Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?


Everyone who gave Bioware money.

Don't discredit their old games because the new ones are shit. Origins is the best WRPG of all time.

fpbp once again.

Baldurs gate

The dickhead who said it was the Grey Warden's fault.

We're talking about Origins, not 2 or Inquisition.

I had a blast with Origins indeed. I feel the game marked the end of an era and the beginning of another, with the good things of both.

Loghain's paranoia pretty much almost destroyed Denerim.

At the very least, it's better to be conquered by another kingdom rather than having your men and children being eaten by Darkspawn and your women cannibalizing corrupted flesh until they get corrupted into breeding factories.

Origins is far from the best RPG of all time, but it's a solid WRPG.

logain did nothing wrong. play the ostagar dlc.

Look, Origins definitely was a hell of a lot better than what came after it, but best WRPG? Get outta here.

>He did nothing wrong
>Found out his daughter was gonna be cucked because she can't have children and the empress was looking to make a more permanent alliance with Fereldan
>Betrayed a chunk of the army instead of going in a forcing a retreat to save as many as possible
>Then causes a civil war when a unified front is needed

Ok pal

Logan, because he betrayed the dwarven Leliana fucker grey warden.

I liked Inquisition's story and I enjoyed raping the damage sponge enemies with a rogue

>Being the best at anything

Origins was shit. Fun yes, for the first three hours, then turned into shit.



BaĆ²dur's gate, NWN and Baldur's gate 2 say hi, faggot

Loghain. His plan was pretty shit. Experienced general and a war hero should have known better.

I liked too, other than that personally I found only part of the group likable.

I wish blood magic wasn't removed though.

>>Origins was shit. Fun yes, for the first three hours, then turned into shit.
It's the opposite to me. It's sit in the beginning and then it gets fun

NWN is a pile of shit, user.

Yeah that's true. Sera can go fuck off with her randumb Sup Forumstard shit
>I wish blood magic wasn't removed though.
Didn't the game have a necromancy tree that consisted of basically just summoning spirits for half a second or some dumb shit like that? That's actually the reason why I chose a rogue even though I usually prefer mages

Kys user

>has archers fire one volley
>orders all of his war dogs to charge the enemy at least three hundred meters before their lines clash
>has all of his infantry leave the choke point they were occupying and charge the enemy in the open
Not sure if I should blame the character or Bioware, honestly.

Bioware was never good.

Loghain did nothing wrong.

Sorry bro, Origins is overrated shite.

seconding this

>goes into battle amongst his troops, being very easy to spot as the obvious king
>goes up against a 5 meter tall monster
I think you should just blame real army tactics not looking exciting in an RPG

This. They actually had to turn both Logain and Cailan into retarded caricatures to make the plot even happen. If either were half decent characters the game would have been over before it started.

Logain, he almost caused the entire country to be destroyed by the blight

Loghain's problem was not realizing he was in a Bioware game and not someone in Game of Thrones. He did not account that Grey Wardens might actually be instrumental for the victory because they kept the mystique of not revealing how they resolve Blights. Not to mention his fears of fantasy France finding its way to undermine everything he's worked for were justified considering Cailan was having an affair with the empress. Most of his actions made sense, but he overreacted and gave into fear mongering.

Naw man, the reserve Loghain held back wouldn't have been enough to defeat the Darkspawn, and the Grey Wardens couldn't have killed the Archdemon while the enemy army was still running around unopposed

It's funny to think that considering how barren and ugly Ferelden is, you'd think the French dudes wouldn't even want to conquer it. They were far richer, what would they get out of it?
If anything, Caillan trying to bang the empress was smart plan to help up his country.

Yeah, who's ever heard of feudal rulers or someone ruling something that is called "empire" conquering land just to have it? Ridiculous

I still want to know why people seem to be okay with the fact that Loghain attempted to frame the Grey Wardens for Caillan's death. Or they seem to ignore it.

That's not what I meant. Cailan being completely incompetent and retarded is illogical for multiple reasons.

For one, the chain of Command did not work like that, Logain was officially the Marshal of the army, ALL direction of the military should have been his. Cailan could order Logain to set about an objective, but he shouldn't have had any authority over how it was achieved. Every successful military nation in history has obeyed that rule for multiple reasons. One, it protects the military from being blundered by an incompetent king, and two, it allows not only the Marshal, but lower ranking officers to adapt to the conditions on the battlefield.
For a second reason, Cailan was the King. By all rights he should have been educated in warfare and politics from childhood, the fact that he's a bumbling retard is just plot induced stupidity.
And third, everyone actually went along with him except Logain. Skipping the chain of command as Cailan did was a huge deal in historical army, and it usually led to outright disobedience, king or no. Even today in modern militaries, skipping the chain of command is a great way to get yourself stuck in a dead end desk job.

And the entire thing is even more retarded because the Darkspawn were in a fucking forest and nobody though "Hey maybe we should set the fucking forest on fire?".

It's a fantasy game made by Canadians, all they know about medieval kings over there is "they were allowed to do anything and had absolute authority over every single person in their realm" because apparently they only know about Absolutism
Also just by the way
>One, it protects the military from being blundered by an incompetent king
>By all rights he should have been educated in warfare and politics from childhood, the fact that he's a bumbling retard is just plot induced stupidity
These two points are inconsistent with each other

They aren't inconsistent, they're a redundancy. The King can direct the Marshal, but an educated King is a check for an incompetent Marshal just like a competent Marshal is a check for an incompetent king.

No. You can't say "this protected the military from retarded kings" and then immediately go on saying "kings couldn't be retarded because they were educated in warfare from childhood"

>dragon age origins becomes free for Xbox live subscribers
>Suddenly more DAOrigins threads appear
are we all secretly Xbros?

>king's plan is to fight the highly infectious pestilent monsters head on from the front lines and kill the archdemon in a glorious battle so everyone will remember how big his dick is
>Logainn is going to flank them once the Darkspawn are baited by the delicious taste of Grey Warden and King flesh
>Grey Warden Secrecy conveniently prevents Duncan the Dumbass from mentioning how this is both retarded and impossible so the strategy that is absolutely guaranteed to fail goes forward

Bioware Games have always been built on a foundation of terrible decision making.

Should and Are are different things. There were plenty of retarded kings in reality. But DAO isn't reality, it's fiction. Unlike reality, in Fiction, things have to be the way they are for a reason.
If I got outside and get hit by a car and die in reality, that's just life. If I write a story and the character goes outside and gets hit by a car and dies halfway through the plot, that's a shitty story.

It's incoherent. Why is Cailan a bumbling retard? Was his education lacking? Was he a stooge set up by the Orlesians to weaken the nation? etc.
No coherent reason was given for Cailan to be such an idiot. He was just retarded because otherwise the plot wouldn't have happened. That's shit writing.

Loghain. He was a traitor.

>a single XBox player decides to make a thread after getting the game
>hurrr durrr Sup Forums is XBros confirmed
Why are console faggots so stupid

Not that user, but when first meeting him we learn that hes got a massive boner for glory and heroism. All his actions from then on reflect this, all the way to his death.

Cailan's problem was his mother told him too many fairy tales as a child.

>Grey Wardens refuse to tell anyone why they can kill Archdemons because they think no one will want to do it
Motherfucker there are people on this earth RIGHT NOW who have proven to be willing to kill themselves to do nothing more than stick a thumb in their enemy's eye on behalf of a higher power.

>Grey Wardens know about broodmothers but still send female grey wardens into the deep roads for their Calling
Jesus fucking Christ why does this order allow women into its ranks? Forget the "anything you can do I can do better" sjw bullshit. Forget the "LOL -3 STR" anti-sjw bullshit. We are talking monsters who LITERALLY run on the rape of women from every race, and the order sworn to fight them knows it, but continues to recruit women to fight them.

That's beyond stupid. That's malicious. I have long been convinced that the people running the Grey Warden order are secretly villains who allow this to continue so that they never lose their purpose, and thus, never lose their tithes or authority.

>Origins is the best WRPG of all time.

Started playing this again because free on games with gold and I forgot that even on normal mode the game's combat is pretty unforgiving.
I'm sure there are plenty of ways to break the game but for casual play its difficulty is very enjoyable.

>PCnigger spoils the fun once again
Color me surprised

Origins wasn't even the best WRPG of its generation. Bioware was overrated long before it became objective garbage.

So why wasn't that beaten out of him as a child? the Appointing of a regent in the case of an incompetent or unsuitable Prince was fairly common. The Regent would be the king in all but name, yet wouldn't disrupt inheritance.

>origins featured an entire army
>inquisition has maybe 6 characters on screen at once

I just started playing DAO yesterday for the first time since like, 2011. It's crazy how much of a downgrade the sequels are

What was its generation? You mean like console generation, even though it was mostly on PC?


I hope not. memory leak aside, DA really isn't worth playing without mods. I don't just mean the titty ones either. Lock-bashing, respec, and advanced tactics are pretty much mandatory

Would you like to volunteer some other metric, mr. pcbro?

You forgot Slap Morrigan.

How about "wRPGs were in a drought for like 5+ years before"

I was thinking more "enough incredible WRPGs have come out since Dragon Age Origins to completely eclipse it and leave it in the history books as the half-baked any-port-in-a-storm pile of mediocrity is truly is."

The only reason its remembered at all is because, yes, there was a drought at the time and picking were slim.

>Its a "We apply the Bioware Hate Meme retroactively to good titles" thread

Hate to break it to you newfags but Sup Forums loved DA:O.

To be fair, when not pre-rendered the army were just sprites in the distance.

Which ones, and can I get waifus in them that show titty?

I want games I can play and potentially fap to in equal amount

But even in history that doesn't always work sometimes a country gets fucked with a bad or weak ruler.

>For one, the chain of Command did not work like that, Logain was officially the Marshal of the army, ALL direction of the military should have been his. Cailan could order Logain to set about an objective, but he shouldn't have had any authority over how it was achieved. Every successful military nation in history has obeyed that rule for multiple reasons. One, it protects the military from being blundered by an incompetent king, and two, it allows not only the Marshal, but lower ranking officers to adapt to the conditions on the battlefield.

But that's wrong. Not only were feudal armies often lead by kings (See Hastings), we are never clearly told in-game how Ferelden's chain-of-command worked. Loghain was around because he was a high-ranking noble and the most experienced tactician, sure, but it's pretty clear that Ferelden's army is run in a pretty ad-hoc fashion, so it makes perfect sense for ultimate authority to rest with the King.

>For a second reason, Cailan was the King. By all rights he should have been educated in warfare and politics from childhood, the fact that he's a bumbling retard is just plot induced stupidity.

Because a young king who has not been properly educated by their predecessor has never happened before in history ever (cough Louis XV, Taisho etc. cough)

>And third, everyone actually went along with him except Logain. Skipping the chain of command as Cailan did was a huge deal in historical army, and it usually led to outright disobedience, king or no. Even today in modern militaries, skipping the chain of command is a great way to get yourself stuck in a dead end desk job.

That's a straight-up ass pull.

>And the entire thing is even more retarded because the Darkspawn were in a fucking forest and nobody though "Hey maybe we should set the fucking forest on fire?".

You try lighting WETLANDS on fire and tell me how it goes, not even to mention the darkspawn could in theory surface anywhere so it wouldn't matter.

>he likes the glitchy vydia version of the shittiest D&D edition
>he thinks he's a god of PvP because no one else besides his fellow retards have played it everyday for the last 12 years
>he thinks belonging to a dying community of inbreds and failures holds any merit

Why would someone do such thing?

>being an apostate apologist

enjoy being murder-fucked by fade demons

When will we get a Nevarra game?