15 USD

15 USD

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I really don't get why they aren't giving this out for free? Im pretty sure Diablo 3's player base is dead or a small very dedicated one.

And dropped.
Because it's owned by Actiblizzard, one of the most Jewish games developers and publishers on the market, topped only by EA, the All-Hungering Jew.

Blizzard is bigger than Activision though

Yeah, he didn't precisely say which one controlled which.

Expansions add hype to Blizzard games. I'd say at least 100,000 people buy the new SC2 expansions and similar numbers will buy the D3 expansions.

Actiblizzard just sounds better than Blizzardvision.

Game was dead to me on release after beating it.

It was OK but it wasn't very special and the RMAH was a fucking debacle.

No amount of expansions or DLC can improve what was a flawed base. I'm definitely not PAYING to improve their game.

>Im pretty sure Diablo 3's player base is dead or a small very dedicated one.


Its a dead game, so giving out for free wouldn't see any return, but the next level autists that play D3 are hardcore stupid enough to put money down for it.

not terrible, gonna buy it on the PS4 to play with my brother co-op

Thanks for contributing to the downward spiral of blizzard

don't really care user, they've been shit for fucking years now
do you think they're going to change and make games like D2 again?

>don't really care user, they've been shit for fucking years now

Yes, and a large part of that was the success of D3, which made the D3 team transfer over to other IPs and drag their moronic, braindead gameplay mechanics into them. Shitheels like you have ruined multiple franchises. Suck a dick.

Why has it taken them 3 years to release a character? The first expansion didn't take nearly as long, the fuck .

The Necromancer isn't very good, hes not a summoner, just another wizard with an edgy feel to it

We can't get a summoner with heaps of skeles & shit on screen because console will struggle with it too much thanks to their shit CPU's

they removed AH and made difficulty more sensible

also they added the whole rift and ladder system

its 100 times better than what it was at release

unfortunately its not enough

Wasn't this supposed to come out near the end of the year?


15$ is nothing to pay extra for a game that gives you hundreds of hours of content

Yea, that's exactly why games like dead rising exists on console
Fucking retard

Wait for him to be OP and then get nerfed.
They need to sell a single new class for $15 somehow.

>Necromancer can only summon seven skeletons
>Mage skeletons last less than ten seconds

Really stupid since the patch comes with all the new maps and stuff for free.
$15 is nuts for only a new class

>tfw d3 is dead and even the necro can't reanimate it

because anyone stupid enough to still play blizzard games will pay to eat shit.
hell, if you still play D3 it pretty much means you like to eat shit and that in all likelyhood you will pay to eat a reskinned witch doctor

its aparent you dont even play diablo 3 since its not even reskinned witch doctor

witch doctor actually has permanent summons

necromancer doesnt

yes the game is that shit

thanks for correcting me

yeah, I dont play shit.

how much was reaper of souls?

>Necromancer can only summon seven skeletons
That's reasonable, as long as they don't die by a wind blow.

>Mage skeletons last less than ten seconds

ok, big Diablo 2 fan. I never tried Diablo 3 because by the time of release I didn't had a decent PC.

I loved Necromancer and was my favorite character on D2, how is him on Diablo 3?

Can I still summon golems? How about hexes? Is a skelly build viable against bosses?

Say does Diablo 3 on pc support controllers?

They're bursty.
You summon them, and they do high damage for a few seconds.
You can still shit out like 8 of them, though.
One of the sets gives you a stacking 200% damage boost or something per mage, and there's a legendary that allows you to summon 2 mages per cast, as well as one that makes mages last longer.

So the set gameplay is to run around with your army, but when an elite or boss fight breaks out, you throw down mages to the cap, then pop your CDs while you have +1600% damage or something.

$15 for 1 fucking class with no additional story content. Fuck you, Blizzard


$15 is nice. Gets the Necro, more slots, more stash tabs, and some goodies.

Will tide me over nicely to the release date of Remastered Diablo 2.

Fuck you.

>15 dollars is a lot to him

Look i love blizzard games a lot but the way you are shilling is disgusting, don't fucking promote these bussniess practices.

>15 buckaroos or else you can't play a class
Blizzard reaching new levels of stingy

someone post that old comic about exclusive shit eating regarding blizzfans.

It will never not apply

>he doesn't make 500k gold a month in WoW using the armory app to update his garrisons from his phone so all blizzard games are free for life

lmao @ you for being retarded

So it's literally like every other class in general, except you dump a handful of skeletons instead of Sentries/frogs, spiders, and a gargantuar/full rotation. What is the fucking point.

'cuz they haven't charged for anything since RoS probably and the higher ups want money

I mean it''s just business

What the fuck? I have to pay MORE to get access to a new class? Blizzard sure has gone to shit since getting bought out.

Wasn't Legacy of the Void so fucking abysmal that it even killed SC2's popularity in South Korea?

>being ripped off is okay as long as its $15 or less

This is why you're poor. Or you live with your parents, or you receive assistance from the government while you're in college and you have absolutely no fucking idea how to budget.

Having money is the product of not spending it on retarded shit. Like Blizzard products.

it was already dying ever since LoL took its place as the #1 esport

I think blizzardvision would be a requirement to see any of the shit they do as good

>the success of D3
How the fuck was it as big as it was? SC2 doesn't get that kind of rep.
Was it because of 9gag (it was their era before the reddit takeover)? Because it won't stop showing on the site back then (before and right after the releases)

Nice try but 1. The monk sucked 2. People thought hellfire was average or sucked at the time and that was without widespread internet use to really fucking fire things up.

Yes. While it may seem silly to some, Starcraft series had a sizable fanbase who were actually into the story. And then Blizzard totally raped it. Many were unhappy with the direction SC2's plot was going and then it just got fucking annihilated.

lotv is better than hots

>Blizzard is run by Jews now!
>Actually they did the same thing back in the day
>I-it doesn't count because I didn't like it!

HotS. HotS was really bad and it was Starcrafts time to "fight back" against its falling share of viewers. Instead, HotS was really fucking bad with deadlocked games and boredom. LotV wasn't AS BAD as HotS but at this point the game is never going to be better than Dota or LoL and it'll never be the flavor of the month since its so old at this point. So there's no market for it. Its ded.

That's nice. Bye.

>shitting on based Abathur

but how will I find time for my D&D games?

t.ips fedora


shitposting aside, i might go back to wow soon, how many characters do i need doing armory things to make enough money for sub?

I ran one char at 110 and was getting decent free gold from my phone, but nowhere near enough to cover the sub.

Blizzards "expansion" packs have been more and more disappointing as time has gone on. I wouldn't even call them dlc sized, let alone expansions. They take 3 years to develop them, overcharge for them, with the smallest amount of content ever and recycle whatever they possibly can. The only reason we got even a decent amount out of reaper of souls was because they were in mega damage control mode for vanilla D3.

that wasn't even made by blizzard was it? i think a 3rd party made content and got approval to sell it.

i have a similar 3rd party expansion disc for the original starcraft called retribution or something.


each garrison is about 40k gold a month depending on your server's economy

tokens are currently 130k gold in North America because of Destiny 2

well user, when I pay money I don't like to be the one getting fucked

Everything is viable in D3, just not everything can get to the highest difficulty content, which doesn't matter since it's just artificial difficulty.
Golems and hexes are still there though.

I thought witch doctor was a bootleg necromancer? Why have 2 similar classes?

Because they have to make money somehow

>That backpedalling

I'm EU, a freind told me tokens are 228k, feelsbadman.

But im thinking, 5 alts, if each one does one of those 500g missions (with 1500g bonus), thats 10k a day, 30~ days a month = 300k a month, which would cover sub.

Getting 5 chars up to that point would be the main hassle tho. I only bothered with one til my sub died a month or so back.

I heard invasions are amazing exp tho or something, so leveling may not be too bad.

>That retardation

>made difficulty more sensible
Sorry user

Must have missed that where I ran through the game having never played it on the maximum difficulty and never died, spamming essentially the same spell. Then was presented with the option of doing "content" I've already seen at difficult+ then difficult++ then difficult+++

sensible my ass.

Why aren't you rewarding the devs Sup Forums ?

I'm talking about WoD garrisons, not Order Halls. You can definitely make more gold if you go all the way to 110.

Cant wait.

Me neither friend!

Having played the game from fresh 10 times for excellent rewards every season, I can't wait to do it again!!!

then I can go on to play it on nightmare 1 to nightmare 200 difficulty! such content I have no idea how Blizzard manages it. They're gods.

>massive improvements
>game is still a big piece of shit
Preordering that shit 5 years ago will always be my biggest vidya mistake

wait what, how do you make money from wod garrisons? They removed gold follower quests - where does the money come from?

I have like 11 wod garrisons fully up to speed...so please do tell.

Where the fuck do these kind of people come from?


it's not a lot but you get jack shit in return. a single character in diablo shouldn't cost more than a single character in HotS

thanks a bunch man.

It should cost *something* but it really should come with something more tangible. What does get cut out of the OP is that there are apparently 2 new zones and some minor content coming with the update for free but I don't have many high hopes

The day they put fucking LEVEL SCALING in an ARPG is the day this game died for me (went from life support to dead tbf). Who the fuck thought level scaling in a game that's all about the sense of progression was a good idea? Fucking casuals are destroying genres altogether.

Level scaling is the worst thing to exist in video games, full stop.

But user, with level scaling the entire game is never old content! You will always have the entire game available for you to play instead of herding you into just a few endgame areas.

LMFAO i remember getting D3 for free for subbing for WoW for a year. DODGED A FUCKIN BULLET WITH THAT ONE.

I hate this retarded mentality. Games are meant to be BEATEN, you progress through them and once you hit the end that's it.

I love grinding don't get me wrong, one of my favorite game of all time is Ragnarok Online, but if grinding doesn,t reward you with anything other than bigger numbers with no actual effects cause monsters get stronger too then what's the point?

It's just kids who think companies are their friends. They'll wise up eventually.