Lets be real for a minute

Lets be real for a minute.

The game looks like shit, but I can promise you right now that it will be one of if not the biggest selling game if this entire generation.

>normalfags have shit taste and are easily susceptible to marketing
You don't say?

I'll bite. What about it "looks like shit "?

inb4 QTE's

How so? Arkham knight didnt too all that well, this is just marvel's brighter equivalent.


QTEs are a valid complaint, along with how scripted and arkhamy the game looks

>looks like shit

not really, swinging looked great (i believe moonswinging was deconfirmed)

combat looks better than the shit spiderman 2 had. who cares about QTEs in story segments

enjoy your elite attitude towards games, youre opinions are so cool

it's so hilariously scripted. filled with quick time events

Spidey is much more popular than Bats.
Parents are much more likely to get the colorful goofy superhero game than the dark brooding tank simulator where enemy NPC dialog consists entirely of conversations about how badly they want to rape Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, and Catwoman.


I don't know what you are smoking.
Visually it looks amazing.
The QTE's are the only worrying thing but I've come to expect them during Tights and capes games. Especially during cinematic moments. Nobody is good enough to make super hero moments work with a few button presses outside of a QTE.


I didn't even think about the visuals when I watched the reveal. Id say they were so-so, but I might pick it up since I've been nostalgic for Spider-Man 2 for ages

Well said bro! we always win! I can't wait to spend 60 euros/dollars on this 10 hour interactive movie cinematic experience! Sony has the best games! for the players!!!

Shut the fuck up Wojak posters.
If anything you make the group of people you are acting as look better because there is some autistic spaz trying their damnedest to to make they look bad.

So fucking obvious it hurts.

>complains that a cinematic game doesn't focus on gameplay

The whole E3 thing looked incredibly scripted, and if that is the part they're the most proud of, it's reason to believe the rest of the game will be garbage.

Kill yourself, samefagging falseflagger.

>"S-stop it!! w-we need our save space!! WE are the best, Sony always wins!!! Greatness awaits!"

Lol dude get a life.

Trying to chase after fucking wojack posters. Hahahah


Amazing.. Simply amazing....
This is #4the"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""players"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

might aswell watch a fucking spiderman movie

What are you trying to say with that webm? Web of Shadows had extremely mediocre reception for it's poor gameplay choices.


no the game was a shit movie it has QTE you guys told me so

The developers already discussed the QTEs. They said they're only used in a few parts to show off a grand cinematic moment (like maybe something you'd want to show for an electronic entertainment expo), but QTEs are not in most of the game

Game looks fun

t. PC + Switch owner

You don't have to chase them. They are everywhere.

What if it turns out that QTEs still remain prevalent in the final game

why can't they make those grand moments with gameplay in mind? i'm pretty sure you could replicate this webm in game by shooting webs instead of having to watch a 40 second cinematic

>on gaming show to sell a game
>show of the worst part of the game
Sounds like damage control to me.

I feel like it would be better if the white parts were actually made of metal.

Let's be real. Only one Spider-Man game had anywhere near decent combat. As long as it has good web-swinging, I'm pretty sure 76% of Sup Forums will be satisfied.

Surely none of you liked Spider-Man 2 for its combat, right?

I liked the Arkham games, and this honestly looks like an Arkham game with Spider Man skin. I am looking forward to it.

I haven't played Spider-man 2 in years. But I remember liking it because it was an open city where I could web swing around as Spider-man. That was it. That was the only reason I enjoyed it.

>so eager to be a contrarian piece of shit you can't even wait for the game to come out

even the trailer for SM2 was all about the web swinging, when you go looking for it they seemed to have zero confidence in the combat as being a selling point

>The game looks like shit
It doesn't though? Go back to your weebshit highschool sims.

I hate Spider-Man and capeshit in general, but this game looks fun.

Convinced it's Microsoft and Nintendo fans shitting on this. Fifteen year olds too broke to get a second console.

alright then, it *plays* like shit

What consoles do you own?

Honest question.

I think it looks pretty cool. Batman combat seems well suited to Spider-Man's acrobatics, and while the QTE overload is real, that's hardly enough to stop a game from being fun.

They belief the swinging and city.

Combat wasn't terrible. It feels like you had more control than this though. The little button prompts don't help, and the fact that he takes enemies down without even getting to toy with them sucks.
I wouldn't say it's similar to Askham combat, but it does seem to have the focus more on defeating enemies than enjoying playing with them.

I liked the little minigames if trying to juggle enemies in the air or swing then around for as long as you can or whatever it was

Oh man you got to play it? Lucky.

Liked, not belief

>game isn't out
>i-it plays like shit
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