reminder that ps4 has sold 387.5 million copies of software so far
>inb4 FIFA machine
FIFA 17 only sold 11 million copies
>inb4 Bloodborne machine
Bloodborne only sold 2 million copies
reminder that ps4 has sold 387.5 million copies of software so far
>inb4 FIFA machine
FIFA 17 only sold 11 million copies
>inb4 Bloodborne machine
Bloodborne only sold 2 million copies
Other urls found in this thread:
I'd imagine each Fifa generation has sold roughly 10% than the last as it takes time for adopters, so roughly 25 million for the franchise. Then God only knows how many copies of Call of Duty and GTA. That us all your average person plays. It legitimately is, and there's really no debate.
Sure some people play Uncharted but those 3 are the staples and will make almost 1/3 of sales, I'd imagine. I don't know anyone with a console but not a copy of Fifa. Nobody.
What are the top 5 selling games for PS4 then?
Mystique version looks p.gud
GTAV, Black OPs 3, FIFA17/16, Star Wars Battlefront and Uncharted 4. Uncharted only being near the top because it was a pack in bundle title.
How many of those "sold" were "free" ps+ downloads?
you can't get a physical copy of a ps+ download, user
Reminder that Xbox owners on average buy considerably more games than PS4 owners
>muh saels!
>12th february 2016
xbox one only has 192 million software sales right now lol. what a pathetic console
We're are you getting these figures from then?
Honestly does not surprise me. PS4 is the normalfag machine this gen that people buy exclusively for sports games or they only bought it because their friends have it.
>FIFA 17 only sold 11 million copies
COD machine
GTA V machine
Madden machine
Battlefront machine
Fuck you.
Its hilarious to me that even to this day, Sup Forums will insist the fucking WiiU has better games than PS4.
Has any console ever caused more salt than PS4?
that still doesn't add up to 387.5 million copies lol. not even close. just because popular games are popular doesn't mean it's the only thing that people buy on the console
The xbox one x
open the catalog of Sup Forums right now and start collecting the salt of sony fans mad about an unreleased console having seemingly better performance than their "pro"
how the fuck?!
point me to one, then.
It's too hard for the casual normie. I had friends who picked up bloodborne but, didn't even manage to get halfway through the first level.
you should leave Sup Forums once in a while. believe it or not, the world isn't obsessed with this game.
Pic related are the best selling games. 9/10 are multiplats, with uncharted realistically only being that high because it was bundled.
In comparison to the others xbone is also 9/10 multiplats, pc is about 50 percent of you exclude f2p and Nintendo is about 90 percent exclusives.
2m in September 2015.
>someone rational on Sup Forums
>9/10 are multiplats
That's not true.