Why is this game so hard? Holy shit, coming off of SFV this shit is like a whole new world...

Why is this game so hard? Holy shit, coming off of SFV this shit is like a whole new world. I wanted to play a game to get me ready for DBZ.

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Any fighter worth a damn is like a whole new world compared to SFV

Just give it some time and you'll get used to it, it really just plays like SF with a couple extra mechanics, it's not even that bad, and for most characters execution is actually easier since it predominantly uses cancels instead of links

Ive been playing Baiken, Answer, Raven and Sol and none of them feel quite right. I think I like Baiken the best, I feel like she just gets rushed down and dies quick.

I play Bison and Cammy in SFV, who'd you guys recommend?

Ok so like 2 means crouching right
c. means close
f. means far
j. is jump
what the fuck do 5, 6, and 3 mean
why can't they give these attacks simpler names

5 is neutral position (no movement input)
6 is forward
3 is down forward
look at your keyboard and the numbered part on the right, see arrows? thats the key notations

>coming off of SFV
SFV is the most casual fightan on the market. Welcome to the real deal, son

Yes cause it is an actual fun and challenging fighter to play.

>most casual
>not NRS games

That's because SFV has lowered the bar considerably. GG is still a fighting game for fighting game fans. Just keep messing with characters until you find one that clicks with you

Yeah they truly are on par with ssb

Who /modest t greed/ here?


Look into May or Faust, those should be simple enough
Also Ky is pretty much Ryu with a sword

the only real BGM is

who here /playing both tekken 7 and rev2/

This is such a nice song and fuck anyone that says otherwise.

That'd be me.
I mained Bridget in XX,
Ky in -Sign-,
Elphelt in Revelator/2. Currently practicing unblockable setups.

Arisa in Tekken 7. Currently practicing EWGF, holy shit how do people do it so consistently?

It always throws me off when I get into a match and it starts to play

Yo where my Axl niggas at?

How dead is this on PC?

Because its cleaner and simple to understand?

May a cute. CUTE!


Hopefully nowhere. That fucker is so boring to play against.

You pretty much have to have a group or join the big Discord servers if you want reliable games. Luckily, those Discord servers are big and, well, you can very much get reliable games with people of varying skill levels. But do not buy this game if you want to grind ranked matches, because the fact is, nobody plays ranked.

In EU you pretty much always find games. Can't really speak for other regions.

Anyone elses main get literally nothing but amazing buffs in Rev 2?
I'm so glad I stuck with this nigga

I'd actually argue that Injustass and MKX have far more depth and creativity than SFV.


>le fishes for corner vortex combo every match for the entire match man

>he doesn't act like le edgy and wacky bird at all in the story
>rather a thoughtful immortal being
what is this disconnect

He's become numb to everything from being immortal.
Battle/pain is the only thing that still makes him feel shit.

I noticed that too.
I find it kind of weird that in-game Raven is an edgy masochist who seems to only enjoy fighting for the pain and has an edgy theme, meanwhile in-story Raven is probably the most level-headed of the entire cast with little to no polarizing emotions and no pants-on-head retarded overarching schemes like literally every single villain in GG has had. Hell in-story he's hardly a villain. Also in-story Raven's theme is Storyteller since he literally is one.

Just a really weird disconnect and I don't know why.

Not dead, i find lobbies every day in EU and dont go near the gay as fuck discords

>mfw two giant meteors in one round

Drop that garbage and pick up Melee.

There's this stiff feeling I can't get over in every arc game. Anyone else feel it?

Injustice 2 is harder and has more depth than SFV believe or not. That's how casual SFV is.

Although SFV feels better. To me NRS games have never felt right. They are always kinda clunky, laggy and the animations are stiff and weird. If it wasn't for that I'b be into their games.

Oki, thanks.
I might get it in a few days then. Kinda miss playing GG.

I honestly can't understand how people in this day and age can still watch professional Melee.

The game's been figured out and theory-crafted to the point where optimization is at it's humanly best it can possibly be. The only thing that realy decides fights anymore is either if one of the characters has some form of a hard-counter against the other or in the vast majority of cases where the two characters are on a leveled playing field then it's just who fucks up first.

I fucking loved MK9, for me what kills it is the gay stage hazard shit, and I hate how they split up everyones moves in MKX

haha weee

I think it mainly comes down to the fact that it looks impressive, especially when compared to the casual level play most people are familiar with.

Sol is a good place to start if you like a fundamental rushdown game. If you want someone else you can look into Jam. But really you should just play who you like.

is dust a universal overhead?


When you're finishing the input (forward, down, down-forward), hold the down forward part when you press 2

>played Leo and Elphelt
What'd they do to best bro and girl?



Nerfed them both

I can feel that stiff feeling alright gachiGASM

I miss when Sol was svelte instead of giga nigga buff

Good, they were both unga bunga garbage


Right here my nigga

Dude us not too but i love how he gives everyone a bad time.

I found the character to be a bit lackluster, what were the buffs?

You will be missed Kusoru, I hope another player will inherit your spirit.

How's sin these days?

*Dude is not top tier

Its what i meant.

>Tfw all Arc System Works fighting games have unholy offensive gameplay
>Tfw I have to learn to block like a madman
GG makes SFV look like a baby's game. It's more like UMVC3.

2K links into 2H now, and you can cancel the uncharged version of his DP into charged DP kick for kick loops
They also made the input for his charge kick a little easier to do since it was kind of strict before.
No nerfs and the buffs are much more than I was expecting, Rev 2 was kind to Kum

still a fag enabler

Why aren't you playing easy mode, user?
He's actually pretty fun.

W-who do I play now?

I too remember when GG had bs projectile-oki.

they barely got nerfed and Leo even got some buffs
You shouldn't play unga bunga characters anyway though

I might try thr character aha n then, thanks for thebheads up.

I tried playing potemkin for a month but that character is way to hard.

I find him so boring to play half the time and yet I keep coming back after trying the rest of the cast. He just has a little bit of everything. Range, mobility, setplay, projectiles at multiple angles, goofy animations, command grabs.

I feel guilty for playing him sometimes too because of his ease of use and linear/straightforward gameplan. But I guess if I can start winning I shouldn't complain. I'm still used to the even more braindead Rev1 Raven.

Holly shit my auto correct suvks.

Ill try the character again, thanks for the heads-up

Kum is alright.

kum hahahahhaha

Hey user, want to hang out in the corner with me for a while?

user, even the lowest tier in XRD can shine if you put in work.

He's not for everyone, and he's kinda hard to learn, but I love him
just look at this damage you can shit out

What classifies as an unga bunga character?

I would honestly main Kum if there was a palette where the robot was semi-transparent and I could watch the little waifu piloting it inside

characters I can't beat

Thats pretty gay user, if you don't love the robot you don't deserve Kum

Sure, I have some tight set-ups I want to try with you there.

Elphelt still as she's still top tier. Or you can cry about how your unblockable setup now costs 25 meter and never play the game again

i feel like if they didnt split it all up there wouldnt be enough input commands to make it work.
to keep basic stuff universal, and specials not works well. if you tried to map sub zeros ice clone, his shield, and his hammer, how the hell would you do that on one character?

A character that has the same strategy every matchup, on hit or block. Usually has lots of + moves.

No Bridget No buy

How much cheaper do you think the REV 2 upgrade will be during the sale?

There's a reason these games are dead despite having good tutorial and single player

There are so many inputs available that it wouldn't be hard
you've got QCF QCB HCF HCB SPD DP charge moves, and all sorts of other shit
They could easily had all the moves on one character

Mindlessly simple inputs for mashing on repeat. Good for wrecking new players, but mostly unusable against competent players. Leo is the ultimate example of a braindead character

Low game knowledge requirement
You just run at people and press buttons like a gorilla, hence unga bunga
Obviously this is for low level play. At a certain point you will face good players who force you to learn to play properly.

Nothing against Sin but I got bored playing him in Sign. Probably had fewer than 100 matches played with him, but in the end I just didn't enjoy playing him.

Hold on let me phone up ArcSys and ask them
when will you faggots stop asking dumb questions
You cant have a qcf and a hcf on the same button. also MK doesnt have quarter/half motions. Its just down forward etc

maybe i just havent played enough, but maybe they were trying to keep the skill ceiling from being overwhelming?
idk it promotes different playstyles by splitting it up, and on top of that, i feel like if they had everything on one some characters would be batshit OP

DBZ will be insanely easier, they're not gonna make it cancerous like this


Pain is the only thing that gives him any sort of real sensation. He grew numb to everything else over untold centuries.

DBZ is being made for fighting game fans rather than DBZ fans. So I doubt it's going to be babby mode

>be good at every conceivable thing you'd want in a fighter
>still not popular

What else can they possibly do?

I need to get around to getting Rev2. I played the demo and Answer is the coolest.