Do you fidget spin while playing video games?

Do you fidget spin while playing video games?

That picture is terrible. It's embarrassing to think that the artist thought it was so good that he needed to sign it.

I'm not 9 years old, so no.

No but I drink beer like a real man while playing video games

I'm not mentally challenged, so no.

Does it still spin?

Fidget cubes are objectively superior

how could you possibly do both at the same time?

I would have this mindset myself if I lived in the US. US-beer is terrible.

What's a fidget spinner?

Yes I also vape and dab

Speaking of stress relief, I don't need a fidget spinner, I just throw my mouse/gamepad at the wall

>US-beer is terrible.
We sell beer for everywhere here, so no.

>he doesn't use his dick to play video games

Step up senpai.

Really activates my neurons

the blue thing in OP, only palm sized. they spin around the center point using bearings. that is all.

What did he mean by this?

Do you think the only US beer is bud and Miller?

is the same artist that did the pokemon go one

is literaly

I refuse to believe that anyone is actually mad at fidget spinners. It's not like people didn't follow silly fads in their youth.

Just some gimmick toy that is currently a fad. People are mad that they exist for whatever reason.

What a fucking cunt.

>glides smoothly

bullshit, feels exactly as terrible as you'd expect plastic on plastic to be. let me know when they have gamepad quality sticks

Let's see yours da Vinci

Back in my day, we just played with lighters.


I don't own a single fidget spinner. I'm not even trying to avoid them to prove how unique or above them I am, I just have no interest in buying one.

I just got my Zowie ZXSpin3. Can EASILY reach 10,000 RPM with just a flick. So smooth.

>dad gifts me a fidget spinner because he's autistic and thinks it's good
>spin it for a bit, kind of feels good to fuck with the gyroscopic effect
>after 5 minutes I get bored and never use it again
what's the point

I always thought this was just a funny picture and didn't know it was supposed to be political

>being this triggered by art

I know this place is full of wizads and cucks, but I'm curious if any of you have been able to overcome this anxiety and depression stuff, coupled with the endless need to fidget.

How many of you still fidget and/or experience intense anxiety/depression?

It's not political, retard. It's making fun of those Pokemon Go faggots that were zombie walking thru everywhere last summer.

Do people even play that shit anymore? Everyone and their mom was playing it last summer, now I haven't seen one person ever play or mention it ever again.