What game has the best graphics right now?
What game has the best graphics right now?
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TW3 with 4k Mods.
Breath of the Wild
Looks like Battlefront 2 is close,especially with the sub surface scattering and fog lightning.
BF1 and Battlefront
This. TW3 is one of those games that look amazing in motion. The way the trees sway in the wind and everything about the sound design.
Nice meme. Terrain alone looks like shit in the distance.
Game's fun though, I'll give you that :^)
The teaser looked really good back in 2014
but how does BF1 look ingame
I know Battlefront ain't too shabby, even on my toaster, the beta ran at a steady 60fps with everything on high, just so you know, my computer can't even run BF3 without dropping sub-60 if anything is superior to medium
Hopefully, with those new, more powerful consoles we'll get better grahpics
I'll be damn
f7 looks way better than 6
There is no Crysis this gen that towers over everything else
There is just a handful that are around the best looking
Battlefront, Battlefield 1, Horizon Zero Dawn, Uncharted 4, Hunter: Call of the Wild, Ryse, Crysis 3, Quantum Break, Watch Dogs 2, Ghost Recon Wildlands, Forza Horizon 3, Rise of the Tomb Raider
Quantum Break technically has the best lighting by far though
Crysis 3 is old, yet it's one of the best looking games out there if you play it on PC
Halo 2
those stickers
Battlefront 1/2 just in terms of how realistic it looks. The Star Wars artstyle helps.
>The clone troopers in BF2 look better than they did in Attack of the clones and Revenge of the Sith
batman arkham knight looks good
define best cause a 100$ diecast car looks more realistic than the ones on your pic
this one
What's with the awful screen shake
and the opimization for PC will be absolute dogshit, just like FH3.
this for foliage
this for in game art assets like buildings and environments
AK was the best looking at the time of release, poorfag pcfags cried because their amd / ati couldnt run it
modded stalker still got it
what mods?
I love BoTW but I can admit the graphics are not on par with today's standards
>AK was the best looking at the time of release
Nah, it does look great in 4K, but i would say Crysis 3 & Ryse were better looking
Forza Apex runs great and Forza Horizon 3 has been fixed and runs good now since the last update.
>Forza Horizon 3 has been fixed and runs good now since the last update.
i would comment on it, but my game literally crashes on startup since the latest update.
What mods you running user? And what stalker game you playing? I'm new to stalker mods.
Looks like shit
Shit, this Stalker looks amazing as fuck!
Not my problem :^)
>good graphics
Lost Alpha is quite pretty for a modded 2007 game
THat looks absolutely horrible though.
I stopped caring about graphics when i was 14
Also i wish Naughty Dog added sharpening to the game like in this screenshot, the game was so blurry even on Pro due to the TAA
Talos Principle
>muh cutscene
kek, p cuck tears
russell's enb with the alt colour palette and a bit of tweaking. Also reshade at the same time for AO.
For SOC but don't use it unless you have played all the games.
I had to fight it every step of the way to get enb running before it wouldn't start with enb installed after a bit.
Sucks but o well. Also the config file for this mod was fucked, the game looked terrible before I changed everything. enb works with vanilla mods fine, as long as there are no shader mods, disable them.
It's too much contrast, but in default game with no mods it looks good.
That gun also looks terrible and the contrast between the textures and shitty foliage pops out too much
Thread was doing just fine
>Sonybro Comes In
When can we expect a car list from Forza 7?
>700 cars
I'm fucking hyped bros
well the guys behind the mod came out with a new weapon update that removes them
thats some nice 2013 graphics you got there man
\atleast when submitting evidence why something should be "BEST LOOKING EVER" to not out yourself as a completely blind fucking pleb
uncharted has decent mo caps and good art design, but its not the best looking, its good at deceiving plebs by rendering a small hot box full of high poly models thatll never appear once during actual gameplay
really no one?
>forza 7 released in 2017
>looks worse than 2014 game released on ps4
So this is the power of xbox x
what game
They rewrote the source code and added a lot of elements from CoP and I believe they added some other things too
Sure keep cherrypicking, cuck
I kinda wish Polyphony Digital got his shit back together and made Gran Turismo great again, GT Sport seems to be on par with 5 in terms of dissapointment considering the amount of time it needs to release
skyrim 2
It's running on cop x ray engine
filename retard
Ryse on PC in 4k probably. or Forza Horizon 3 on PC. But Forza 7 will take the crown definitely.
its evidence you provided
and you keep stopping at set pieces where no gameplay actually happens
the hunter game looks 10x better and is actually in game 100% and has been rendering foliage way better than uncharted series for like 5-10 years
never heard of it. is it any good
>Nurburgring in a 60fps racing sim doesn't look as good as some fantasy track with foliage everywhere + rain drops covering up everywhere in a 30fps arcade racer
WELL COLOR ME SHOCKED, meanwhile, without the rain..
you're insufferable and delusional and you've been shilling for months now
excuse me? Could you repeat that again? did you say you...hadn't heard of my game?
Why are PC cucks so triggered by anyone posting Uncharted 4?
>where no gameplay happens
damn, that's cheating
no wonder it looks good in photo mode
>player car looks great
>non player car in front is flat and last gen looking
We're doing this again, Turn10?
really? And the new one looks amazing
theres no point in wasting resources for that
why are psfags posting the same photomode set piece shit over and over again?
1-man dev beats AAA studios.
what city builder for ps2 is this?
I've been playing the shit out of this game and its gorgeous on max settings but it really suffers over very long distances and grass draw distance cannot be set as far as I would like. Still looks insanely good for a no name AA hunting game.
I mean, I get why it's done the way it is but I play in hood/bumper cam so I'm just being a sourpuss
What are you trying to prove? It still looks better than Forza 7 4k 'graphics'.
Forza 7 looks like mobile game when compared with Driveclub.
I don't know about the overall best but W3 is probably the best graphics I've seen in an open-world game
do you seriously think that amalgamation of mud huts is somewhat the pinnacle of graphics
that image you posted isnt a city builder, its called uncharted, but i do agree with you, it looks like a ps2 game
Try posting without bullshot mode like
Driveclub and Uncharted both look like ass. WipEout is where it's at.
Lmao fucking Driveclub is the still the best looking driving game 2 years later
You mean just like PC fags keep spamming fucking Crysis 1 to this very day and nobody bats an eye?
Answer the question, since you're obviously one of those triggered people
I'm really curious why seeing Uncharted 4 upsets you
All of them look amazing but they all also have character models so awful they ruin that
It sticks out so bad, those detailed and life like areas and those awful looking people
Also the voice acting is garbage
it's not the same car, that amg gt looks fine
This has got to be the single worst attempt at showcasing graphics I have ever seen.
>footage from drive club
>footage from my cheap dash cam aimed at the ground
Driveclub looks like absolute trash when you remove all the weather effects covering up how bad it looks.
>30FPS racing game
Trash, 30FPS works for many games but not a fucking racing game.
Maybe Forza 23 will come close to Driveclub.
only a benchmark but one day
No photography you fucking cheater
because the guy posting the uncharted 4 screenshots is obnoxious and wont listen to people about his own fault
no one doubts that uncharted 4 is one of the best looking game to come out in years but that seems to think that the game is the pinnacle
also crysis gets called out since you need to a modded crysis 1 to really ooze out the graphical potential