Dark Souls

>Buy Dark Souls 2
>Have no fucking clue where to go
>Wandering around Majula
>NPCs don't make any sense
>Try to kill the pigs in the corner
>They have extremely high health and damage
>Find some forest area
>It's the same with other enemies, all just have high health and high damage
>Realise the game is just a grind fest with no directions on where to go or what to do
>Only way to get through an area is to watch a youtube video on how

So the only hard thing about this game is no sense of direction and enemies with high health and attack damage.

Explain how this game is good.

Pic related is where i have been for the last 2 hours.

Git gud

Get rid of the scimitar it does shit damage early

I have the entire game committed to memory

>these are the people that go "muh artificial difficulty"
>these are the people that will go LMAO THIS GAME IS EASY NORMIE SHIT the second they beat it 90 hours later

Don't bother with Dark Souls 2, just go play the others. Such a forgettable game, I don't remember a single fucking boss except for the Chariot Skeleton.

SotFS or just DS2? if its the latter then get Scholar. Otherwise why are you complaining? When you first arrived at the Firelink Shrine, how did you know where to go?

>the others
why? the second half of DS1 is garbage and 3 is the most forgettable by far. Even huge parts of BB are extremely weak and like DS2 its only saved by its DLC

Dark souls 2 may not have been so great, but god damn I love that chainmail set, even more so then DS1 elite knight set.

Cheers bro, I'll drink to that
Have i picked the worst one to start with? I really want to like this series.
It's Scholar. The very first area (The tutorial basically) was easy to get through. There was pretty much only one way to go. Now that I'm in Majula, I have no clue and i don't want to watch youtube vids on how to get through an area.

I'm complaining because the game give you no sence of direction or what to do. I don't want to be spoonfed when i play a game but this is just kinda ridiculous. I want to explore other areas but i need to lvl up and i don't know where to start first.
There is nothing saying where to go or what to do. I don't know what my goal is in the game and it feels like I'm missing content.

Play the games in order of release. You'll have a much better experience, I promise you.

There's no point in leaving Majula, you completed the game, endgame is right there.

You don't need to level up. If you've never played a Souls game before, what you need to do is become comfortable with the mechanics. Yeah, you'll die a lot at the beginning, but once you understand your weapon's moveset and learn to read attacks to realize when to dodge, you'll naturally become better. Don't look up guides, even if you get stuck. That takes all the sense of exploration and wonder out of the game. You can go anywhere at the beginning, but the forest area is probably where the majority of the players go first.

the good:
Eleum Loyce
Balanced gameplay
runs smoother than DS1

the bad:
8-directional movement
parrying feels off
some of the weapon attacks dont feel strong.

Thanks, this helps alot.

>8-directional movement
jesus christ, now I can see why the controls sucked, glad I pirated it first instead of headdiving into buying it

No problem. I can understand where you are coming from, I started with Dark Souls 1 and it took me three attempts to really get into the game, but when I finally did it was a blast.

>grind fest
>no direction to go

>needing to grind in a souls game
Unless you're farming upgrade materials or something, you really do need to git gud.

>the game give you no sence of direction
there is only one route you can take, if youre confused trial and error until you find it but there is honestly only one way you can go at the beginning of the game


These are the fucking people who cry that DS2 is bad and don't even know shit about the game

You sound like the retards which need big arrows to point out where they need to go.

Easiest run I ever had was a fist weapon only run. Not even being a dick. Try it, even DLC is smoother.

Yea, DS3 is the normie tier entry level Souls, DS2 is advanced tier so that most people give up and shitpost here about it

OP you are fucking retarded

>Ennemy in the forest have high health and dammage

What the fuck did they add in sotfs's forest ? There is only undead in the first version

You are retarded.

what? I loved Scholar and when you get to majula there is only one way to go. The other routes are blocked off or result in you dying trying to get there. Or did I miss something?

soft puts one of those Ogre enemies on the very first river, before bonfire. Bet he doesn't attack you unless you walk up very close to him or attack him, otherwise it's pretty much the same

>"OP are you retarded"
>has no idea what he's taking about

Sup Forums shitposter in a nutshell

Oh cool, a DaS2 thread. I started it recently as well. I keep dying like a retard at No Man's Wharf, I lit the fire and rang the bell for the ship, and now I can't get to the bloody ship because I always find a place to fuck up at.
I'm rolling a Great Lance/Winged Spear. The durability system's kind of fucking arse but the game actually runs at 60 FPS unlike DaS1 so it feels way more responsive. Also, lance aesthetics.

>plays for 15 minutes
gee, it sure is summer around here

This. People hate it because the enemies start to have the same advantage as you.
>wahh, why does these guys actually turn their bodies to attack me, why can't they just attack mindlessly like all the other guys
>waahhh, why are these guys shooting arrows and magic at me, why can't they just stop and fight me in melee where I'm at an advantage
>waah, why do all these guys gang up on me when I mindlessly run in and Afro them all at once, why can't they just stand still until attack them
Dark Souls 2 haters are the worst

>literal baby gets stuck in the starting area of a game and whines about how bad it is
DSP? Is that you?

Forrest, Heides Tower, Dwell, road to the winter shrine blocked by the statue girl and later the miracle girl unlocks another path for 2000 souls

They didnt add anything besides a few more hollows around the tree after you climb a ladder which are only a threat if you run like a retard to the middle of obviously hollows laying down, they actually removed the heide's knight in SotFS from there, so there really isn't any challenging enemy in the forest besides the troll that you can easily ignore.

Buy Dark Souls
>Have no fucking clue where to go
>Wandering around Firelink
>NPCs don't make any sense
>Try to kill the skeletons in the graveyard
>They have extremely high health and damage
>Find some city
>It's the same with other enemies, all just have high health and high damage
>Realise the game is just a grind fest with no directions on where to go or what to do
>Only way to get through an area is to watch a youtube video on how

So the only hard thing about this game is no sense of direction and enemies with high health and attack damage.

Explain how this game is good.

Yeah I'm serious, I don't know where to go.
I don't need to be spoonfed but there is nothing saying where to go. Even some guy saying "Go north" would be good enough.
The forest isn't hard but once i got the them white knights it was a bit full on. My attacks do no damage to them.
I completed the forest area but now I'm stuck with no where to go. It feels like I'm missing content of the game.

You did open the dock shortcut, right? And then the door shortcut? After that, it's a quick run.

*btw: We are talking about paths FROM majula, not TO

You can go to forest of the fallen giants, that's where most people go first.
You can go Heides tower.
In Heides tower you can talk to praying chick that opens passage to huntman's corpse.
Those are the obvious ones. You can jump in to the pit with right build too

>boy, these enemies are kicking my ass
>maybe i should try going somewhere else?
>no, it's the enemies who are wrong

How does it feel being actually autistic? Asking for a friend.

What do you mean you "completed" the forest area? no you didn't if you did the game would have took you to the next area, did you even kill any boss up until now?

It's not that difficult I bought it at release and I never got stuck without watching guides.

I bought the game for reasons you listed but that isn't happening in Majula and watching videos or looking up guides to get through areas doesn't appeal to me

You can run to the ship easily, if those giant arms monsters are giving you trouble just light a torch and they will run away from you while holding one.

He probably doesn't know about the crowd nest.

it rewards exploration
a gameplay-mechanic that is abandoned in most games nowaydays

>completed the forest area
If you did, you'd be in the next zone.

Forgot image

crow's nest is not the only way to go, user

Play online and read the messages left behind.

yeah, thats what I said. Its his first playthrough of DS2 so his only option from Majula is the Forest

>"I have nothing else to say but i really want attention, better call him autistic"
There was no boss for me, like i keep saying the game feels like it's missing content.
Should i have played DS1 first?

No you can also go through heides tower, the enemies are tougher but there's less of them and the boss is a lot easier.

Sounds like you're fucking trash, OP. Talking to the Emerald Herald and Crestfallen literally explain everything you need to know. Where to go, how online works even.

It is from Forest of Giants. You either hit up the crow's nest or you go back to Majula and take another way. If he "finished" the forest of giants, then crows nest would be his only option out of there.

>There was no boss for me, like i keep saying the game feels like it's missing content.
Then you haven't finished the zone yet. You clearly didn't explore enough, the forest area isn't even very confusing.

Before playing ds2 I finished ds1 but still you only need to go forward, where exactly are you right now? did you at least find a ladder that takes you to an area full of undead?

this is his forst playthough of his first souls game. the Forest is his only option but I didnt know you could go to the pit right away. thanks

So you do need an online map to play it...
Try tongue butt. Nothing helpful just memes.
I tried Heides tower but couldn't even damage the knights. I tried just running through and the door was blocked.

Stop with this bullshit. Heide's tower is perfectly doable as a first timer. Even with the added dragon.

>No you can also go through heides tower
well, time to reinstall Scholar

Nah, it's just very simple mistakes like not dodging that ninja enemy in time, plus I lit the giant lantern with the lockstone.
Also, was there supposed to be a way to get to the loot on the other side of the valley-thing in the forest? It almost looks like you could jump there from the branch, but it felt too risky to try.
I must say, I fucking loved that area. It was sprawling and entertaining like Sen's Fortress. The ballista room caught me completely off-guard.

please refer to

>So you do need an online map to play it...
No you don't need a fucking map to play it. That map wont even help you, I just posted it to show locations I was talking about

>couldn't even damage the knights
don't hit their shield?

This thread retarded ass bait

lack of retarded area interconnection is good enough

>Try tongue butt. Nothing helpful just memes.
yeah, thats all anyone said when i first played around 2 years ago. nice to see nothing has changed.

Come on. I started as a fucking deprived and even I was able to make it through Heide's my first time. OP is evidently a special kind of special if he gets lost in the first area of the game.

No it doesn't.
It's not confusing, I just don't know when i have finished it and running back and forth doesn't appeal to me. Infact back and forth missions are usually just filler for games.
I'm trying to get the statue to move. Some guy keeps saying "Stare at it for long enough and it almost seems alive" I'm thinking you have to stare at the statue but that's not working.
I was hitting them everywhere and even tried running straight through

There's two bosses. Did you beat two bosses?

>implying you didn't refer to online guides

>Thread is made by obvious bait or a complete retard (can't even explore a linear path).
>Anti-DaS2 people are still agreeing with the guy
I understand not liking the game but are you people even reading what this guy is complaining about.

Im just going to start again, I have clearly fucked up somewhere. This time I'll try exploring better

Seems like getting better is an option.

>Not knowing where to go
Only an issue where there is a "right path"

DS2 may be the worst in the series by a large margin, but that isn't one of its problems. You have four ways out of majula? Docks, copse, fallen Giants, and technically the gutter?

Any of those are doable first so literally the only "getting lost" you can do is bring with in majula

I have vanilla dark souls 2

How the fuck do I farm bell keeper covenant kills?!?!

Why would you even want to?

No online guide on release, user. It helps that in Dark souls 2, the giant knights can damage each other. Lead them all to the broken staircase and dodge and they'll all fall in the water. One on one, they're all very easy to dodge and kill, even with a shitty shield. Only hard part was running out of durability with my dagger halfway through and having to switch to a broken sword. It's just one run to raise the platform, then another to kill the boss. Then another to kill dragonslayer. It took me about 10-12 tries, but it's easily doable if you have any starting gear at all.

I did it long time ago on 360 but aren't you supposed to kill that red phantom what spawns only in offline mode or something?

>Dont know when I finished it
Each path ends in a super Lord boss soul. If you haven't gotten that you aren't done.

keep in mind Souls has gained huge popularity because a lot of people think its the most difficult series ever made. Its a far cry from Bethesda, Ubisoft and the Arkham games.

is there a psychological term for people that are incapable of figuring stuff out without specific instructions, objectives, maps, waypoint markers? ds2 was meant to be a casualisation of the series

OP READ THIS: You need to go through the forest FIRST don't go anywhere else once you are in the forest just keep going forward, ignore whatever statue you were talking about before, to "unlock" it you need a special item that you can only find later in the game

Did you at least meet Patches?

This bait? Or are you 12? The last time I got lost in a game was when I was 10 or so, it really takes a low iq to get lost in games anymore. Anyway, it's the only good game of the series, it has the most diverse builds viable, parrying actually takes skill and works, back stabs actually work and aren't as easy to spam as in 1, attack timings on enemies are balanced, hit boxes work the best (especially compared to 3), challenges in different and traditional ways, some of the best bosses in the series (I'd say that's its only weak spot compared to the others)

You're just stupid, this is why every other game tells you exactly where to go because idiots like you complain when left to your own devices.

To get to the other zone with loot you need to open this door first, also on your way to the ship on the wooden bridge that leads to the ship there is other way to the right where you can lower and second bridge to make a shortcut between the bonfire and the ship

yes, it's called lack of spatial awareness or topographical disorientation

Trying to %100 all the souls games

Dark souls 1,2 and bloodborne are done

Problem is you kids these days need a quest marker to tell you what to do at any given time and need baby-easy enemies to drop powerful equipment/loot to progress forward.

Dark Souls is more like "classic" games where you actually have to explore on your own and use the game's mechanics to your advantage

Im complaining about the only hard part of the game is enemies with ridiculously high health and damage and there's no indication of where to go or what to do. You could make pokemon a souls game by doing exactly that.
It doesn't make the game hard like people said just confusing and a grindfest. The enemies all have the same moves so far so it's just tedious to attack, roll and repeat every time there's an enemy. It's also obvious the enemy locations as well. Can't see what's around the corner? There's an enemy there and one coming behind you.

When people said this game was hard i thought they meant the enemy's had unpredictable attacks, not OP and high health.

I played DS2 first on the PS4, I gotta ask you veterans, did the blue covenant ever work? Seems really stupid to not have a blue orb and just using cracked ones.

you haven't even passed first area yet or killed the first boss. All enemies you fought are undead, what the fuck are you even on about?

Enemies die in 2-3 hits with most weapons in the beginning, wtf are you talking about?

It's a waste of time just use the red orb, it's very rare to get summoned as a blue phantom.

He's baiting. Hur dur I'm pretending to be retarded for (you)s le epic trollz guise xD

Did it explain all this in the first one? I've been playing it like i have to kill everything.
Thanks man, this helps alot
Is that the blacksmith? I found his key
Read the thread dickheads.

I started at with Dark souls release and it took me months to get past the capra demon. Ornstein and Smough took me 30+ tries too.

Dark souls 2 being my third souls (played demon souls) I ran through the game with no shirt and fists, I fucked those knights up at Heides Tower. Get good OP if not b8, it's rewarding.

>tfw almost at Rom in Bloodbourne and haven't died yet
Delicious but I think my my streak wil l end soon.

The pigs, The fat things in the forest and the knights. All very predictable and all take ages to kill. If all these have the same predictable and repetitive attacks then i can only assume all the rest do.

Other new guy here, admittedly, the first daggers are kind of dogshit (I started with explorer), I cheered when I got the broken sword and was fucking overjoyed when I got the basic shortsword.
