What do you want to see in the sequel?
What do you want to see in the sequel?
Just rip off MetaDoom, i don't even think Kinsie would mind.
archviles, arachnotrons and pain elementals
samuel hayden sexy voice
This. Maybe some better balance for a few weapons, guass Canon and chaingun made plasma and assault rifle obsolete
>black doom marine
>nazis instead of demons
More weapons, change some of their mods to something actually useful, i'm looking at you gatling rotator
Assault Rifle has micro missiles though, that shit is extremely overpowered.
Having the shitty multiplayer seperate from the base game so I don't have to download 50GB just for singleplayer
multiplayer was better than the new quake
Make the weapons more satisfying. The only ones that did were the Super Shotgun, Gatling Sentry mod and BFG. Get rid of the dumb audio effects that play when you glory kill, especially annoying when your low on health and you have to use them like 5 times in a row, larger arenas, and higher movement speed.
>Add BJ in new Quake
>All of his lines are references to only TNO and TOB
>Nothing to do with Wolf 3D yet
It's like Id forgot what their franchises did that made them important.
Talk about a poor man's Samsara.
Gauss Cannon was extremely satisfying though, especially with the Siege mod.
Gauss canon was in no way a replacement for the plasma rifle
Mod support
more doom
I just got the game recently and loved the campaign, haven't tried the multiplayer yet, is it dead already?
This is the only necessary answer.
Plasma rifle was a monster in Boss battles
I want to fight some human enemies alongside the demons on my quest to murderkill the robo-traiter-shithead-who-stole-muh-key.
All they have to do is turn the glory kills from a QTE to a grab button that leads to different attack options with other inputs, like shooting, melee, grappling and so on, and make better maps and enemy placement, everything else if fine.
Even more gory kills
I think my favorite one is the berserk power up on an imp where you rip them in half from the head down
Also I want the same quality of music, that shit was incredible
if i could add on this, more enemies, it often felt that there was only 5 or 6 enemies during battle,
More focus on singleplayer and not the shit multiplayer.
This, nothing better than shooting those little fuckers off
Classic Health and Armour system
Replace runes with various armour pickup types
No suit or character upgrades, just backpacks for ammo
Weapon mods and upgrades found scattered in levels
Secret levels with complex puzzles instead of rune trials
More powerups and pickups to add variety
More tightly controlled monster movement to orchestrate encounters
More open levels like the foundry with more varied and fun themes like the multiplayer
More riffs in the music, not just 5 second loops
Mod tools.
>that slow fucking E3 trailer with QTEs out the ass
>game ends up being fast as fuck with the glory kills feeling natural, even more so if you use the rune that speeds up glory kills
>Classic Health and Armour system
as someone who hasn't played the original Dooms what do you mean by this? not trolling, just curious.
The only way you could get health and armor back in Doom 1 and 2 was by finding health and armor pick ups placed throughout the levels.
Better level design
Less shitty music
Weapon upgrades of actual value
Enemies don't drop mountains of health and ammo the second you need it
More Hell levels
Expansions for singe-player instead of the shitty online
So less Health and Armor pick ups, i see.
Tbh it fitted with Doom Slayer backstory, he did turn into an immortal being of demon destruction, it made sense for him to get health by glory kills
I would however like to play Doom 4 like you described
Are the multiplayer DLCs any good?
Is this you trying to say "I'm bored by the concepts in that post because I don't like good game design?"
more of the same
the gameplay loop of jumping around slaughtering demons then glory killing for health and returning to being a circlestrafing death machine then chainsawing for ammo and finishing off the last big guy with a BFG just felt so natural
More enemy variety and more enemies on screen.
Not serious sam levels. Just more than FUCKING 12.
Get rid of lockdowns
I don't want a sequel if it's gonna have more lockdown sequence and finisher/instakill shit
More new guns. I love the classics but it wouldn't hurt to get some variety in here.
Quite the contrary, my friend. If i want to play in 20 years old games, i will just boot them up instead of trying to deny any bit of experimentation in favour of old-ass gameplay concepts that were outdone to death multiple generations ago.
Make the shotguns not suck
Get rid of the shitty weapon mods like the lock-on for the RL and the spin-up for the chaingun
More hell levels
More boss fights
The Assault Rifle with its micro missiles were literally always valuable. Don't get me wrong, the Gauss Cannon was definitely the go to big demon killer, but the Assault Rifle was crucial when you had to pump out consistent damage and also be on the move constantly, that shit saved my ass more than I can count on my Nightmare runs.
Plus, it just looks and sounds damn beefy, what's not to love?
I don't want a sequel.
>new Doom set on earth
>travel all over the world and kill demons that are also themed of level's world
>include bosses that are historical figures who were vilified through history like Hitler, Genghis Khan, the Soviets, etc
>Make the shotguns not suck
Upgraded super shotgun is literally the most useful weapon in the game.
The armour is Doom 4 just acted as a second health bar. But the original games had green armour that absorbed 33% of damage and blue armour that absorbed 50%
I'm not opposed to the drop system, but it needs rebalancing so that placed pickups are your main source.
Also zombies should always drop ammo and armour.
Yes designing a game and balancing it is rather boring at times.
More cool, fun and good stuff.
Level design more similar to original Doom or at least the first levels in this game, not the sequence Arena-corridor-arena-corridor-arena of the end of the game.
A bigger focus in ammo management.
Secrets not being mandatory to obtain in higher difficulties.
Actual enemy hordes.
A campaign that's twice as long
The SP was great, I'd like them to try and get MP right, D4 mp is unironically better than the new Quake
Level design. That's it. The game was very linear and completely arena combat based, which while felt good to fight in, the exploration of it was almost completely absent and I loved playing the old levels they had as easter eggs. Fix that and it'll be my undisputed GOTY for whatever year it comes out.
A good game
A good OST, instead of that garbage that nuDOOM has
More than 12 enemies at once
No glory kill bullshit
Remove upgrades
Better level design
>garbage that nuDOOM has
At least make a affort
>Doomslayer got a angel sidekick...its a black woman with a afro
>ícon of sin its a blonde man human form
Thats how you do it