Honest thoughts on Town of Salem?


Sold my 700h of life to it it is fine.

Sup Forums ruined it, you go into any game and see some fedora tipping Sup Forumsirgin spamming NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER because he think's he's le funny and so edgy XD

We spam NIGGER we're so bad guys XD We will show them what Sup Forums is capable of XDD

Why the fuck is that knife not bloodied at the stibby stabby end

Because he don't stab.He slices

I think its funny I do it all the time in game my reddit friends love it!

I enjoy it

Is there an active playerbase? I had some fun with the web-browser a few years ago. Tempted to buy the steam version

I want to love it but everyone who plays it is a fucking retard

Every full game is only populated by about 3 people with working brains and your ability to work with/eliminate these people basically decides whether you win or not

Then shouldn't the entire blade be bloody? What kind of shitty slicing technique that he does that bloodies only the parts nearest to the handle?

That will still cover the whole knife you dumbass

There's a retarded playerbase now, don't waste money.

If you want to have fun in this game, it is necessary to bring like-minded persons (i.e. if you want to generally fuck around and RP, bring enough friends and create a room without any outsiders as throwing is bannable).

>Spamming slurs
Nigger and some other hard slurs are automatically filtered and spamming them is autoban.

Yeah, it's still active. Not too long ago, Pewds and some other streamers brought their cancerous fanbases there though. I dunno if they stayed there.

Why isn't there ranked classic?

classic is my favourite mode but I'm sick of playing with retards

Good game but the ranked player base was way too small and I was fed up of getting matched up with the same game throwing, lenny face spamming, underage retards so I stopped playing just after Vampire and VH.

Classic is too easy with its static setup and roles are balanced with Ranked set-up in mind with its more unpredictable role list.

He used the part of the blade closest to the handle to cut off the finger. You fucking moron are you going to use the tip?

I like the rigid setup of classic, although you are probably right that it may be too hard for villain roles to win if everyone playing has a greater than 60 iq

I've never found a social deduction game that strikes the right balance between total flying in the dark and total logic puzzle with no social elements whatsoever.

I miss playing with Sup Forums
I miss playing as an autist with a secret agenda.
I miss writing fake clues in my death note.
I don't miss fucking up really bad because I wasn't paying attention though.

Can you help me out to label Town of Salem with the "deception" tag and do the same with other similar games?
I really want to play more multiplayer games where I can outskill people with just lies and deception.

epic mafia is up your alley

My friends and I play Coven pretty regularly for like two weeks now. Probably gonna play some more tonight. There's times where you rage and times where you BTFO of the enemy faction but it's almost never boring.

Anyone played ranked? I got 1700. People are still dumb, but the trolls are almost gone.

Honestly I can stand the game for a couple of rounds every few days or so, but it really lost it's magic over me after the first few hours. People get way too competitive in it, and no one tries to have fun.

I used to have a ton of fun with it, but they're pandering to youtube children. I could live with that except for fact they are all fucking insufferable.
Jester is the most fun role by the way

>it's a 'half of people in game try their hardest to act like their favourite e-celebs' episode

Played it something like a year ago. It was fun, but most people were really retarded. Like, you could have all the proofs pointing towards one guy, but these brainlets would still lynch someone innocent because one guy told them to.

The issue with it is that you have to play ranked to avoid idiots, but when everybody is serious and the chat gets worse than your favourite moba, it's just not fun anymore.

Also the average age seems to be 15

Great game, extremely autistic community

>join a game
>SK called ConDom is using a cringey edgelord death will
>lynch him

>play a new game
>same SK is there from last time
>someone gets killed night 1
>it's the same fucking cringey text from last game
>lynch ConDom day 2 with no evidence besides that
>he was the SK again

15 is generous to be honest

EpicMafia is superior in every imaginable way. Simple text based client, no visual garbage of lengthy animations that pointlessly chew up time. Mechanics are cleaner and less RNG-based. Better community. Website isn't a cluttered fucking mess.

Why anyone would play ToS over EM is beyond me.

Arsonist buffs ruined it


How exactly?

I wasn't playing it for a year. What has changed?

I enjoy it.

BUT. You can't ever get serious about the game because people just cheat Fucking around is where the fun is at.

Too bad they jewed it up with dlc and begging for their kickstarter.

They had to buff the weakest role in the game. It was almost an auto lose

Pretty much this. Everyone would always ignore an obvious serial killer and it pissed me off.

>Be jester
>Claim somebody is immune on day 2
>Get lynched

Every time. Dumb towns are only fun as jester.

>Give a 100% valid reason why I shouldn't be lynched
>KimmieSparkleTheUnicorn:Let's do it anyway XD
>Meanwhile the obvious Serial Killer gives 0 evidence and instead says something along the lines of"HAHA YEAH OKAY KILL ME YOU IDIOTS"
>Gets released and wins

>be jester
>claim to be sheriff when both the sheriff and random town are dead
>nobody calls me out on it
>get like 4 towns lynched and claim that the framer was fucking with it
>framer is dead
>live until the end
there is no better role