Making a new class is a tremendous amount of work, the price isn't surprising at all.
Other urls found in this thread:
woooo d3 is back baby
>tremendous amount of work
>already have a reference frame to work with (D2)
>abilities are mostly easily thought out
I was expecting $20, so whatevs.
they can go suck a dick
not buying it
Still no PC offline play?
Still no buy then.
You'd ahve ot be one hell of a retard tyo think design is the a big part of the work. It's obviously modeling, animating and creating the FXs
nah, its just millennial shits that think everything should be free
You know what's not surprising? The willingness of the average Blizzard fan to get fleeced non-stop.
You know what's not surprising? The average Sup Forumsirging being completely clueless about how video games are made.
Grow up retard.
Are you saying you're a Gen Z? Or do you just not know what millennial means?
if it gives me ros then I'll get it
>Grow up retard.
The fucking irony, the only ones tolerating this shit are too young to remember a time when the industry didn't nickel and dime you.
There's no irony, you've just said something really fucking retarded and completely clueless and got called on it. Move on.
You would have laughed about any price above 5 Money-units.
Yep. A lot of work.
That's why you should be paying $200 for the game. Instead of just animating one class, they animated 5, all the mobs, the enemies, NPCs, the bosses, etc.
Stop responding to it. You're just as bad.
wow good thing Blizzard have real fans like you, those poor marketing execs would have to post slightly lower profits maybe
What surprises me is that for Blizzard to do this, it means that D3 has enough players to sustain it to this day. There's a reason devs stop developing content/expansion packs after release. There's enough data from market analysts that not all your customer is going to buy it, it has tremendous diminishing returns so one or two expansion packs is the best you can milk out of a title within a limited time with very few exceptions. I guess that's part of the reason it's so expensive.
I was born in 1978
I believe that a single class is a sizable amount of work. I do not believe that a single class is proportionally worth one quarter of the full game. That's utter nonsense.
The pipeline and the volume of sales expected are obviously completely different. Stop embarrassing yourself.
>tremendous amount of work
>it's just dot based gameplay
Considering all the voice work and shit that went into it I'm not surprised. Not interested in it, but the price makes sense.
Blizzdrones are so cucked, I'm seeing comments like
>Well if it was free it wouldn't be worth it
>This is an excellent price, I thought it would be more
>Well it had to cost something
God damn man. Is the gaming industry really so fucked that people think $15 for a character is acceptable?
This doesn't fix the game in any way. Nothing new is being added and there's no exclusive content other than the character.
Oh well, it's your money. Enjoy it if you enjoy it I guess.
>buy terraria for 10 bucks
>get free content for years, more than triple of what the game started out with
>buy d3 for 60
>ros is mandatory gameplay fix, 20 bucks
>new class, 15 bucks
>not complete jewery
stop right there criminal scum. blizzard has a metric fuckton of coders, artists and money. for me, the consumer, there is no difference in labour time or complexity, only quality, content and price. D3 is 5 years old now, any new content that does not RADICALLY change the gameplay experience should be free or very fairly priced.
if you'd need to ask for 15$ per class then the base game alone would cost 75$, without considering how much it costs to make the enemies, npcs, maps, quests, items, bgms, soundeffects, etc
ASSFAGGOT characters cost $10. An extra $5 isn't that outrageous. I'm not going to buy it, but the pricing is about what I expected.
>reading the top comments on the blog post
>people think that you're broke if you think $15 for this is stupid
Modern gaming logic.
>You wouldn't pay $30 for this bowl of cow diarrhea? You must be broke.
They fix their mess of a gameplay by releasing items that control the way you can play.
Blizzard does have to pay those metric fuckton of coders and artists. It's not like they have money just sitting around, they're constantly trying to balance what they lose and what they make in an attempt to maintain success.
The seasons always bring new shit that doesn't cost money too. But it's a completely different ballgame as opposed to a character with cinematics and a full story campaign.
If it doesn't fix the game, I'm not interested. It gets so fucking boring after you get to Paragon 500 in a few days every season. It's the same routine.
>Play the most broken build so that you don't get stuck doing low tier GRs
>Farm death's breaths, yellows and use the cube to gear up
>Then farm and try to get slightly better versions of that gear?
I never minded farming Baal's throne room until I was blue in the face. Diablo 3's gearing process though is asinine boring. I'd gladly pay for another expansion if it fixed the game or added new things.
Two stash tabs, a crappy pixelated non-combat pet, a portrait and a scuffed version of the D2 Necro for $15? No thanks. The Necro at least on the PTR didn't feel or play like a Necro. It's hilariously bad.
Fuck them
>blizzcucks will defend this
kikkety kek
No kidding.. Is it JUST the class or are they adding anything else?
>mfw paying 15$ for Grim Dawn expension, getting 2 new classes and a new continent to explore
If they defend $20 mounts in WoW, they'll defend this easily. The modern Blizzard demographic shifted to soccer moms and people who only have 1-2 hours a week to play games, so they can easily justify spending money on actual shit.
amazing, really
I can't tell if this post is serious or not, good job
B-b-but muh muh dev team size
Just the class. Everything else is a free update, just as the class should have been.
They're basically giving you the update, so you can play with others having the Necro, but not giving him to you until you pay their premium of 15€.
Anyone defending this can go fuck himself, honestly. A single characters costs almost as much as the whole game.
Go read the comments on the blog post. It's definitely real. It sounds like a giant shilling effort but these are Blizzard fans we're talking about. It's an honor and a privilege to give Blizzard money.
Apparently this old retard enjoys paying out the ass for everything even though games used to be far better quality in the past.
What kind of a world do we live in where the young want to save money while the old waste it on children's games and berate others for not doing the same/
We're not getting a new continent to explore. We are getting an entire Act IV though so lots of areas there.
What are you even doing on this board if you have absolutely no idea what kind of work goes into making video games
So many people in this thread are like the embodiment of the "entitled gamer" meme. Whether or not 15$ for the Necro is worth it to you is obviously your call, but acting like Blizzard is a bunch of money hungry Vampires for asking for money for it is a load of shit. You guys clearly have no concept of what goes into making a game, and the continual support of said game (whether or not you think it is enough is another discussion).
The comparisons to PoE in that regard is completely off-base. PoE is not free. Maybe you don't spend any money on it, but someone is, and that someone is probably spending a whole fuckton more than just 15$. They have some serious revenue coming in and that means people are spending money on it. If no one spent money, you wouldn't be getting these huge content patches, and the game would wither and die.
Maybe some more powercreep.
The game adds gear as if it got expansions like wow.
>It's not like they have money just sitting around
>In the first quarter of 2017, Activision Blizzard's net income amounted to 426 million U.S. dollars
Actually, they have exactly that. It wouldn't hurt to do something good for the people who shelled out 60 dollars for their shitty game because they believed in the franchise. Show that they have just a little of actual interest in making games that are worth playing and not just streaming/esports bait and PROFITPROFITPROFIT
>everyone is defending it on the forums
Huge content updates for D3? Sounds like you have no idea what you're talking about.
user's you're not seeing the bigger picture here, WE GET TO PLAY AS A FUCKING NECROMANCER! Forget about the moneys and think more of the skellymen
clearly, you've never visited hots's shop.
>acting like Blizzard is a bunch of money hungry Vampires for asking for money for it is a load of shit
Oh shut the fuck up. This the same company that charges $10 for a cosmetic helm in WoW, $20 mounts, $10 non-combat pets and virtual services that ranged from $15 to $60.
Blizzard next to EA is one of the greediest corporate fuck holes in the gaming industry. Don't sit there and try to defend this shit. Also, developers don't make excess money from shit like this. Why do people keep saying retarded shit like "BUT THE DEVS NEED PAID."
Developers are paid hourly or salaried, whether they're contracted or full time hires. They don't make annual revenue off the projects they work on, they're just code monkeys. Projects like this don't even get green lighting until budgeting is mapped out.
It's just so hilarious to watch people defend this and claim Blizzard isn't just money hungry assholes. After they merged with Activision, they went full money hungry. Their ASSFAGGOT, the card game, their FPS, their RTS and now their RPG game. Whether or not it's worth it depends but defending them like they aren't one of the greediest companies in existence is funny.
Does this have any extra content or it's just the character?
I honestly those fuckers all die. I grew up with real Blizzard games, and what we have today is horrible compared to what they made with a studio 1/100th of the size.
I looked up the skills and it doesn't really look any different from the other classes. Maybe you'd buy this if you like the aesthetic but the D3 aesthetic sucks
Skeletons don't work the same as they did in D2. You don't get that many of them.
People who think they're going to be running around with 40+ minions will be sorely disappointed.
Honestly, a Garg Build Witch Doctor plays more like a Necromancer than whatever this thing they've made is. It's pretty bad to be honest.
It's a sad shell of what the Necro D2 was.
Just the character.
Blizzard has become a bloated mess of a company. They hire too many people, compensate by making too many games, and adjust their pricing based on their bloated budget.
Yeah man I just can't stop getting ripped off.
Got Diablo 3 for $60 in 2012
Reaper of Souls for $40 in 2014
And now Necro for $15 in 2017
Blizzard may milk money on some other games but not everyone is an impulsive idiot throwing their money at them. If anything Diablo has been content starved and getting almost no return for investment at this point. What did you guys want? Them to keep making free shit as they have for the past 3 years for free?
not a single moba has 10$ character
It might as well be. If you open the map you can pretty much see where the journey will be going.
how does league add 20 new heroes per year for free
how does overwatch or hots do it for free
ya uhm hunny bunches of oats, that's how capitalism works, mmkay?
>Y-you guys have no idea what goes into making a game!
>That's why you aren't giving money to a game that sucks!
The customer decides whether the product is worth the money. You don't have to be a mechanical engineer to judge the value of a car you're going to buy, and you'll never hear people going "but you don't know how much work goes into making that car!" if you don't like the price because it's a shit car.
You fucking juvenile morons need to shut the fuck up with your idiotic rambling until you've been alive for more than a decade and actually understand anything about the world or the value of money. You're continually embarrassing yourself and making everyone depressed at how powerfully, obnoxiously, and eagerly stupid you are.
That's what they want, and they'll bitch and whine our a 15 buck pittance when they don't get it.
Here's an idea boys, just don't spend the money.
>Release 6 new chapters and much more
I still prefer diablo's smoother combat and PoE's gameplay feels lacking but hey, at least you won't get bored after a couple of hours of hunting for the exact same gear pieces you have been for the last million years.
to be honest, I wanted then to fix the fucking game. But being competent is something really difficult for the Diablo 3 dev team.
Honestly, they should just give this one out for free for the utter disaster that Diablo 3's launch was. Do people honestly not remember Vanilla Diablo 3?
>Servers were down for days, no one could log in
>Nothing was tested beyond Act 1 and the rest of the game was broken
>Itemization made absolutely no sense
>They attempted to milk early profits with a real money auction house
>Some rare and elite packs were impossible to kill with bullshit affixes or brutal enrage timers that killed you instantly
>Non-stop rubber-banding and lag
Diablo 3 was one of the worst major title launches ever recorded. They were so behind in development and they knew it. They didn't even allow players to beta test an entire act. You got to the Skeleton King, killed him and a message said "thanks for beta testing."
The story of the game was so poorly put together and the map planning was fucking terrible.
If anything, Diablo 3 owes the people who waited for this piece of shit to be released. It's gotten better in terms of loot and itemization, but it doesn't fix the broken mess of what this game is. Fuck your stupid DLC content, work on Diablo 4 and charge $80 for it, I don't care. Nothing will fix or save this game. Charging more money for anything Diablo 3 related is an insult.
I was really hyped for D3, dont know why i never even finished one run.
Is the game better now?
Instead of leading a skeleton army through a dark crypt, you're going to be spamming rainbow-colored abilities all over the screen so you can't see shit while you run through a rainbow-colored dungeon to get stupid looking gear for a boring, badly designed game.
>game still really fucking boring to play
oh well
>>$14.99 USD
AHAHAHA holy shit. even 9.99 would be a ripoff. new blizzard is actually kike centra. can't wait to play a huge poe update in a month for free! blizzcucks btfo
Mate that was five years ago, and they reversed all the shitty AH design since then. Get over it, autismo.
>5 years later
>unpatched TL2 is STILL more fun than D3
You act as if they haven't been doing exactly that with Diablo. For who knows how long they have been steadily maintaining and releasing new things and improvements for the game for no extra cost.
A single character costs almost as much as the whole game? Have you people lost your minds?
Are you all so broke that $15 is a really steep asking price? In a world where the Xbox One X is coming soon for $500 and every game at $60?
All their other games get a steady return on investment, from cosmetics, subscriptions, crates, whatever. Diablo 3 is a game they sold forever ago and have NOT been making pretty much any money on anymore, just paying for. Now they ask for $15, probably the price of two meals in any fast food place and everyone flips out like they have no right to scam their costumer base like this. Jeez.
lol i forgot about the RMAH in d3... people actually defended it before launch rofl
This is fucking Todds fault. He's keeping Skyrim as soon to be Fallout 4 way beyond their time with rereleases and paid mods now other developers are hopping on that. Sure WoW is still kicking but that's because it's an mmo with several expansions but Diablo 3 has gone on too long for a $15 update!
I see nothing wrong with this.
They are basically giving you a free update, and buying the class is like a donation to support them.
they would buy and eat all the shit Blizzard give to them is just normal, if someone makes a post in the forum complaining about the price in no matter of minutes it would be downvoted until is toxic.
Ok so every single company have been doing DLCs for the games for like ten years now.
So why isn't it ok when Blizzard does it?
Its not just the necromancer you know. It has bonus pet, wings, portraits, and other customizations. It a fucking pack.
>Giving Blizzard $115 for a shit game that isn't as good as the original made 21 years ago.
>Defending Blizzard charging more money for a class that should've been included in the initial game.
What do us guys want? How about an EXPANSION pack with 2 new classes and a new area+campaign like, oh I don't know, Lords of Destruction, for $20? Also on top of that, how about a much better game that isn't complete shit that people would actually love spending money on! Here's a big fucking secret, little child: if you have a great product, you can charge a little more for it and people will pay it! When your product isn't worth the money, people will complain about it and not buy it!
Morons like you defend this trash because you'll say "b-but game development costs more these days, so the price is fair!" You're fucking retards and you're enabling the industry to keep going this way by being weak beta faggots that don't understand value for money.
What a creative way to say they sold you a shitty game.
It's $15? Is there a news update with that info?
They should just offer the character then.
Meh, its worth it because it keeps people working and paid. Its easy for the faggots living at home unemployed to complain about spending money but actual people have jobs for companys that need to make a profit. Trust me its worth it to pay for most stuff.
Here's an idea shill, just make actually good games and don't tell me where to spend my own fucking money.
>When your product isn't worth the money, people will complain about it and not buy it!
cmon man, you know this isn't true... also, no one with taste would buy D3 dlc anyways given how bad the game is. this is purely aimed at milking the autists and blizzdrones, although i'm doubtful that any of them have every played d2 so idk why they're going for "nostalgia" instead of just selling an overwatch hero or something
15 for D3, 10 for the expansion. Not that user.
And that was after 30 seconds in google, you can probably find it cheaper.
>Is the gaming industry really so fucked that people think $15 for a character is acceptable?
Yes, $15 is a really common price point for DLCs.
So is everyone just ignoring the other stuff besides Necromancer in the 15 dollar bundle on purpose? Since it's not just the new class, there's other things in it.
even capcom charges their characters with 5 bucks.
>It's okay when other companies do it
No one said that. Call me an old grumpy man but I miss when you could read about cheat codes in magazines and your game purchase came loaded with extra shit like a booklet, behind the scenes and a CD.
Starcraft 1 for example had a metric fuck ton of missions and content when the game was released.
Activision's version of Starcraft 2 was supposed to be the same way but they wouldn't let that fly. Instead, it was split up into three games for $60 a piece, they have DLC for it and at one point, Bobby Kotick even wanted to puts advertisements in-game.
DLC is cancer and it's hilarious to see people trying to justify it under the "devs need paid" guise. Do you honestly think DLC is going towards developers? Lol fuck no, it's filling the pockets of the executives that make mid to high six figures if not seven. Bobby Kotick alone earns $64 million annually in assets.
I'm hyped the release but it shouldn't be 15 bucks. More like 5 or 10 since there is no new gameplay content outside the class, like areas or endgame stuff. Apparently Challenge Rifts will be a thing but who gives a shit about that.
nice bait man, here's your (you)
>It happened 5 years ago so it didn't happen
The launch still happened and the game is still shit. Please die.