Filename thread

Files with names

Other urls found in this thread:

>not "You have been banned for TKing.jpg"


who is this cute girl?

chick that got convicted of manslaughter for texting "kys" to her bf

Words... can kill

She memed his friend into suicide to collect sympathy points but backfired when he actually did it and the cops checked the bastard's texting log.





Needs a name


Good looking teacher, good looking kid. Whats the problem?

She was a huge cunt and kept pressing a guy to commit suicide when she was his only lifeline.
Deserved it.

Nope. She's mine.
t. convicted turbodyke.

i don't get it. like I know the story behind the image and I've played MGSV but what's the joke here?

Probably "self fulfilling prophecy.png"

Hard mode is making it vidya.
Spec Ops: The Line?

>he actually got out of the car saying he was afraid and she told him to get back in

Assuming Direct Control





You're an ok guy

>Space Stone Infinity Storm









Typical american girl who just wanted likes on facebook.
Only she made a dude with depression and other mental shit going on kill himself so that she could get em.
aint even joking


This looks a lot like my Walmart.



No shit sherlock, all walmarts follow visual guidelines so they all look about the same



Made me smile

>good looking teacher
not with that manjaw



It looks cool, but don't nips understand how blimps work?

Pls be my gf if I bust you out

Alright, thanks for the info. This helped a lot.



What the fuck was that thing?




A deep sea creature. We know more about the moon than we know about our oceans.



I don't completely remember if they're supposed to be some weird squid, but what I *do* remember is that's only the children. The adult one is supposed to be fucking huge

Wow, you can even see the frame where it catches her right on the neck (it's clearly a soft material, she sinks right in) but holy shit that's gotta hurt


This is porn?

Fuck i wish those fucking russians piece of shit would actually do something with that beast of a game.
But noooo, they let it rot to shit and port it to consoles instead. God i will be mad if they don't give the consoles upgrades to pc.



Space scares me but the sea terrifies me.

what, is that like the video that 4kids received so they can put donuts and cheeseburgers in there?

>She memed his friend into suicide to collect sympathy points

how would that work?




It's not real, that's the problem





They were a couple at some point. If your gf/bf dies, you get sympathy points.



requesting things Sup Forums says during sex




I want to rewatch this movie, even though I've seen it 4 times.


>input reading AI


seems like a lot of work just to tenderize your pork

Why is that guy who is clearly mentally disabled being tackled by that other guy?


oh god, worse than sameface, potato tumblr sameface


>We've done it.
>Where the capitalist have failed we succeeded.

Source? I've seen this on Sup Forums a few times and I'm getting interested.




wuuuurds can kill

