I just sold my Wii U for a PS4. What are the best games?

I just sold my Wii U for a PS4. What are the best games?

...on Wii U.

PS4 has no gaems

the Switch is getting all the Wii U games though so I had no reason to keep that piece of shit
Plus most of the games on Wii U just aren't very good, like Hyrule Warriors for isntance

Just bought a PS4 Pro. I don't think this is a "best game" but I picked up Assassin's Creed Syndicate with it. I always loved AC games even though they get really repetitive.

I recommend Rocket League, FIFA, Minecraft for some very simple gaming.

If you're into shooters, grab Battlefield 1. Absolutely worth it for the MP experience.

If you love RPGs and hack and slash, grab the Kingdom Hearts set and/or Final Fantasy XV. I heard that The Last Guardian was really good.

This is all IMO.

There are charts out there. What're you into? Horror, action, adventure, RPGs, online, MH type?

Nothing? All I can think of is P5.


Last Guardian
Persona 5
Final Fantasy XV
that's it.

This. Say mad Sup Forumscucks.

Personally I enjoyed a lot of games on PS4. Watch Dogs 2 was pretty fun, and I think you can get that cheap on Amazon now.

Ok. Looks like people here think the only games people play on their systems are exclusives.
You have the Resident Evil games, all the standard AAA titles, like CoD, AC, Fifa, and so on, Final Fantasy has two or three titles on the system, there are a whole lot of weeboo games, All the Souls + Bloodborne, Nier, Persona, Gravity Rush, Visual novels, and a couple of God Eater games, if you're in to any of those genres.

Go to a game store and look around. If you have a phone look up gameplay of anything that peaks your interest.

Rainbow 6 siege
Re biohazard
Titan fall 2
Dying light
Mirrors edge
Killing floor 2
Mortal kombat x
Ratchet and clank
The order 1886
God of war 3
Rocket league
Enter the gungeon

If you don't have a vita, Tearaway Unfolded and Gravity Rush Remastered are mandatory

Okay I think I'm going to get the Gravity Rush games, those looked fun. And I never had the KH games on PS3, so I'll get those too, and TLOU.
That Gundam Versus game looks interesting too
How is RE7?

Great. Pick it up.
Also if you want more RE; 0,1,4,5,6 and revelations 2 are available.

Ah nice, I played revelations 1 but haven't played the second one. Is the remaster of 1 good?

There are like, none really, you have bloodborne and that's about it, everything else is just bad ports of PC games.

>Have to sell a console to afford another one.
This is 18+ kiddo

Gravity rush is really weak and not worth your time.

KH is fun as long as you ignore the story.

TLOU is cool but just as good to just watch the movie cut of on youtube as to play, so maybe save the pennies there for something better.

Gundam Vs. is rad

RE7 is pretty damn good but a bit over rated, it's pacing and design get weaker as it goes on.

Ape Escape 4

yep, Tearaway looks great on PS4. 1080p/60 with 8xMSAA.

The Last Guardian is the best game ever

Yakuza 0

Dark Souls,
Yakuza 0,
Persona 5,
Ratchet & Clank,
Last of Us,
Witcher 3,
Batman Arkham City,
Uncharted 4,
Tomb Raider,
Alien Isolation,
Resident Evil 7,
Titanfall 2,
Grand Theft Auto V,
Guilty Gear Rev 2,
Tekken 7,
Gravity Rush,
Tales of Berseria

There is one. Bloodborne. The vast VAST majority of ps4 users play multiplats liek fifa and cod. They also pay Full price for multiplats that run at Half the FPS compared to the PC.

>It's okay when Nintendo systems have multiplats but Sony is literally the devil