Monster Hunter World is looking AMAZING
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And there will be more footage in HD later today from twitter posts
It's engineered SPECIFICALLY to cater to your stupid gaijan ass
it looks horrible they have ruined monster hunter
waaaaaait a minute. Did that fool just INSTANTLY pick up materials while he was running? Looked like he snatched honey and bugs without stopping (or a net).
Why japs can't into graphics?
At least Rathalos looks less annoying, it was trying to tackle and close-range fire spray the hunter when it was flying instead of constantly flying back and shooting fireballs. Here is also to hoping Brave Switch Axe will become base Switch Axe since Hammer got it's Adept Charges
Then don't play it, faggot. I'd be happy to play this game knowing your purenipponREEEEE autism and your like won't be in it.
literal obsession
Crapcom will bring this game incomplete???
>More mounting shenanigans than the French
>All that running
sad bois
>the shitty shops on those consolewar hats
poor effort user
>tfw projared said flexing was stupid
dont worry, this game is going to bomb hard
you're going to be the only one playing it
slightly higher quality footage here
For someone who played the shit out of dragon's dogma but only touched Portable 3rd like five years ago, footage looks fun as fuck, especially that sexy bow action.
>Mounting and silly anime jump attacks were called shitty mechanics when MH was on Nintendo consoles
>Suddenly all of them are the best mechanics ever when a PS game has them
>no cooking music
>it's a completely different game so it's good
This is the type of person Capcom is attempting to pander to
MH combat is fucking shit imo, why the fuck implement a targeting system?
>Remember traps, mounting and running after a monster?
>Let's replace the actual gameplay with that
Kek, fucking God Eater 3 is going to be better than this shitstorm.
does fireblight get stronger over time now? It looks like it started draining HP as fast as dire poison right before he broke the dam
How the hell is it a completely different game?
Go and suck iwats rotting dead dick already, maybe he will squeeze out some cummies that you can turn into pikmin 4
It actually does look pretty different. A lot more emphasis on traps and using the environment than previous games. I mean, items and traps were always an element, but most items are just foreplay to actually fighting the monster. I felt like the whole start of that segment was him luring the monster around so that he could trap him and mount him, and then he was just running for 5 minutes to a better position again.
>notches are gone on health/stamina meters
>weapons display inflated raw instead of true raw
why do they keep doing this? Those were actually good changes
>Anime is gone!
This looks fun as fuck.
that looks badass, i want to see the switchaxe air moves
Looks like shit
Feels like they'll release this portion as a demo like the gryphon fight in Dragon's Dogma.
What engine is it? Doesn't seem UE4 to me,
>still falling for bullshots and pre-rendered trailers
>Situational attack
>Dogshit damage anywhere but the head
>Doesn't give you a billion i-frames
lmao ok nintendonut
>anime is only bad when MHX did it
MH games are repetittive
>You can't criticize the game or else you're a nintendonut!
What exactly makes you think I liked anything about X but not this?
Fourth gen already ruined Monster Hunter.
>you can still upswing teammates
Apparently you can pick certain things up using your sling on the go.
MHFU was the last truly hardcore MH game.
Masterworks all you can't go wrong
>h-haha after world i don't even care about xx anymore
If he's going to shill for Capcom he should at least put some effort into hiding it.
this is the closest we are gonna get to dragons dogma 2
I personally hope it doesn't bomb, but if it does who cares I least I'll enjoy it for the time.
MHFU, MH3 and MH3U are the best games in the series.
I want to go back to 2010 and play Tri again.
Not really, this game doesn't have a lick of Itsuno in it. It is all Fujioka
This probably replaced DD2. I still don't know why they didn't localise DDO though, all it needs is a fucking translation, can it be that hard?
>Unite idiots really think this
Yeah it's really hard to fight nothing but mongoloid monsters that do nothing but spin.
>monsters do like 10 times the damage to each other than you do.
Also what the fuck is that red and white aura in the radar?
i see some good things but holy shit are maps full of objects and narrow as fuck. Like 3 times the hunter got stuck on a tree fighting the Los.
i dont want to scream casualized but there is a lot of shit that takes away risks and seems a lot more forgiving. That spnning roll hamer should have been sent flying when tackled mid air but insetad got a free mount.
Its likely they wanted to show off the new features and ways you can use the environment to your advantage, when you actually play the game most people tend to opt for hitting it till it dies rather than around with it just to trap it. There is always that disconnect with how they show off the game and how people actually play it
it uses the same engine as deep down, that one ps4 game that never came out.
I didn't know every monster was Hypnocatrice
>something that everyone shat on mhx for
I'm not sure how much of that is demos trying to demo new features, and how much is a change in design. If demos for earlier MonHuns were played like most of Sup Forums plays them, it'd be a half hour show of one weapon, one monster, and one map.
PR was never used for anything, MHW is MT Framework
>Tried MH 4 ultimate last year
>Played for a few hours and couldn't get into it
>Think maybe this will be better being on better hardware
>Still looks unappealing to me
Probably will still give it a go but I have my doubts I'll enjoy this either.
>can still run while eating/drinking
>can still move a bit when monster's roar
>damage counter
>shiny bugs telling you where to go
>can collect stuff on the go
>has some of the anime moves people complained about X and XX
Yep, this is meant for westerners
>Je Suis Monte: The Game.
No thanks.
FU, 3rd and 3U will always be my fave. MH4 was good but there was something about it I didn't like but couldn't put my hand on.
>arguing on a Vietnamese rice paper board about the mechanics of a Korean grindfest simulator
Every game on the 3DS was pretty easy, but they were tons of fun, this doesn't really look like it will deviate from that format
Funny thing is that no-item no-range approaches seem to be a western trend. I played P3 with some Japanese students, and they came loaded with traps and bombs, using exclusively bows. Dropped the traps where the monsters spawned, then used all their bombs.
>, when you actually play the game most people tend to opt for hitting it till it dies
they monster got into 3 traps at least could probably have been four with the river damp.
Traps are usefule becaseu they allow free hits, now the enviroments is fullof them and even other mosnters do more damage to themselves than all your teamates combined and also lets you have free hits.
When people play this game they will notice how fucking useful that shit is and will be an agro to trap after trap after it. Hell if you mount the you can make charge attack to make them fall or make them hit themselves against walls or even more traps.
there is too much shit on the enviroment for the monster to be dangerous now you have less punish and monsters have a ton.
The biggest issue I have is when the players damage numbers were all shit and Rathalos does like 1100 damage.
I hate autistic "Let me sleep-bomb" dudes in Mh as is, I don't want the most effective way to hunt a Monster letting other Monsters and stuff kill it.
>Constant posts of gameplay footage that look the exact same as the trailer.
>Not knowing how unnatural and easily identifiable pre-rendered footage is in comparison to real gameplay.
>Cry bullshot even though it's all video footage.
>Unironic current year
Here's your (you)
>can change armor and weapon during quest
>high quality PC
I want XX, World, and the in dev switch title
>tfw own PC, Switch and getting PS4 in 2 months
>There are faggots here who unironically stick to one console
I'll post this here since the thread i mad for it probably die young.
>Do you think MHW will be a good game?
>mounting now allows you todo charged attacks and control the monsters
>every envrioment full of traps
>monsters can barely move as the rathlos showed on the trees
can they give monsters AT LEAST a new skill or new mechanic?
Los looked pitful in here.
it will be good, but might not reach the challenge the series is known for.
>all those changed mechanics up until the clusterfuck of flipping and mounting for 20 minutes until the monster dies
Yup it's modern monster hunter all right.
Other than
>switching weapons in camp
>capture guru for everyone
>being able to cancel heal/eat without losing any items, while it could've been an instant death
It looks great
>this is how western hunter fags will deflect criticism for the next 3 years
Anime/DMC bullshit is usually representative of power creep and or a lack of balance.
Basically the stuff that ruined Frontier and also why Generations is bad with the hunter arts.
everybody was making 40damage and then los come and does the equivalent of 30 GS hits in one sweep. I understand they want to make ecology a part of the series but that shit is going to make this game easier.
it is situational, user; you can see very clearly that it's a move you can only initiate while sliding down a slope.
Never played MH, what would the devs need to change to make it as challenging as previous installments?
on the contrary. it's engineered specifically to cater to the casual japanese market
>rathlos gets mounted for like 15 second straight, it does fucking nothing to the hunter to try sake it off.
this is going to be worse than the kinsect users.
I will only play it if it is sold on Steam. I will get it earlier if it has achievements.
Holy fuck the autism in this thread.
Nostalgiacucks are so mad.
mounting's changed somehow; looks like it has to do with the minimap aura, and where on the monster you are (can move from flank to head to back to tail, etc with LS) instead of the mounting meter
>map structure is the same as before, but with a bunch of hallways connecting the bigger areas
That's really shitty
Do we NEED long gathering animations? No we don't. I'd rather we just pick up and go.
1080p video when?
The casual Japanese market plays on handhelds. There is ONE game that broke a million on PS4 in Japan.
You don't get it, baka. Every action gotta take up to 5 minutes or it's wrong shit and casul.
>wanting casualized garbage that allows you to gather more than 3 herbs and 4 blue mushrooms every 10 minutes
they are what makes gathering mid hunt and dropables risky since they disaapear. it is part fo the high reward high risk Mh usually have