Who hype for BADASS Hitman?
Hitman Season 2 to be published by Gearbox
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Woah... I love Randy Pitchford!
Why is Randy so pathetic?
I would rather have IO get liquidated by SE akin to EA's shitty practices than have them be dependent on Gear Box. Please tell me that everyone on twitter warned them of Randy's bullshit.
>from square enix to gear box
it couldn't get any worse
This. I'd rather see the developers move on to new studios. Instead, we get great talent under horrible management.
I feel so sorry for fans of the Hitman series.
I can't wait for Hitman™ 2: BADASS™ EDITION exclusively from G2A™
Nothing happened yet you autist, IO is independent.
everyone on the thread posted articles of their embezzlement and other retarded shit. I should i know, i was one of them and was also blocked by him.
Wouldn't be surprised if they already know. Even his tweet comes off as desperate.
Anybody got that Randy with his son script?
Randy's replying to any comment on this vid that's negative about how BADASS Battleborn is. Go say hi to him!
There is a reason why Gearbox had to make a deal with G2A. No one wants to work with them. They might've won their case in the Sega lawsuit, but lost in the long term. Nobody wants to give money to devs that want to put that money into Borderlands 3.
Every time one of these threads happen I point out that they did just fine and stayed out of the way when they published homeworld remastered by BBI, and have them the chance to make the sequel Deserts of Kharak, and every time it's ignored because people are way too eager to strike their randy pitchford hateboner to actually look at evidence.
They're looking to act as a publisher, not a developer. Alien shit marines isn't the point of reference. Dnf isn't the point of reference. When they publish, they do just fine.
Now you spineless faggots are willingly going to pay for a Gearbox game. I hope they publish an Obsidian game too.
>all contract descriptions and dialogues are now written in Randys BADASS style
Might be entertaining
how do they still have money? Hurry up and go bankrupt please
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What is the fastest way to get blocked by Randy?
I don't think Randy's pathetic tweet is equal to a contract.
This just cracks me the fuck up
tweet him this script
Tell him Battleborn isn't badass.
Dont talk shit about my nigga randy!
Should I say Battleborn is a good-ass game?
So that is where they steal funds for the next Borderlands.
This is incredible.
Tell him it's an ass game.
More like an Ugly-ass game.