Dead or Alive

>Sup Forums hates Nyotengu now

How did this happen?

I wanna fuck her



The reason the threads and the series were popular is because they were on PC. Release the newest game on PC and Sup Forums will love her again.

she has a fucking mole

We never liked her

Nobody hates her. There are just better girls.


But she's my favorite fighter.






No there aren't, shitlord

Nyo is the thinking man's doa.

These two are not thinking men.


Where do I find this lewd folder of Nyo?


Is it just me, or is her head too small?

Í want to see her have angry lesbian sex with Bayonetta with constant fighting over dominance


How do I play this game is there a download?


I want to tweak those nipples.

Real, legimate question: Do any of the DOA girls have actual personalities or are they solely T&A?

Can i get some chocolate posting, it's all my dick wants these days.

The newer ones not so much.




You are an insecure faggot that took a few comments against Nyo to heart. That's what happened.



He's posting lewd images of women I'm pretty sure he's not a faggot.

Pretty sure that is not what a faggot would do huh

When is Sup Forums going to become a nsfw board. It's such an arbitrary rule.
>naked woman are totally fine as long as the nipples and genitals are covered
As if my boss would be okay with seeing me looking at any of this on the clock.

Low-res boob and nipple shadow, man.

God damn
