DBZ gets a good game

>DBZ gets a good game
>still no good Eva game

How is this fair?

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Evangelion is shit.

hi, reddit

It's literally the only anime you ever need to watch.

How would an eva game work?

because eva is trash

Hi, Reddit.

hello, reddit

Eva game wont work.
Only thing would be VR experience where you sit in Eva.

Aww what's wrong, baby can't get past the heIIo reddit wordfilter?

The N64 game was quite interesting.

Oh, you mistook Evangelion for Cowboy Bebop. I see.

I just know my grammar. A comma belongs after hello.

'sup, reddit

There isn't a good Eva anime either so it sounds about right

Go back your shonenshit

Just play xenogears

>both have mechs
>both showcase the concept of wrapping up a story with barely any budget left

I literally just want to know, years later, why Kaworu stayed like this doing nothing while they were fighting Asuka in the 3.0 movie

>Sup Forums is now behind so many layers of irony that they hate Evangelion

Fuck off back to Sup Forums.

Fighting game
Rei in Unit 00
Shinji in Unit 01
Asuka in Unit 02
Kaworu in Unit 02
Toji in Unit 03
Kensuke in a big military device
Misato in a big military device
Most of the angels
Mass produced Eva

There you go. Give them a moveset and you're done.

wahhh stop making fun of my wan piss


Evangelions for the PS2 was p decent

Where's 3.0+1.0, Anno?

>watching rebuilds

Eva is a garbage anime just like Madoka and Attack on Titan

Evangelion doesn't need a game


He was about to hurl

>He hasn't played girlfriend of steel

>starts off great
>Ends up shit
Bravely Default is the Evangelion of video games

Hopefully nowhere as 3.0 was absolutely garbage, it's amazing how it seems to have never happened apart from some MILF Misato doujinshis.

Evangelion is the greatest anime of all time, and one of the best shows of all time, and that is now somehow a contrarian opinion

Eva is kino
DBZ is a flick. flicks are more marketable and can be enjoyed by all. especially the dumbest


The unwashed shonenshit masses are the same casuals that uphold eva as a masterpiece. They don't know any better.


Is it finally time?

You're totally right
After all "kino" is just code for "shit" and was a shitty meme spouted by redditors on Sup Forums

>Eva is kino

Eva is kitsch.

Already is one

Asuka a shit

what kind of genre would make a good evangelion game?

>Red asuka
>Blue shinji
>Purple kissu
That's some good shit right there, great presentation

Steel Batallion but nimbler.

NGE is shit

EoE on the other hand...

eva fighting game would be so cool

Persona + SRW

>Never cared for evangelion, thought it was dark and edgy. I rather watch dragon ball z because you know... I was kid and that is what kids watched
>fast forward to a 13yo user, just got into high school
>Be of the few that discovered anime and be into it hard but show no power level at school
>Guy talks about anime. He says Evangelion is the best anime ever
>I say sure, i think I can watch edgy bulshit without biased criticism
>He lends me his cd's and watch it in a shit quality Quicktime files
>Reach to the end
>They congratulate the MC for 2 epiosdes
>Return the cd's and tell the guy his anime was shit
>"No dude, you didn't understand it. You have to watch the movie because they fix it there"
It's been 15 years since then and I'm glad I never associated with this kind of autists people that think they favorite anime is kino.

but you're still here

It's been done. JP Exclusive N64 game.

Sure. Any thread were I can shit post DBZ > NGE is a good thread.

And Gendo by himself of course

Yeah but it sucked
I want real, fast, a-nee-may airdashing arcsys type shit

Ain't there that one smash esq game of Evangelion? Also, what order should I go in with the movies?

Do you not know how numbers work?

I go fucking backwards out'a spite, I will!

it's good in SRW games

End of Evangelion, Death and Rebirth can be ignored, no clue what's going on with the rebuilds, but obviously those would go in order

>Ain't there that one smash esq game of Evangelion
It sux. The gameplay is slow unresponsive garbage. The grafix are shite. And if you desire to play complete version of the game, you have to suffer through psp version which has additional characters and runs AT 15 FUCKING FPS. YES, A FIGHTING GAME THAT RUNS AT FIFTEEN FRAMES PER SECOND.

Yeah, smash ain't really a fighting game when you really think about it,eh?

Series > EoE > skip the manga and rebuilds because they're fucking shit

>real, fast airdashing arcsys
Did we watch the same anime user? NGE portrayed weight and momentum of the angels and evas.

You can just play Xenogears and its pretty much the same thing.

People only like Cowboy Bebop for nostalgia.
Every main character has a bland personality, 90% of the show is filler, the villian is literally the edgiest fuck in the world, and there's terrible 90s CGI.

make every character heavy as/heavier than potemkin
and who needs realism when you have fun

>People only like Cowboy Bebop for nostalgia.

It's not about realism user. I want my giant anime alien wrestling game. It wouldn't feel like NGE if it played like smash with air dashes.

Space Dandy is better in every conceivable way

Zone of the enders 1 and 2

Nostalgia is the entire main thematic point of Cowboy Bebop, dunce.

This is a post I can get behind

where can i find a translated version of this. pls help

god I fucking hate that bitch
I cant understand how there's even a trend for liking this fucking mommy issues cunt
asuka a shit
rei a shit

Misato master race forever

>I cant understand how there's even a trend for liking this fucking mommy

Either one you pic you're a cuck to either Kaiji or Gendo.

We all know who the right choice is.

Eva doesn't need shitty movies as well but they are still being made for whatever reason. Come the fuck on Anno, didn't Shin Godzilla show you are better off ditching Eva already?

>Berates other series
>Posts Pokemon

Haven't tried it but this tumblr seems to have the game and the patch

Face it, there never going to be a good EVA game.

I want to fuck them both.

both ps2 ones were fun, specially battle orchesta

Probably never, but at least Eva is perfectly presented. Well, if you watch the director's cut episodes. Dragon Ball and NGE are two of my top 3 anime, but I really wish Dragon Ball was presented like it was in the manga, nowadays "DBZ" fans will eat up any shit as long as Goku's on the cover, no matter how flanderized the characters get and how little sense the story makes. They even rag on "DBZ" to make the newer shit look better, despite never reading the source material.

Maybe Eva should push harder and pander to Blacks and Mexicans since they're literally the only reason why Dragonball's rotting corpse is still dragged around.

>battle orchestra
how the fuck did you unlock lilith in that one? showed up once in the unlimited battle arena and kicked my ass

It's not shit. It's actually pretty good.
The fanbase is shit tho.

Asked and answered.

>Where's 3.0+1.0, Anno?

Never ever

>Asuka's hair clips poking through the bonnet

user, evangelion is for a niche audience of autistic people and 15 year olds that just started wachting anime. Its shit

t. wanigger

Fucking Anno, he promised to finish 3.0+1.0 after Shin Godzilla

He must be depressed again

End of Evangelion 2.0 incoming?

Asuka's titties now in 4K

Can confirm, although I was 12 when I first saw and fell in love with it. I don't think I can ever grow out of it.

I never got into Evangelion, I mostly just know of the memes. Where should I start?

Does Bright actually slap the shit out of Shinji in any of the SRW games?

DBZ is way more influential, popular and fun then Evangelion.
Eva has literally nothing to offer.

By not watching it. The anime is a meme people are bound to fell of.
Just play videogames instead.

Not being a shallow, joyless, overrated meme series enjoyed by niggers and spics? Original dragonball is great but Z sucks
