other than the fact that you expected me to suck you off after I read it.

Shit bait. Sage post to kill this thread faster anons. Reminder mass sage posting also kills shill threads and Sup Forums nonsense.

Words of truth always sound like lies to a sinner.

Sage bomb is a meme

Not him but you're trying to using a brick to fish

I agree that 30 fps is good enough, but I didn't enjoy BotW a lot. Too little unique content fot the size of the world.

Way to not know how eyeballs work despite living in the digital age. S A G E


>to give you a chance to get your ass kicked and then let you get better before returning.
how the fuck do you even die in a game where you can hold like fifty full heals

You just got gud through perseverance

>how the fuck do you even die in a game where you can hold like fifty full heals

One hit ko

You can process flashing images into what seems like contiguous video. There is a point of diminishing returns for how many images you can flash in a second, but typically the more images you flash the closer you to entirely convincing your brain you are seeing Actual Real Motion. This works like it does because your brain processes light hitting your retinas into an "image" aka sight. Thus, 60fps or higher is almost always preferable because guess what: it looks more real. basic shit user.

Then how come I beat him first try after not being able to get him to less than 80% in 30fps?
That doesn't explain shit you fucking retard, come on, keep """pretending""" to be retarded, cause I can't wait to call you a retard again when you reply with yet another attempt at an explanation.

Yes that's the entire fucking point, 60fps does fucking matter compared to 30fps, that's why I asked the retard who denied this to explain things.

You quoted my post asking me to explain you stupid nigger. This isn't Reddit, we're not in a comment chain.

>First try

But it wasn't your first try sweetie

Also you were more pumped up and focused because "muh 60fps I'm gonna kick his ass now"

meant to quote the sinner shit, my apologies. Take a laugh at this retard's reply as a "sorry-gift"

Too much freedom IS a bad thing though. Games (both physical and digital) are built around rules. If there's no challenge or restriction then it's not much of a game. It's more like an interactive theme park.

Oh no!
You called me names!

Surely I will now agree with you that it was the FPS after all

Truly great arguments sweetie

You should seriously consider what changes they've made and why.
You can't walljump out of a longjump is the only thing that slightly bothers me.
Everything else is completely intact or has been adjusted
since it could be heavily exploited when mixed up with the cappy jump you can create.

There's actual Mario 64 speedrunners who played Odyssey and loved the hell out of it.

Fuck outta here with your cynicism.

I think you meant to say they're built around objectives, not rules
A game without any rules wouldn't have any comprehensible gameplay, random shit would just happen randomly

Enjoy being a cripple Mario

But hey you can ride a Dino ;-)

What's with shitposters and using words like "sweetie" and "love"?
I feel like you're the same guy I called a retard a few days ago.
You say I don't have arguments, but your only arguments is "you probably just got better and lucky when you switched to 60fps" which is obviously bullshit.
You probably think it's funny and that I'm annoyed to the bone or some shit like pic related. I can't help but laugh at your retardedness.

I get 80 fps on ultra with a 1070 at 1440p

It's the newest buzzword to spam if you wanna shitpost. It's pretending like you're a condescending tumblrina, same as saying shitlord or toxic

stable 30fps are only acceptable on CRT's

Someday I'll develop the ability to fry someone's brain by getting super pissed off. SOMEDAY

>FPS are a meme and only matter in shooting game which, guess what, are all trash.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little Demon? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the UAC, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Hell, and I have over 30000 confirmed kills. I am trained in fist warfare and I’m the top berserker in the entire UAC armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Lost Deimos Base, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Spawning Vats? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Big Fucking Guns across the Base and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United Aerospace Corporation and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the plane, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, Satan.

not even real 3d lol

Placebo effect. Ganondorf is one of the worst characters in Smash Bros. but he sweeps noobs on For Glory cause of fear. Seeing the game differently made you less scared and more confident. It would have been the same if the graphics has been a tad different or you had surround sound.

False, the reason I was playing like shit was because I just couldn't time the parries right, but with the 60fps I parried perfectly 95% of the time, resulting in the first try win and the rest of the game being a walk in the park.

>fairy pops out
Besides this can only happen if you're effectively sequence breaking.

I can flurry rush or shield parry guardian lasers 100% of the time in cemu, even at 22fps


BotW would be better if it ran at 1080p and 60FPS. This is not debatable. It would also be better if it had less pop-in.

And if the gameplay wasn't shit

>BotW would be better if it ran at 1080p
I'm running it at 4k.

No you aren't.


I'd say fighting games and rhythm games also greatly benefit from 60 fps. But other than that the benefits are not that great, especially when you play with a controller you barely can tell the difference between 40 fps and 60 in some cases.


>still looks like a blurry jaggy mess
So this... is the power... of the pc...

not him but this is 4k zelda downscaled to 1680x1050

jaggies are ok

>jaggies are ok
I guess if you don't have standards


You can sequence break in a game that has no set sequences.

>plots, and purposes, accomplished by ever-increasing arsenals of tools and abilities through logical progression
That's Breath of the Wild though. Basically everything you do in that game aside from the main objective "Defeat Ganon" is in order increase your ever-increasing arsenal of tools and abilities through logical progression for the explicit purpose of finally defeating Ganon.

The problem is ganon is a joke and doesn't require any sort of preparation, ergo everything else in the game effectively is a waste of time with no purpose.

Nice to come back to Sup Forums after a few months to see anons still buttblasted over BotW. Will it ever end?

>Will it ever end?
Sure, when nintendo goes back to making real zelda games, instead of angry birds shrines in the land of minecraft.

You don't know that until you face him, and by that point you will likely have already geared up for the moment. I do wish they made ganon more difficult, but that's zelda games for you.

>Locked to 30 fps
Name 10 games
>Fps is a meme
t. poorfag

I'll take that as a 'no'. Stay mad.