What is the worst character design you've ever seen in a video game?

What is the worst character design you've ever seen in a video game?

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You all either have no dicks, shit taste, are NeoGAFers, or all three.

You'd have to be the biggest plebaian alive to want to have sex with a green haired girl with drills who is also wearing a cat outfit. The only thing that could make her worse is heterochromia

Everything about his outfit bothers me.
It's like an old timey diving suit for homosexuals with more belts that has 0 utility

A good design=/=pleasing for your dick retard


So you would call a character that is a literal pile of shit good design as long as it makes your dick hard?

Chick is a fucking abomination too.

>huge tits
>no fucking ass at all
Like i get that Japs might be fags and don't like gigantic nigger asses, neither do i, but holy shit she has NOTHING AT ALL.


No wonder why there is no good loking female character in western game.

Here are the actual retard designs.

>someone looked at this and thought "yeh, this is good"

You having absolute shit taste is the reason there are no good looking female characters in western games? Maybe you should kill yourself then and do us all a favor if you are the reason.

Because the West is not fucking Japan and the faggots over here have different priorities you fucking idiot.
The west tries to appeal tumblr fatties and femnazis, unlike Japan.

Her outfit just looks too stupid for me.

Your only complaint about these characters is that their tits are hanging out. That doesn't make them bad designs. That makes you gay.

There nothing wrong with sexy designs, and Haruka's and Alice's designs aren't bad and fit with their game.
The first one is absolute dog trash though, you'd have to be blind to think this is good

Sounds like retarded priorities whatever they are.

Only niggers care about asses.
Boobs are a feminine feature. Anyone can have a good ass

>Your only complaint about these characters is that their tits are hanging out
>You'd have to be the biggest plebaian alive to want to have sex with a green haired girl with drills who is also wearing a cat outfit
Point me again to where tits play any role in why her design is shit.

I'm not sure what you're getting at, please post a few more bad character designs.

That just seems like the average gothic outfit i used to see at cons, with an added blindfold.

I hate how almost all of the Tales games' characters are designed.
They all just look the fucking same to me, it's so boring.

the gayest nigga

No shit. That isn't changing the fact that you're a gigantic retard tho for trying to shit on others defending your trash tastes.

If you can't see what's wrong with her design aside from negative ass you have virtually zero taste.
It's the blandest, most horrifyingly overdesigned shit i saw from JRPGs in quite a while. Which is amusing because previous Xeno games were better in that aspect.

saitom should stick to drawing porn

dumb nigger

I wasn't replying to your post cunt, but I'm sorry the green haired titty witch isn't a flat chested loli to appeal to your patrician tastes.


there's nothing there, cocksucker

xenoblade has had some bad characters recently, huh.


I like sexy, but those are all retarded character designs user.

Yes exactly.

>I refuse to find female asses attractive because dude also have asses!
Really nigga?

at least XCX had some ass in it
XB2 character design looks like a fucking abortion straight from FFTA2

user please, Battleborn is easy mode.

Have you seen the equipment in the original?

Everyone from Final Fantasy X

Yeh, this is good.

I want to impreganate those tits, so I don't see how is that bad design.

>Anyone can have a good ass

Plebeian alert, absolutely ZERO appreciation for the miracle that is feminine hips detected.


Idk OP I could definitely get on top of that

9 out of 10 Sup Forums users are gay.

In terms of me wanting to wear that, including the wig and hat, while a girl fucks me silly with a strap on, it's a 10 out of 10 outfit.

But for a vidya game, it's retarded.

Tits don't have wombs you idiot.

>he has never impregnated a woman's tits

Normalfags get out.

Wait a minute, I recognize that face.

So... someone did buy the book for real, huh?

Welcome to Sup Forums

Anyone else changed their mind about this character's design?
Yeah its still ugly as fuck but there's a lack of deliberately ugly women in vidya.
It's not like which is trying so hard to be kawaii-uguu it turned into an abomination.


Yeah this one is pretty stupid.

Pyra is okay though.

Every ff13 character xcept the chocobo


I can't imagine there wasn't some kind of drug, perhaps a mix between Adderall and LSD, involved in this design.

What are ya'll, gay? Those designs are awesome.

Shut the fuck up bioware

>Pyra is okay though.
No, she's not.
>ears sticking out like she's a fucking koala
>negative ass
>outfit that is neither sexy nor well-designed
>stupid belts


i miss being 15 years old and falling for the shittiest fapbait possible
the only good design in what you've highlighted is 2B

Pretty solid design, Nintendo rarely disappoints its audience regarding their artistic direction.

the only thing that bothers me is that fucking disgusting chess looking pattern.
wtf even is this? body painting?

>implying every anime character isn't overdesigned trash

you mean autistic?

It's used to boost her magical abilities. For mana to channel effectively there has to be 50/50 skin/cloth ratio.

I might have a weird fetish, but I love her design.

How the fuck you can even put that mask on without removing half of our skull?

How old are you?

Have you ever seen a dress?

Western women don't wear dress.




Anything from Nomura.


Fapbait is awesome design, no matter your age. It's why Benny Hill and Mexican game shows were/are so popular.

not same user but there is nothing wrong with over-stylizing characters, whether it's meant to be sexy or not is up to each person individually. It's scary we progress in time we regress in our ability to understand that videogames don't have to be hyper realistic regardless if that is in story, mechanic or design. I am sure you love characters like Nathan Drake.

I cannot deny that she is generic. But assure you that being generic or not is what decides fully if a design is good or not.

Yeah, nah. She's great.

>that weapon

To be fair at least they are experimenting, even if it looks fucking stupid 70% of the time

i don't ask for realistic designs, don't shove bullshit agendas down my throat
i merely ask to not overdesign shit to a point it looks gross instead of sexy
and Pyra looks fucking gross

Here, I am sure this can calm you down, friend. You don't have to think about gross Pyra anymore, instead now you can enjoy some stellar designs of your liking