Stop playing western trash

Stop playing western trash.

Other urls found in this thread:

stop playing same-faced anime trash

Play whatever the fuck you want

>All women in vidya must be achingly beautiful 10/10 supermodels!
How to spot a virgin.

>in charge of being western worshiping cucks

I'd have more respect for Japanese devs if they actually put Asian people in their titles instead of whoring out for shitty western racist norms

Start playing slavic games.

name a good one

>everyone in op has a different face
do you suffer from autism


Stalker, space rangers, king's bounty etc

>Nitpicking: The Thread

typical ugly anglo and nigger women

2 animu same face and 1 decent design

Japan barely wins there.

The Witcher series, S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call of Pripyat, Metro series, War Thunder. Alien Shooter, Blitzkrieg, Necrovision, Painkiller, Heroes of Might & Magic 5, King's Bounty, Ubersoldier.

If you play western games you're a cuck supporting liberalism and white genocide


Was waiting for the "nitpicking" post.

The vast majority of japanese designs still wins by a mile. What's the best west got to offer? The Witcher's girls?
Let's be honest here, Tekken 7 alone has more good looking girls than the whole western vidya industry.

Dont act like the US isn't involved you oil kike

There are no ugly ass niggers for race mixing traitors in japanese games, they're the last bastion of aryan gaming

>do you suffer from autism

said the gook worshipping neckbeard

European games > cucked NA or weeb trash

Can't wait for Divinity Original Sin 2, Metro Exodus, Underrail expansion and Kingdom Come Deliverance

Kill yourself cuck

except there are a lot of good looking blacl females in jap games.
Again, refer to Tekken 7 for an example (master raven).

No such thing as an attractive nig ape (((user)))

needs more blacks with afro mate.

>ugh i hate japan so much

Yeah I bet you do, I bet you want jamal to to pull out his nigger cock, fucking faggot libcuck.

whos that qt on the left side of the japan pics?

Amber Heard

as soon as japan attempts to make a first person game


Good goy, you should listen to rap music and get a non white wife. I bet an ugly nigger - I mean black girl would be perfect for you.

>sucks nip cock
>calls others goy

ffs, get your shit together shlomo

Why did you pick a fucking leaf to represent america?

stop playing chinese cartoon games

>before nukes
>after nukes

nah europe is based, NA are the cucks.

Man, idgaf, I'd stick my dick in Cora.

As well as Vetra. Her voice. Mmf.

We're more important to games than USA


Post the titty edit

>cherry-picking this hard




In what manner of shape or form? You're more delusional, it seems.

eat a dick

>he fell for the anime and jap videogames are white meme


how is the boss western retard

There is absolutely no need to stop playing Western games, just Canadian ones.

Can SlavRPGs please be a seperate genre from WRPGs?

