PS4 goes back to being top selling console

>PS4 goes back to being top selling console
>MonHun is gone
>more manufacturing issues
>nobody gives a shit about ARMS
>third party is nowhere in sight

Worried Switch owners thread. How are you holding up, nintenbros?

Other urls found in this thread:

The asshurt when ARMS sells several million is gonna be off the charts.

I'm stealing iPhones, taking the parts out and sending them to Nintendo.

>>MonHun is gone
This is a good thing. I will finally be able to play it at 60fps considering that i am getting the PC version an not paying FULL price for HALF the frames like console friends.

Didn't even reach #1 in the week where it's the only game that came out. It lost to fucking Horizon. Embarrassing.

It's going to be fine OP. Play some PC games in the meantime.

>third party is nowhere in sight
This actually worries me. With the support we've seen so far from third parties, it's the Wii U all over again. Old, shitty, overpriced ports that have to sell millions or they'll drop out.

It's a good thing I have a high-end gaming PC and bought my Switch to play BotW on release.

Source nigga

I doubt that. ARMS is a gimmick game, albeit one that might do alright because Switch's audience is so thirsty for new games at the moment. It has no staying power.

I only have Mac.

>Mario Odyssey
>MarioxRabbids Xcom
Legitimately the best time to own a nintendo console.

I own Zelda and Snake Pass and nothing else.

I just can't justify the price of what they are asking for the games. I just can't. In addition to that theres not a chance that any Nintendo game is going to get reduced in price.

So my Switch continues to sit in its little charging station staring at me.

>Legitimately the best time to own a nintendo console.

To be fair, Nintendo releases their games at the end of the week. We'll see how well it actually did with next week's report.

uk chart

Where can I buy those? Oh, wait, they will be out in 2 years or so, you fucking idiot.

in the UK which is casual island

Sony slashed Horizon's price in half last week, so it sold a lot. ARMS won in terms of revenue.

It will be awesome but the best time to own the switch would be when those games are actually out. I regret getting mine so early.

It's true. Switch has a lot of potential but so far other than Mario I'm just not seeing it. Playing Disgaea 4 while I wait and being disappointed its not 1080p when docked. I lost interest in arms after a few hours. I'll cut Nintendo a break since its the first year, but they better step it up next year.

Don't even mention MP4 or Pokemon until we see some footage.

I'm waiting until Xenoblade Chronicles 2 comes out to get one so I'm not too worried.

Shouldn't they be all over ARMS then?

>Xenoblade 2
>Splatoon 2
>Mario Odyssey
>New mainline Pokemon

I'm not worried

third party games where

WiiU had XCX, Splatoon and a dozen of Marios. Didn't helped much.

how new are you?

ps4 is the casual console, along with games like fifa, cod, and asscreed

learn what words mean dude

When is posting metacritic going to become a bannable offense?

>3 Mario is a dozen
Okay then.

>uk chart

We all know Europe hates Nintendo and is irrelevant.

Nah, the best time is about 2 years later when those games are actually out and a new model or a price drop appears. Thanks for beta testing though.

so, casual = I hate Sony, hardcore = I love Nintendo?

It's still number 2 and made more money than HZD overall, and in less than a week, so I don't think it's really an issue here.

For one console generation ? Of course it is

lul who cares about arms, its a boring minigame

just waiting for mario, pokemon, metroid, and the unannounced animal crossing. switch is already worth it.

Genuinely ARMS is dope as fuck tho.

Oh yeah, the waiting game, the most fun of them all.

Its kinda slow.

delete this friend

I wish I bought ARMS instead of Zelda. Only reason I didn't is I font wanna drop £70 on a new controller to make it worthwhile.

>blatant falsefalgging threads to incite consolewar shit are allowed to run free
Feels good

ARMS is actually pretty difficult.

$47 for ARMS wasn't too bad. If I wasn't able to piggyback off amazon discounts, I probably wouldn't be buying much this generation.

>Sonybro falseflagging general

today I will remind them

Not all new IPs from Nintendo are automatic goldmines. Splatoon proved itself by actually being a good game.

Are you being paid for this shit at least?

*Bored falseflagging NEET thread
There, fixed it for you, ninten"bro".

no. All the games I listed are multiplat, get your console-warring hardon away from me please.

casual = very popular games played by people who play a small amount of games within few genres.

Barebones fighting game is ok when Nintendo does it.

still waiting for Mario Odyssey

idk why anybody is surprised that a console with shortages due to low stock on parts (thanks apple) isn't continuing to sell more then the competitors

>nobody gives a shit about ARMS
It's a apprently selling well enough to disprove this statement
apart from that it also happens to be a very good game

already put 8 hours into it since I bought it yesterday
and it has a lot more going for it than I thought it did.
Just found out you can block a punch, therefore charge your own punches and dash at the same time, sort of dashing through your opponents punch.
That alone adds a lot of technicality that, granted, I fucking suck at but it's been very interesting to play so far.

>but there's no content
I've never truly been into fighting games and this game is giving me a lot of vibes I got back when I tried Tekken 6 and SF4
so I genuinely believe that someone who plays fighting games and can put hours into the game through multiplayer ranked matches alone
would get a whole lot out of this game.

Don't really understand what all these people who get bored with the game are on about.
Maybe fighting games aren't your type? I know several people who love fighting games and already love ARMS.


How delusional can you be to think a shitty Wii Sports Boxing clone would sell that well?

Should've pretended to be neutral before mentioning PS4 tbqh.


Hey, it's my favorite "I know several people and they agree with me" argument.

>MonHun is gone
Switch is getting a MonHun in 2 months.


>Zerrda and MK8D right off the bat
>Splatoon in a month
>Odyssey a couple months later
>Xenoblade 2 ready by the time I beat Odyssey
>Kirby early next year
>Also I have a decent PC

I have literally never been less worried about a Nintendo console.

Switch will do fine mostly because people actually thinks is a new console and not just an accessory of the Wii

I dont expect a lot of third party support however, yeah its getting games now but the Wii U also got third party games at the start only to be totally forgotten after, and what is getting now its mostly ports of already released games on better hardware

Why the hell would I bother making solid arguments when I only have 8 hours
of my own experience to judge it for, especially not being part of the fighting game scene.

The only opposition in this thread are people who still spout the same ignorant "muh wii sports" bullshit.
You fucking retards have been denying the "world champ" getting his shit kicked in by a developer,
pretty much showing that most people have not even come close to perfecting the games mechanics,
yet you nimrods keep screaming the same shit in every single thread.

I'm not gonna spoonfeed you like the retard you are,
think for yourself you fucking idiot.

Oh, that one. I don't speak moon.

Not me, they could stop releasing games for it completely and I'd still be happy

what are you even screaming about, autismo?

ARMS is lovely.

All these fags in here talking about how "yea good luck waiting for games!" Are the biggest retards ever. Does it matter whether it's now or later? Nintendo will still be taking my money I'll go on being a happy camper.

You fucks really are dogshit stupid sometimes

It's a fun excuse to get all sweaty, even if you don't have to

>no games


The fact that I'm getting Mario 64 part 3 is the greatest gift I could ever have.
It's still unreal to me, I could play Mario 64 every fucking day for the rest of my life
and not get tired of it and now they're finally giving me the game I've been waiting for ever since Sunshine.
Endless replay value.

Splatoon is dope
ARMS is dope
Xenoblade 2 will probably not be as dope as I want it to be but still varying levels of dope
HD Kirby is dope
New Goodfeel Yoshi is dope
playing Rocket League in bed with my PC bros is dope
New Warriors game that's actually more fun than Dynasty Warriors is dope

I don't give a single fuck
I could barely afford whatever library the Wii U had and that was considered shit
This is like a pipe dream to me.

> Nintendo owners on top
> Everyone else on the bottom


how can you justify buying a console when there's only a handful of games on it? do you get off on the fact that you're "supporting" nintendo?

sure, that's why there is so much shitposting and falseflagging
really makes you think user

clicked the other post number before it finished posting.
point still stands though, go off yourself if all you're here for is to stir up shit and not have any constructive discussion.
You're the cancer that's making this place worse every day.

Those are games I really want to play and already justify the purchase in my opinion


>No digital

Useless numbers

>want to play Zelda, ARMS, Splatoon2, Xenoblade2, Mario Odyssey, probally Yoshi, Kirby and Metroid Prime 4 and Pokémon
yeah I wonder why I want to buy a Switch

I've been playing with the pro controller and my hands are sweating like crazy, I'm having trouble guarding with the left stick because of how slippery the controller is.

I hate summer so fucking much

You don't think about us so much that here you are in a Switch shitposting thread.

that's not what I meant...

Not worried at all. Still getting the games I bought it for.

FULL price for HALF the frames AND internet TWICE.

>falling for the bait


>still sold out
>still has lines forming at stores all over Japan every shipment
>Pokemon coming out next year for it, Splatoon 2 in a month
>Japan will never belong to Sony again
How worried are you nyggers?

Wii u wasn't selling out 3 months straight


Its not the 90's anymore

So, 2nd in Sony land? Seems pretty awesome considering it was up against a half price "Zelda killer" with upcoming DLC

because Pokémon mainline titles aren't selling in america like hot cakes
oh wait

>>Pokemon coming out next year for it

No way that will be the case. Game Freak will take at least two years, and even so the game will be half-assed as always, since they can't code for shit.

Next year will probably be Animal Crossing and Smash's grand year.

the gamecube had
>Luigi's Mansion
>Mario Sunshien
>Mario Party 4
>Mario Party 5
>Mario Party 6
>Mario Party 7
>Mario Tennis
>Mario Golf
>Mario Kart Double Dash
>Mario Strikers
>Mario Baseball
>Mario DDR
>Dr Mario
>Mario in NBA
>Mario in SSX

And I swear there's more I'm missing

No one cares about the uk