Checked catalogue, no thread

>Checked catalogue, no thread.
>Hammerwatch clone
>First gauntlet-esque game to come out since 2014

So is Sup Forums getting this or do we only pretend to like games anymore?

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I never found all the planks in hammerwatch's first campaign, but it was still amazing, plus the whole sun temple DLC was amazing and a free update.

It looks really good on paper because Serious Sam formula is as perfect as it can get for a twin-stick isometric shooter but I'd rather wait and see the feedback.
Also I can't seem to get an extra 10% discount for owning other Serious Sam games.

Nothing says that it is twin stick, nor was hammerwatch.
Do you just assume, or do you have concrete info?

Launch Trailer

> Serious Sam formula is as perfect as it can get for a twin-stick isometric shooter
you're damn right it is. not quite twin stick though.
If you have hammerwatch in your library and haven't played it yet (I think it was in 2 humble bundles) you should give that a shot, I expect it to be very similar but with 12 player versus too

I think it's forgivable since no gauntlet-style games have come out since 2014.

The videos made it seem like you have separate controls for movement and aiming and you shoot things while dodging projectiles. Meaning it looked like a twin-stick shooter.

I think I'll go play Hammerwatch since I didn't even finish it.

>First gauntlet-esque game to come out since 2014
that is a bold, unsubstantiated claim

>The videos made it seem like you have separate controls for movement and aiming and you shoot things while dodging projectiles.
Thats the definition of a shooter.
add top down view, and it is a top down shooter.
only when you shoot with the movement of the second stick is it a twin stick shooter.

find me one, I'll gladly play it.
Single player games don't count, fuck-o

This game will be one of "It's actually a fun game so people actually play it insteead of talking about it and there's no drama around it so the community is small as fuck and dies in less than a year"

>only when you shoot with the movement of the second stick is it a twin stick shooter.
I'm actually confused now.
Is Binding of Isaac a twin stick shooter?
Is Alien Shooter twin stick?
How are Hammerwatch and this game different from twin stick and/or something like Alien Shooter?

i binged hammerwatch for literally 12-18 hours straight, playing online with some strangers
what a blast
i love that game

Nex Machina came out today and looks 10x better.

Hammerwatch is fucking baller. I played through the original campaign with a Sup Forums random a long while back. I'd like to get through Sun Temple one day ever. Hammerwatch is a goddamn prime casual filter.

my man

I'll be getting it later tonight
Wondering if I should do a solo run or if I should get someone to play with for my first run

probably play with someone, although it claims to have a separate single player campaign, I'd double check to make sure you're not ruining the multiplayer content.

postan proof
it's the coolest game, and the music is top notch

in a way, it is a shame they are doing a shit spinoff: i would have preferred a new Hammerwatch, or something like that

I'm doing this alone, tried multiplayer, one guy just lagged in front of everyone and got all the fun, but single player is just too slow

Yeah I can see that. I think short bursts of play for single player would be ideal.

>using "free updates" as a positive
fuck you, worthless piece of shit shill

updates should always be free

the fuck guys, add me for some Hammerwatch in the near future. i would love to play the game again

I'm hoping the local multiplayer works out well, I have a group I can play it with

they could've literally just sold it as a new game, there's that much content.
Lemme phrase it this way: outstanding dev support for a non-early access game

topetikekarinoes man ;)