empoleon is my nigga

fucking ridiculous

what is that last poggyben supposed to be by the way?


The yellow one with the spots on his cheeks.

Probably Scizor but I have to feel his moves first.

I wanted Blastoise.

So, there'll be more, r-right? The select screen is obviously incomplete. It doesn't have the random button.


Croagunk my boy

Only the most fun character of course

im sick of barazard. The first 3 starters should always be included.

>All that gen 4 faggotry.
I guess we're reaching peak nostalgia for DPP.

>tfw my bro breloom is a stage decoration

Gardevoir (male).

Gengar's the one with Wicked Weaves right? Then Gengar

The other two are worthless

>Edgy Mewtwo
>Furgit idol

I like everyone else at least

>Genwunner isn't satisfied and wants the other two shit starters to waste slots

>Mfw I mained Pokemon trainer but skipped over Charizard in Brawl, and main Ivysaur in project M
I fucking hate Charizard. Squirtle and Ivysaur played so much better

As it should be.

I'll be excited to play Pokemon in a not shit region again. We haven't gotten to since HGSS.

All this furbait and no Meinsao?

Better than 2 Pikachus and Mewtwos


all these are cool

I liked Hoen. Forests, water and trumpets are the best.

Is it even a contest?

Needs a Rock and A normal type for full coverage of all types. I vote for Rampardos and Zangoose.

>2 Pikachus and 2 Mewtwos


He is supposed to be a joke character just so you know.


Also my main is weavile with lucario pocket. I really hope scizor fits my hands because he's my favorite steel type and this favorite bug, I Also like empoleon

What will be your team for 3v3?
I'm thinking some combination of Sceptile, Weavile, Scizor and Decidueye, depending on how the last two play.

The roster is still shit, huh

In terms of true popularity, it would be Tyranitar and Snorlax. Silvally could work as the normal type though.


Did you watch the invitational? One of the devs took down a finalist using Emporeon with him.

>Garchomp is male
Preorder cancelled

Give me Sudowoodo and Lopunny and I'll be satisfied.

Mexican pikachu

taking a quick look at this I'd pick either scizor or chandelure



She's the best.

I feel like I shouldn't be talking shit as a gen3fag but 4 was such a shitpile that it always blows my mind when people say those shitty games were actually good. 4's the fucking low point of the series. 6 was better.

>No Poliwrath

Granted Diamond and Pearl were trash but Platinum and HG/SS were fucking great games, man. Gen 6 is a joke compared to Gen 4, the only decent games it had were the remakes.

Darkrai or Shadow Mewtwo, depending on if they actually balanced SM or if he's still broken.

>Your favorite mon is an assist


He has random moves dude.

Not picking best boy.

>Developer kicked the ass of the winner with him
>"Haha, what a loser! Tier lists are love, tier lists are life!"

It's disappointing that they went with a starter as the gen 7 rep

>1 match with someone who has never played against that character before demonstrates character balance

ok dude u r really cool.

That's pokemon merchandise dude. They always go with the starter.

It wouldn't be so bad if we got alternate starter types. Psychic->Fighting->Dark is another triangle that could be used for starters and could lead to more interesting designs. However we will always get MUH FIRE WATER GRASS for starters so we will always see the same red green and blue colors on all merchandise.

This is your brain on rosterfag

my favorite anime swordsman

Gen 7 has a few shillmons it could have used instead,like Lycanroc,Mimikyu, or a Tapu

>thinking anything will beat a starter

was pokken even a good fighting game or was it press A to do combo

Still waiting for the Ditto/Mokujin of Pokken.

Gengar until then.

It's croagunk..

>I can only fight people that everyone plays as

The finalist was one of the youtubers, not the experienced players, IIRC.

I wanted Hariyama for a sumo style character.

>tfw we won


I literally only know 5% of that roster.
Pikachu, charizard, mewtwo, machamp and gengar.

Remember when pokemon actually used to resemble wild animals with interesting designs?
A chandelier? There is even a pokemon that is mothing but a sword. What's next? A gun pokemon?

That's what happen when you force artists to come up with hundreds of different designs for every new gen

Please stop shitposting. Your argument if true doesn't prove anything, it is just 1 match. We need to wait and see how good the character is. The character is, however, clearly intended as a joke character like Mokujin. Croagunk has RNG moves & flies through the air ffs how is that a serious character?

Gengar for sure.

Then I want to see how the new characters feel. With vanilla choices only, Lucario or the M2s for the other two.

Darkrai looks like a good version of gengar

So I haven't ever seen this come up before, but anyone else hope they put selectable alternate colors/costumes in this game? I always hated that you only ever got an alternate color whenever you fought in a mirror match and only then. Professional wrestling Machamp was great.

Machamp, then Empoleon, then Garchomp

Pretty sure Croagunk has a personal moveset of their own, though RNG reliant, it isn't a random character's moveset.

Obviously I'm gonna pick the one I wanna fuck the most

So, Garchomp

The female pikachu

right but its not like magnemite count

Darkrai is apparently a zoner like Gardevoir or Chandelure though.

You realize gen 1 had a magnet, a ball, and multiple piles of slime, right?

Empoleon, always
And I'm still salty that these cunts didn't port the arcade characters to Wii U so they could sell the game to you again on Switch.


This has been going on since Gen 1 you retarded faggot

TPCI is apparently too fucking anal for it. I wish you could choose alt colors, what kind of fucking fighting game in 2017 doesn't have alt palettes.

Motherfuckers, the Pokemon in Smash are allowed to have alt colors.

Not to mention a commet, rocks, and muscly men, martial artists and a literal egg

There were some shitty designs gen 1 yes. Fucking mr.mime and jynx.
Farfetch'd was also pretty fucking stupid.
Still, most of the cast felt like they were real wild animals.
Exactly what pokemons should be like


Though I'm interested in Decidueye and Suicune as well

Sceptile all the way.
Might fuck with Scizor eventually.

Most of them are still just animals.

Couldn't help but love this goon. Best animations in the fucking game.
>When he fucking Hulk Hogan's at the audience

>Farfetch'd was also pretty fucking stupid.

This is exactly what happened to Gen 3 during the second half of gen 5

>Farfetch'd was also pretty fucking stupid.
Fuck you

>I feel like I shouldn't be talking shit as a gen3fag
You got that right.

>Not liking Castform, Breloom, Swampert, and Tropius

The lobster in the top right.

But I do.

Even a stage decoration can become a playable char desu



Why the fuck is Pikashit Libre still in the game? Gamefreak retconned it from the main games (as it should) so it should be immediately replaced with Incineroar or Hawlucha.

>all this ass damage

I haven't seen any in-game footage whatsoever but can anyone give me a quick rundown on how each of them works in terms of playstyle?