Why do you faggots hate Zsnes so much? It's like the best SNES emulator

Why do you faggots hate Zsnes so much? It's like the best SNES emulator

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It can't play krusty's funhouse

its fine, but the ui is a little annoying to use in fullscreen

you don't have a computer that can run higan, huh

I don't know and I don't care. It must be the same autistic shit on Sup Forums with VLC.

Why do i have to deal with that shit interface when there are better alternatives.

it was charming in high school when it was the only emulator on the school computers.

now its just an emulator with a shitty ui

I hasn't been updated in what 10 years?

so? it's for a 30 year old console

ZSNES is fine enough. Mednafen (which by the way is impossible to set up) nerds just like to bash on it.

>Muh 99.999% perfect emulation

>mednafen is impossible to set up
>not just using retroarch
come on

>using retroarch in any way or form.
Just remove yourself from existence please.

It's passable and good to have around for troubleshooting romhacks

Emulators are for degenerate communists who want free shit


It's honestly a nice piece of software and more than enough for anything, but just use the superior higan if your PC isn't a toaster from 1999.

>just werks
>don't have to hunt down an emulator everytime I get the desire to play a game for
>works on almost every system I own
Yeah why would I ever use it. I must be a cuck. Thanks for enlightening me.


There's no reason to use ZSNES these days since there are better emulators that are also free and can also run on toasters. You have to go out of your way to install a SNES emulator, so you're better off installing a better SNES emulator.

ZSNES is fine. Higan is better. But there's nothing really wrong with ZSNES.

It can run code inserted into roms, so enjoy your botnet

Why is epsxe bad and what should I use instead

>post yfw you are not a ZSNESfag

>have a working SNES and other consoles from that time hooked up to a modern/latency free TV through an XRGB mini
>own all the games I like already
>supposed to care about what emulators people use for some reason



I don't get it

Are you trying to make ZSNES look good? Why do you have shitty filters enabled on bsnes?

>analog to digital translation
>latency free
It's ok, everyone makes mist-
>using your TV for upscaling from QVGA
Absolutely tech-illiterate, consider suicide.


Higan is bsnes yes

the xrgb does the upscaling, not the tv


>not Mednafen

Stop using plugins

If you don't play ZSNES with hq2x and a resolution of 1920x1080, you aren't playing the games the way it was intended

mednafen sucks

Stop being a pleb

not my fault your emu sucks

Its objectively the best PS1 emulator though

>a variety of decent SNES emulators
>like 2 options for N64 emulation and they're both shit


>can't use plugins for increased clarity
lol its crap

zsnes looks better?

Its the most accurate
>increased clarity

What is this new meme?

>emulating above native resolution

>best SNES emulator

Get out of here.


>I want to suffer as if I was using the original shite hardware so I can look at the same pixelated mess I saw 20 years ago
What is wrong with your autists?

>Bring up Mednafen being ass
>Next post mentions retroarch as rebuttal
Both are fucking ass. An emulator is only as good as its ability to use it.

Playing multiple discs games on Mednafen is too much work.

it can't even play common games like smw accurately
some romhacks rely on behavior that you can only reproduce in zsnes because zsnes doesn't actually emulate shit correctly
if you ask why i dislike it, it's because it doesn't do the job it's designed to do as well as alternatives. snes9x is infinitely better in terms of a performance-based emulator and is just as simple to use, if not moreso.


>An emulator is only as good as its ability to use it

ZSNES and ePSXe fags confirmed for mentally ill

Mednafen works fine for me as a PS1 emulator, haven't tried it for everything else. What's bad about mednafen?

Can't play games like Final Fantasy or MGS without fucking around with setting to make multiple discs work.

>It's like
Ok valley girl your opinion matters to me so much

Anyone who doesn't use Snex9x+ for basic SNES emulation is a fucking retard theres no debate.

Enjoy your buggy graphical glitches
>see any game with transparent forgegrounds such as Kirby or SMW2
Enjoy your shitty sound and UI
And the enjoy the fact its unsupported and doesnt exist while Snes9x+ is on
>Android, Wii, 3DS, PSP, PS3 and many other platforms

Because muh subtanks on MegaMan x

>Want to play SNES game
>Load rom in ZSNES

>Playing SNES in fullscreen @1080p just like I did decades ago on CRT

>Want to play SNES game
>Load rom in higan/bnes/medna
>Oh wait, can't do that, gotta set up the emulator/download extensions (retroarch), or if Linuxfag update the fucking kernel

Find something more sensible to troll with.

i used snes9x(i checked zsnes) all my life. Should i try another snes emulator?

Yeah because it takes a lot to load another disc in by pressing two buttons right?

this guy knows what's up

>wants to play at native resolution
>half the games sound like this
>the rest of the games have graphical glitches
You probably wouldn't notice them seeing how you probably werent alive during the 90s

No. It's just autists who think they're super elite for pointlessly wasting 10-15 minutes of their life instead of just booting up a game and playing it.

>SNES at 1080p on a CRT decades ago
Underage please go
>Oh wait, can't do that, gotta set up the emulator/download extensions (retroarch), or if Linuxfag update the fucking kernel

VLC actually has problems for some people though. On my old computer VLC would occasionally fuck up the video would be corrupted for a few seconds. Switched to MPC and the problems went away.

New computer doesn't have those problems, and I use VLC for playing dvds.

>playing at native resolution
Look at this purist fag and laugh

>making a text file and changing the extension is hard
Damn user, you should have paid more attention in Special Ed.



>even the fucking developers of Zsnes use Snes9X over their own emulator
>developers of ZSNES

They don't exist anymore

>those black borders

>I'm going to use an objectively inferrior product because I have and an attachment to it and theres nothing you can do to stop me

Ok, see you next time you make this thread I guess

Snes9X is the best emulator, even the developers of Zsnes use Snes9X over their own emulator. When you ask in their own forum which emulator to use they recommend everyone the Snes9X over Zsnes.

Snes9X has better UI, better compatibility with modern Windows systems, runs games with higher accuracy and it provides higher quality image processing like BRZ (heavy on CPU) over the outdated HQx4.

Higan is a pointless waste of resources just for a tiny bump of accuracy over Snes9X and it doesn't has effects like BRZ.

If you still want to use Zsnes or Higan over Snes9X you're not just an uninformed stubborn bystander but a straight up imbecile.

>advocates 9x
>calls others underage

9x can't even fullscreen without fucking something up, let alone work on a second monitor.


>tfw got a great crt monitor who does HD and is perfect to watch 4:3 anime
>tfw it has progressive scan and not near enough phospor bloom so whenever I emulate games and emulate scanlines, altough it looks perfect, it looks way too dark

Godamn, losing your old gaming systems is fucking hell, I wish I had a bigger place so I could have a nice crt television and a wii and psx to emulate stuff.

It hurts.

for those who dont want to read this stupid ass thread
Voices of Reason

The 'ease of use' for mednafen, ladies and gentlefags.

Just drag and drop, and YOU TOO can experience glorious 20% of screen real estate!

>everyone is stupid except the people i agree with

>9x can't even fullscreen without fucking something up
and zsnes can't even run a game without fucking something up

>9x can't even fullscreen without fucking something up, let alone work on a second monitor.
I just opened snex9x, hit altenter and this is what it did

have you ever even used snex9x

Its just old an antiquated and better emulators have come a long it hasn't been updated in 10 fucking years. I've also had a few audio issues with certain games that SNES9x does not have.

It was a great emulator for its time but its just old and outdated by todays standards.

I don't understand the appeal of scanlines, but it seems to be popular with a lot of people. Is it meant to evoke nostalgia of playing on an old TV set?

Thats literally every discussion where people have opposing points unless they're trying to compromise you retarded faggot.
Use your fucking head.

>I just opened snex9x, hit altenter and this is what it did
And what a fucking mess it is.

Bilinear filtering was on

That yes, but also it gives a different look to the sprites that can be pretty appealing to some.

50% Nostalgia, 50% because I don't like "raw" pixels, but that's just me.

Its more pleasing to me, if you play on an actual crt everything feels more alive and more detailed, go on an emulator on a modern monitor and things will look blurry and without much color and vibrance, its hard to explain but you need it to experience it yourself.
Im not an oldfag either and I barely remember using a crt, I just used one recently and Its really great, no nostalgia included.

If you dont play with NTSC filters on you can get the fuck out and get back when you're 18

>not liking raw pixels


Since we already have a thread. Does anyone know a big rar file with Snes9X and many games? I want to buy a super nintendo controller and enjoy some old classics, but downloading a big pack is preferable.

ZSNES is not great now. It WAS better than SNES9X, but they stopped updating it and SNES9X surpassed it.

I agree
You gonna defend yourself or just look a retard

it takes 5 secs to donwload snes games dude, just search for the games you want and get them.


Use your fucking brain. I hope you know how to navigate the alphabet.

because they feel hardcore defending a shit tier emulators, it's the same reason a hipster uses non-mainstream shit.

which emulator is the best on snes9x?
Retroarch is retarded to operate because it saves the filterd you use and you end up with 11 filters all at the same type, its unpratical.
I usually use tv mode 3x and Im looking forward to play Secret of Mana, any ideas?

I think I get it, kind of like how some people prefer their games with stuff like hqx (pic related). Maybe if I played a session or two I would understand, it's been way too long since I've played on a CRT.

I asked for a pack not a link to emuparadise. But no problem, sorry for being a faggot.

fug, I meant filter.