ITT: vidya weapons that would trigger /k/

ITT: vidya weapons that would trigger /k/

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Look up "keyblade" on Deviantart. It is a gold mine.

Borderlands 2 is literally trigger /k/: the game

You ain't seen shit yet. Watch this:

>autism keyblade
Holy shit, how many layers of irony is this man on?

I like that he included a closeup of the lil chain thing which is basically the same size as the original

Please tell me this is just a joke.
Please tell me that this man isn't real.


Just when you think you've seen everything.

Jesus Christ I went through this dude's gallery thinking he's 11 or so then I noticed he's fucking 24 and admin of "the transform club".
Then again, according to his bio he's doing better than me so fuck me.

Deviantart is home for foreverial delitization, glove fetish and Tails Gets Trolled. This thing is tame in comparison.



deviantart cringe thread?

user...... I don't think you wanted to post that.

why not? hes my go-to DA cringe guy

>Double blast with a SPAS

Because you'll summon barneyfag.

Oh, havent seen him in a while, didn't even remember he exists. Should be here aaany minute now

looked up "gun" on DA. Jesus christ.

Does anyone have the webm of that rifle in Fallout 4?

Maybe you will get lucky I think he mostly lurks threads that look like off topic shit and only searches derpibooru.

Nah, if he finds pony shit that isn't on derpibooru already, he'll upload it to derpibooru himself and then start spamming the thread.



>infantry assault rifle

what's the thing on the left for? So you shove it up your ass and pretend you're a Metal Gear with the dick gun?

I don't think I've seen a game with so many retarded weapons designs or bad reload animations. Excluding Borderlands nonsensical weapons because your not supposed to take those seriously.

bumping with actual guns that would trigger /k/

>you see ivan, if you strap bits of computer to kalashnikov you don't need of design actual laser gun



Seriously, who the fuck draws that up and thinks it will be something that the player will want to use?

>expecting anything from the retards that changed the perfectly good ripper design to this shit.

>Already had a established assault rifle
>Replace it with Bioshock reject of a Machine Gun
What the fuck Bethesda

I really like some of those. The large blade one is cool. I like the ones with actual handles that looks like they're designed to be handles and not just fuel cells or whatever.

everything about this
a belt-fed, triple barreled pump action shotgun that shoots proximity mines

I don't like the fact that the teeth aren't even sharp and the blade "grooves" would actually make it worse at sawing shit

Looks cool.

Oh yeah, some actual teeth would be OK. Don't care about grooves, chainsword is a silly idea anyway, might as well make it look cool. FO1/2 had the best design, and FO3/FNV version always looked off to me.


Rise of the Triad is not the type of game you can take seriously even if you try.

>gee bill

at least in borderlands 2 you can say it's meant as a joke

>Two magazines provides faster reload time

How? you actually have to change two instead of one

the problem with the gun you replied to is that second magazine has replaced the firing mechanism from its inspiration.

Infinity Ward sure loves dual magazines

but it has 0 magazines

It's on the side

fucking anything but zombie killing gear I can't stand that shit

In the image it's not clear but it has two side magazines

>pumps a fucking smg
whoever animated this needs to be killed


what the fuck is the thing on the back for

So you can swing it tonfa-style

I wouldn't have minded if it was a separate "assault rifle" only for power armor use, like a standard weapon in a bigger caliber, but then I would have put the minigun/gatling laser in that category too. Able to carry in your inventory but only equippable when in armor.

I would have also liked to have seen the minigun be deployable or mountable, in sections where you could or had to defend an objective.

that looks better you dipshit.

Its ridiculous how shit and unmemorable all the F4 guns are compared to F3 and FNV

that's a fin it's for speed

It's so you can brace it on your armpit

ancient meme coming through

oh yes FO3 had so many memorable guns like the CHOO-CHOO rifle and

Pimp my gun threads were fun.


is the site still working?

I always thought it was an MP5, but on closer inspection maybe it's a smol sig rifle with a weird magazine? Truly a deep game

I'm pretty sure it's an M16 or something like that, I can see the carry handle

its a barell shroud. shoulder thing that goes up.

Lucky that a lot of the people in Obsidian are gunfags during NV's development.


What's wrong with it?

This was originally supposed to be a powersuit-held LMG, but Bethesda just loves cutting corners and removed the Chinese AK that was initially supposed to be the real Assault Rifle and gave that title to their WW1 Maxim-knockoff.

he can't be older than 9 with that handwriting

i know, let me live this lie

Thanks a lot, a fiend showed it to me ages ago bu i was never able to find it again

I literally don't see anything wrong with this.
Pretty nice shape, too.

Borderlands 2 was a mistake.

>film reel magazine

w-where are the bullets


>no Resonance of Fate

For shame...

see, ive been trying to learn how to draw and people keep giving me that whole "you gotta do 10 thousand bad drawings before you start to get good" shit, then I see niggers like these. Guy has drawn thousands of drawings and is barely any better than when he started.

The artstyle is nice but the concept is ridiculously bad.

>no muzzle

I always see the same images in this thread and would like to know which gun designs from vidya user LIKES. no boring shit

>implying this doesn't increase the choke volume and makes the bullets enter the terminal velocity faster

how the fuck is the artstyle "nice"? looks like some shit a kid would make with a copy of corel draw and a 15 minute youtube video worth of skill

Semi automatic, handheld, 400 year old cannon.


I miss that MGSV weapon customization bug

I think that's supposed to be kalashnikov that's been retrofitted to be a gaussgun, which is pretty fucking cool.

If it's not and all this shit is literally just tacticool applications, then it's a fucking affront to every and all slavs of the world.


where the fuck do they keep the shells



alright this one got me.

Inside the cannon

Gta 3 m16.
>sounded cool when shot.
>Ridiculous firing speed.
>kill or blow up anything under a second.
The only downside was the horrible recoil.

it's described as a "full-auto energy rifle" in-game. Its basically an AK with shit strapped to it that somehow makes it shoot lasers. For some reason the batteries for the laser are shaped like banana mags

>that last one

I thinkthis is my own fucking image I uploaded ages ago, holy shit.

La longue carabine

The shotgun in New Order is pretty fucking good. I particularly like that part where you can dual wield shotguns in the prison, you get the opportunity to use it behind 3 or 4 guys. You start fucking blasting it away as the music suddenly distorts. So satisfying.