For guys who game, researchers have good news and bad news...

>For guys who game, researchers have good news and bad news. The good news is that guys who play video games "chronically," which at least for the purpose of one new study is defined as more than an hour a day, are less likely to ejaculate prematurely than their non-chronic gaming counterparts.
>The bad news, researchers report in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, is that they're also less likely to be interested in sex. Researchers can't fully explain what's happening—it might have something to do with increased stress levels from playing—but they suspect both findings are related, reports Vice's Broadly.
>"I think that video games might be similar to physical exercise in these regards: occasional use might have beneficial effects, but when some threshold between 'occasional use' and 'chronic abuse' is crossed, ill effects might occur," says the lead author.
>In the study, researchers surveyed nearly 400 men between the ages of 18 and 50 in Italy about their gaming habits and lifestyle in general. They found that as sex drive goes down, premature ejaculation becomes less likely, per Medical Daily.
>One theory is that gamers tend to experience an overstimulation of the pleasure hormone dopamine, which helps stimulate orgasm, so they build up a sort of tolerance to it that makes them less interested in having an orgasm and also less likely to do so prematurely.

Is vidya actually population control?

Real talk: the guys who play vidya daily were highly unlikely to attract a mate let alone reproduce.

hobbies are population control

that's why lots of men drop them soon after they are married

everyone plays video games these days

>Game all day
>Still ejaculate within a minute
Guess I gotta game more

I play video games and am pretty fucking interested in sex
I can't get any, but I want it

But not for hours on end each and every day like the spergs who don't get laid

>less likely to be interested in sex

that explains that. I feel like a eunuch most days.

my mom doesnt

my dad hardly any. maybe chess or some mahjong, jewel shit

so how much gaming do i have to do to see these results?

Wrong as fuck. I've been playing games almost everyday for the past 15 years and fap at least 3 times a day, for the past 15 years

So why do I fap at least once a day?

Guys who play a lot of games also tend to jack off a lot, which obviously curbs secual desire. You can last a lot longer in bed too if you just came the day before. Makes sense.

>that's why lots of men drop them soon after they are married
They drop them because their wives decide to wear the pants now that they're legally bound together, so they restrict what the husband is and isn't allowed to do. Marriage is voluntary relinquishment of your freedom and masculinity.

Does that study factor in sexual activity?

Unsurprising that married men are okay with sacrificing what once brought them joy.

that's what i meant.

How do you research something like that?

>implying that is a bad thing
I wish I could become assexual and never be interested in girls again. Would save me from a lot of frustration.

Yes, your one example is enough to negate a study done on 400 men.

I'm never going to have sex anyways

Plenty of unmarried men have regular sex and hobbies. Marriage =/= regular sex.

>guys who play video games "chronically" are less likely to be interested in sex

Ha ha, that's it, it has nothing to do with a crippling lack of social skills, no sir. We could have all the sex we want, we just don't want to.

Why am I fucking my gf's brains out every night after playing vidya together? Holy shit, what is with shitty research lately?

Reproduction has nothing to do with hobbies outside of social stimulus. I'd argue that hobbies get people laid more often than not. Guitarists, pianists, athletes, and mechanics all have a highway to puss if they apply it right.

>The bad news, researchers report in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, is that they're also less likely to be interested in sex.

It's because they have a hobby they can invest quite some time in. Fuck off roasties.

>have played vidya games all my life
>take a minimum of 45 minutes until I get the urge to cum, but usually keep edging
>some days when my partner wants to be treated like a worthless slave I edge for 10 hours until cumming

They were right, how do I fix this and become a premature ejaculator? Literally nobody wants someone who can fuck for 10 hours

correlation is not causation

>dude, doing something else but having sex affects your sex drive.


The article was written by a woman, it's not to be taken seriously, it's just entertainment, like reality tv.

400 specimen for a subject as broad as sexuality is pathetic so his opinion holds almost as much value as this shitty "study".

I work a full-time office job, but otherwise play vidya every day. I've got a GF and we have sex regularly. Like most studies this is bullshit because they're asking college aged nerd virgins and not careered adults in committed relationships.

>gaming causes premature ejaculation
>huhr duhr doesn't stop me from fapping!
uh... no shit.

Do you even understand how a proper research study works? Just because the result doesn't apply to you doesn't mean it's not true. They used 400 guys in this study, I seriously doubt all of them had issues.

I never said it did you fucking moron. I was referring solely to myself.

Sup Forums please

I've literally never prematurely ejaculated.

I thought it was just a Hollywood meme.

I think this research is missing some key factors.
Making peace with the fact that you're never gonna get laid doesn't necessarily equal not being interested in sex.

With a hands-on approach.

i know it? sorry im not following

oh, you are going to. it will be with 5/10 with terrible attitude and personality, that you will marry, because of prospect of being alone through your adulthood and dying alone

>by Elizabeth
Nice try roastie, you're not getting my money.

>slowly vilify masculinity and traditional values causing males to withdraw into hobbies

>men are less sex driven now! omg!

nah it's just another scientist not being able to see outside of their one field, it's always the same shit, a psychologist will see a mental issue, a neurologist will see a neurological issue and a biologist a biological issue but very rarely do these people step outside of their academic bubbles for long enough to understand the cultural and political powers at work

And here come the Sup Forumstards

What would be a good number to you, then?

>The bad news, researchers report in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, is that they're also less likely to be interested in sex. Researchers can't fully explain what's happening—it might have something to do with increased stress levels from playing

or maybe it's because vidya is fun as fuck and much more enjoyable than dealing with the hassle of modern woman's bullshit for the pleasure of an orgasm a few times a week.

Who cares? We'll all be long dead by the time white genocide is completed.

The biggest problem is the internet running out of material to fap to.

Try 4000.

>The bad news, researchers report in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, is that they're also less likely to be interested in sex. Researchers can't fully explain what's happening—it might have something to do with increased stress levels from playing—but they suspect both findings are related, reports Vice's Broadly.

The real reason that most gamers are shut in KHV betas, often ugly and fat. Try to get sex that way.

There's more to the "study" than just that one line

>Play a shit ton of video games everyday
>Have no trouble cumming during intercourse

Where is the problem?

>more than an hour a day

Beating women and being an asshole to everyone is not normal masculinity, and it certainly isn't "traditional values"

>The bad news, researchers report in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, is that they're also less likely to be interested in sex

Obviously, if you give people something more interesting to do, they"ll be less inclined to bother with the less interesting thing.

Gee, i wonder if it also has to do with women having higher expectations, the news of false rape accusations women make due to regretting sleeping who's not chad or because society made masculinity toxic and belittle them as children?

Literally every single one of my cpusins are married or have gfs and think video games are manchild shit.

Meanwhile I'm a kissless virgin with no plans in getting married.
When will you fags just accept that video games are a gate way to no partner?

>He still falls for the 3DPD OR 2D meme in fucking 2017

Ill enjoy eternal freedom and dying alone

The only whites that need to be genocided are the ones like you who believe this garbage

>400 guys
>proper research
Listen to me, you little shit. I had to do research with a control group of 5 fucking thousands to have a bid for a doctorate, and even that was really shitty, if my team managed to get a grant we'd do 10 to 15 thousand. 400 mean as much as 1 in scientific world. It's a tiny, miniscule nothing group and these "results" are just shitty clickbait a shitty lab does to garner some money to get some food on their tables.

>Guitarists, pianists, athletes

funny thing you mention those realtively "social" hobbies, becuase while writing that first post i was mostly thinking about "semiautistic" hobbies, that doesnt involve being social

>play vidya all day
>still fap 4 times a day
>haven't had sex in 4 years
Still want to though

Between the extreme fetish porn, jerking off several times a day for the last ten years, and video games, I guess that explains why I can't get an erection at 23 years old.

Worth it.

>video games were created to help keep the affluent white population from reproducing

>make said contraceptives and abortions expensive and hard to get so only white women from non poor families can afford them

Don't blacks get an absolutely absurd number of abortions?

Sounds like damage control, remember that article about guys not having sex because of vidya, it's not because the sex drive, it's because they are tired of the woman they are with. Now NEW STUDY!! Games kill your sex drive!!! Look ladies! It's the games fault!! Look guys, you love your ladies but the games are in the way!!! Fuck Off. I just finished fapping and fap 3 times a day, sometimes 4.

>lowers sex drive
I wonder how would I act, because it's pretty high as it is.

Hello brainlet.

Thanks for that fap material man I cummed

make that 40k, from different societal layers, proffesions and races

I've been so madly in love I would drop my passion in a heart beat for her. It's not healthy, and if you ever get to that point, get help.

4000 is an unrealistic sample size. The vast majority of studies use groups of just a few hundred, at most. This particular study falls right in line with that.

What do you mean, I already have a partner

>guys who play video games "chronically," which at least for the purpose of one new study is defined as more than an hour a day

Nigger my fucking 57-year old dad plays the vidya at least one hour every day and he's a successful IT project manager. 99% of studies are full of fucking shit.

>Holy shit, what is with shitty research lately?
I haven't looked at the study so it might be garbage but just because you don't fit the results doesn't invalidate them. It says "less likely" not that everyone will be affected in the same way

If it wasn't video games, it woulda been anime.
3D sucks

Thing is you can take a break from video games for 2 or more days and go outside do athletic stuff. Be bored and horny problem solved.

Western women, your personalities are affecting guys' sex drives

i feel sorry for you mate. im dating and playing vidya, soon with plans of marriage

If you were really in a doctorate program, or had a career that required you to have a doctorate, you wouldn't be wasting time here. So nice try, but you're 150% full of shit.

>your personalities
Their personalities didn't change one bit. The law is what's affecting the sex drive.

>hating Sup Forums
>actually cheering for white genocide
>actually falling for the trap meme

Holy shit, nu-Sup Forums is real

Just wait until men mostly lose interest in women, stop going through crazy amounts of bullshit to try to get laid.. women will throw the biggest shit tantrum ever seen.

And how long do you last inside a woman?

then you can't really lead with "wrong as fuck"
that's what "more likely" is there for in studies.

>Literally every single one of my cpusins are married or have gfs and think video games are manchild shit.
>believing boomer paranoia

Bullshit! I fist myself at least twice a week.

Don't be so general in your statements and arguments for exceptions won't be so quick to arrive.

That's probably one of the reasons why modern sciences rely less and less on studies because they are basically useless unless conducted in a 100% controlled environment. Only clickbait "science" thinks shit like this is important.

>Can't ejaculate prematurely because of video games

Jokes on them, I can't ejaculate prematurely because I developed a death-grip, lightspeed fapping style and real vaginas aren't tight enough

>soon with plans of marriage

Genocide yourself, Sup Forums. Everyone is sick of your shit.

>400 people

Study is bullshit. You can't say shit with such a low amount of people. I mean come on! There are aprox. 62,007,540 males in Italy.

Never trust a study with such a small sample.

very nice

That's literally the exact opposite of what the article says. Kill yourself.

Jerking it daily is probably doing more damage than the video games.


I know that feel, going until her vagina is chafed but you still haven't gotten over that edge and she's basically already cum enough to have checked out

Nah, that's not what's killing my sex drive.
It's the crippling amount of self loathing and nausea I get due to childhood abuse

How the fuck do you fix something like this? Having sex or even thinking about it makes me physically sick

>And how long do you last inside a woman?
who cares?

So, despite the headline, doesn't this scientifically prove that video games are better than sex?

I mean, it's certainly more fun to spend time with a video game than meeting and talking to a potential lay, and cheaper, but I didn't figure the dopamine returns were actually stronger too.