He picks female characters because he doesn't want to stare at a man's ass all game

>he picks female characters because he doesn't want to stare at a man's ass all game
>he picks male characters because he's "secure about his sexuality"
>he doesn't pick female characters for their superior customization options so you can play dress-up

>he buys a game just to play dress up

Men don't play dress up you little queer.

>I dun want to stare at guys booties!
>Whow now, if you pick a character the same gender as you you're just insecure about your sexuality.

Sorry, buy guys who pick girls in games are just weird. That's representation of you in game and you want it to be basically trans.

1st- I pick males to self-insert and marry my waifus
2nd- You have a source?

>He does not give a fuck about the character's gender
>Just about their abilities
>See also Diablo 2

men dont like looking at attractive women you faggot

Sounds legit, it's very well known true men like to suck dick, i mean we are in 2017.

Pretty much in Pokemon
Male characters get shafted in custom options while girls get a much larger selection of certain clothes and also hairstyles. As an example in SM, guys get around 5(?) pairs of socks, while girls get more than triple that. In XY it was even worse because it was spread to more clothes (although customization in that game was dogshit due to the ugly, blurry looking chibi models).

I don't know why you guys are always searching for runabout arguments for this.
I just want to BE the little girl.

I like playing as a big muscly dude because it feels badass. Only beta males play as females.

desu I suck cocks and don't choose girls

I know someone who bought Team Fortress 2 for exactly this reason.
He (back then) 9 year-old daughter did enjoy this too.

>he cares about what gender others play as
And that's how I know you are the biggest faggot around

i just pick whoever i want.

>playing FFXIV
>oh cool my archer has a new skill
>plays an instrument with the most feminine animation
It triggered me so hard, I deleted my male character and made a female. I can't be a manly Bard.

It's actually saddening/sickening to see that men are groomed to hate themselves so much by society that they seek escapism through becoming virtual women.

They try to defend themselves, using the "staring at man ass" argument. They are so staunch and in denial, that they "refuse to play as a male", because to them, that would mean acknowledging that they are a flambouyant homosexual for being attracted to a male ass in the first place, and not being able to focus on the game itself for its own merits, due to such sexual attraction.

So they use as a mask this to "cover-up" said secret desires, and to pre-emptively harass others who disagree with them, in order to win a fictional argument with themselves about their own sexuality. It is a means of overcompesation, as if to say, "see see I'm not gay, I j-just like to stare at ass". When deep down, in all reality, there is no denial that they wish to be the girl themselves, and do not even stare at said ass they claim to be so passionate about.

You can see this by the numerous seasoned posters who are past "the point of denial", that already claim the REAL reason they want to play as a female protagonist, they want to be the woman.

This, I don't get why you guys argue about it so much, I just want to be the girl and that's all there is to it.

what if i just play both depending on what i feel like at the time

must suck to care that much

>"oh yeah i feel so badass looking at big sweaty muscular dudes, i love sucking their cocks it makes me feel so badass dude"

Loli > Old Guy > Boy > Old Hag > Man > Woman

>he plays dress-up
Have you ruined your parents life by telling them you're gay, yet?

It's actually saddening/sickening to see that men are groomed to hate themselves so much by society that they seek escapism through becoming virtual women.

They try to defend themselves, using the "staring at man ass" argument. They are so staunch and in denial, that they "refuse to play as a male", because to them, that would mean acknowledging that they are a flambouyant homosexual for being attracted to a male ass in the first place, and not being able to focus on the game itself for its own merits, due to such sexual attraction.

So they use as a mask this to "cover-up" said secret desires, and to pre-emptively harass others who disagree with them, in order to win a fictional argument with themselves about their own sexuality. It is a means of overcompesation, as if to say, "see see I'm not gay, I j-just like to stare at ass". When deep down, in all reality, there is no denial that they wish to be the girl themselves, and do not even stare at said ass they claim to be so passionate about.

You can see this by the numerous seasoned posters who are past "the point of denial", that already claim the REAL reason they want to play as a female protagonist, they want to be the woman

TG fetish a best

Just because I want to be a female with a giant horse futa cock in a video game doesn't mean I'm weird faggot

It's actually saddening/sickening to see that men are groomed to hate themselves so much by society that they seek escapism through becoming virtual women.

They try to defend themselves, using the "staring at man ass" argument. They are so staunch and in denial, that they "refuse to play as a male", because to them, that would mean acknowledging that they are a flambouyant homosexual for being attracted to a male ass in the first place, and not being able to focus on the game itself for its own merits, due to such sexual attraction.

So they use as a mask this to "cover-up" said secret desires, and to pre-emptively harass others who disagree with them, in order to win a fictional argument with themselves about their own sexuality. It is a means of overcompesation, as if to say, "see see I'm not gay, I j-just like to stare at ass". When deep down, in all reality, there is no denial that they wish to be the girl themselves, and do not even stare at said ass they claim to be so passionate about.

You can see this by the numerous seasoned posters who are past "the point of denial", that already claim the REAL reason they want to play as a female protagonist, they want to be the woman..

>not making two save files so you can have a male and female character

anyone that makes a bunch of different characters, both male and female?

I bet this shit was drawn by a man.

old hag should be last. Unless you are a 40 something guild mom, nobody plays them

It's actually saddening/sickening to see that men are groomed to hate themselves so much by society that they seek escapism through becoming virtual women.

They try to defend themselves, using the "staring at man ass" argument. They are so staunch and in denial, that they "refuse to play as a male", because to them, that would mean acknowledging that they are a flambouyant homosexual for being attracted to a male ass in the first place, and not being able to focus on the game itself for its own merits, due to such sexual attraction.

So they use as a mask this to "cover-up" said secret desires, and to pre-emptively harass others who disagree with them, in order to win a fictional argument with themselves about their own sexuality. It is a means of overcompesation, as if to say, "see see I'm not gay, I j-just like to stare at ass". When deep down, in all reality, there is no denial that they wish to be the girl themselves, and do not even stare at said ass they claim to be so passionate about.

You can see this by the numerous seasoned posters who are past "the point of denial", that already claim the REAL reason they want to play as a female protagonist, they want to be the woman...

Are you not aware that most artists in Japan are women?
Even Compile Heart is like, 90% women.

You all really got a chip on your shoulder about this stuff.

It's actually saddening/sickening to see that men are groomed to hate themselves so much by society that they seek escapism through becoming virtual women.

They try to defend themselves, using the "staring at man ass" argument. They are so staunch and in denial, that they "refuse to play as a male", because to them, that would mean acknowledging that they are a flambouyant homosexual for being attracted to a male ass in the first place, and not being able to focus on the game itself for its own merits, due to such sexual attraction.

So they use as a mask this to "cover-up" said secret desires, and to pre-emptively harass others who disagree with them, in order to win a fictional argument with themselves about their own sexuality. It is a means of overcompesation, as if to say, "see see I'm not gay, I j-just like to stare at ass". When deep down, in all reality, there is no denial that they wish to be the girl themselves, and do not even stare at said ass they claim to be so passionate about.

You can see this by the numerous seasoned posters who are past "the point of denial", that already claim the REAL reason they want to play as a female protagonist, they want to be the woman.

It's actually saddening/sickening to see that men are groomed to hate themselves so much by society that they seek escapism through becoming virtual women.

They try to defend themselves, using the "staring at man ass" argument. They are so staunch and in denial, that they "refuse to play as a male", because to them, that would mean acknowledging that they are a flambouyant homosexual for being attracted to a male ass in the first place, and not being able to focus on the game itself for its own merits, due to such sexual attraction.

So they use as a mask this to "cover-up" said secret desires, and to pre-emptively harass others who disagree with them, in order to win a fictional argument with themselves about their own sexuality. It is a means of overcompesation, as if to say, "see see I'm not gay, I j-just like to stare at ass". When deep down, in all reality, there is no denial that they wish to be the girl themselves, and do not even stare at said ass they claim to be so passionate about.

You can see this by the numerous seasoned posters who are past "the point of denial", that already claim the REAL reason they want to play as a female protagonist, they want to be the woman...

I play female characters exclusively when I'm playing MMO's because like to dress them like sluts.

I play male character exclusively on all other genres.

The developers and writers of Compile Heart are men, dumbass. The women just managed to shit out some sameface moeblobs.

Old hags are fun to play assuming they're the only other choice I got. If I can't make them look young, I make them look super old.
Depending on the game I usually make them thieves with a focus on poison.

It's actually saddening/sickening to see that men are groomed to hate themselves so much by society that they seek escapism through becoming virtual women.

They try to defend themselves, using the "staring at man ass" argument. They are so staunch and in denial, that they "refuse to play as a male", because to them, that would mean acknowledging that they are a flambouyant homosexual for being attracted to a male ass in the first place, and not being able to focus on the game itself for its own merits, due to such sexual attraction.

So they use as a mask this to "cover-up" said secret desires, and to pre-emptively harass others who disagree with them, in order to win a fictional argument with themselves about their own sexuality. It is a means of overcompesation, as if to say, "see see I'm not gay, I j-just like to stare at ass". When deep down, in all reality, there is no denial that they wish to be the girl themselves, and do not even stare at said ass they claim to be so passionate about.

You can see this by the numerous seasoned posters who are past "the point of denial", that already claim the REAL reason they want to play as a female protagonist, they want to be the woman..

I pick a female character because I spent 100% of my time alone by myself so I like to spend my time in an imaginary world in the presence of an attractive woman more than another man

>B-But there are some men too!

You don't say

I wish to be the little girl, plain and simple. If you're not feeling that gtfo.

It's actually saddening/sickening to see that men are groomed to hate themselves so much by society that they seek escapism through becoming virtual women.

They try to defend themselves, using the "staring at man ass" argument. They are so staunch and in denial, that they "refuse to play as a male", because to them, that would mean acknowledging that they are a flambouyant homosexual for being attracted to a male ass in the first place, and not being able to focus on the game itself for its own merits, due to such sexual attraction.

So they use as a mask this to "cover-up" said secret desires, and to pre-emptively harass others who disagree with them, in order to win a fictional argument with themselves about their own sexuality. It is a means of overcompesation, as if to say, "see see I'm not gay, I j-just like to stare at ass". When deep down, in all reality, there is no denial that they wish to be the girl themselves, and do not even stare at said ass they claim to be so passionate about.

You can see this by the numerous seasoned posters who are past "the point of denial", that already claim the REAL reason they want to play as a female protagonist, they want to be the woman...

You just made up 90% on the spot. Did you actually look at the credits?