Are you all jaded grognards or were things really better back then?

Are you all jaded grognards or were things really better back then?

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Yeah things were much better when I was part of the Old Guard

I was born In '99 and yeah sure things were definitely better back in the day

Fuck this generation

All my favourite game genres are dead today so yeah.

yes. for the simple fact that it hadnt been fully accepted and embraced by casuals. but once devs saw the potential of making games for "everyone" and thus more marketable like movies everything went downhill.

Why do you give a shit about what I think?

I'm just an anonymous blue wall of text on Sup Forums. Fuck off. Not video games, saged, reported, and hidden.

'99 here as well.
I miss the 90's, they were a simpler time.

>miss the 90s

le born in the wrong generation xd

Am I being fucking memed right now?

88 here, i used to watch reruns from 80's so no surprise there

I think they were. Wasn't the 90's the golden age of vidya?

Yeah. 6th gen is when stuff started to fall off.

There is a very obvious comparison.

Before Star Wars, merchandising was virtually unknown. After it became a known fact that merchandising could make the same amount or even more money than the movie itself, it was everywhere.

Back in the 80s and 90s video game developers were passionate individuals willing to work for a comparatively low income to do things they care about.

Nowadays developing video games is a lucrative business that has been squeezed for almost two decades. Many people who develop video games today are just part of a money-making machinery fueled by corporate descision making and by people that just see it as a job like any other where you produce one cookie-cutter product after another.
That's not to say this didn't happen way back when, but nowadays it's the standard.

Many people who want to develop video games out of passion are severely restricted by their employers or do not find an outlet at all, except with more recent opportunities like Kickstarter, which is of course far from ideal.


Considering that nearly all 90's games are available to us through emulation, isn't this the golden age of vidya?

That's retarded. You're retarded.

>the "Sup Forums hates video games"-meme that used to get posted ironically got taken seriously by all the newfags
>what used to be unfiltered, pure, hot RAGE got replaced by jaded, cynical shitposting
>the only way to get a thread going is to trick shitposers by starting with "Are you buying X's game", "What went wrong/right?", "Sup Forums suddenly hates X", ...
>Sup Forums now actively roots for every new release to fail
>any legit vidya discussion gets labeled shilling
>Mods give literally ZERO(0) fucks about the board and BARElY enforces the global rules
>Sup Forums
>there was a time when the biggest annoyance on Sup Forums were tripfags
>unironic consolewar shitposting
>babby was the last moment when Sup Forums was in it's prime
>when driven into a corner shitposters revert to spouting r-reddit, Xdrone, developer defense force, t.(newfag), ... basic tableflipping behavior
>shitposters constantly making threads about e-celebs, SJWs, anti-SJWs, indiedev twitter bullshit
>BLATANT shitposting; This is X say something nice, waifuposting, you did buy HER game right?, Sup Forums says game is bad but I played game and its good wtf Sup Forums, ...

Games started going to shy when the went from trying to be the best GAME to the best SELLING game on the market. Games are now trying to get your money without making a good game first, and while I see why, I don't like that. That's why I feel independent game developers are going to be the future for good games. Look at games like Minecraft and hotline Miami. Cheap games that provide hundreds of hours of replayability, all made because the devs wanted to make a good game. Now look at CoD and AssCreed. Yearly multi-million dollar games that a majority of the core audience don't enjoy, but they still sell well enough even with the lack of quality.

When companies started targeting people like Justin from the sport club who are gonna play it for 1 hour after coming back from the pool party.

Games are still good. They is always good and bad games. We tend to only remember the good ones so we act like it's better back in the day

People forget the mountains of shovelware in the 80's and 90's, most games are just mediocre at worst now.

gao~ gao~

fucking this
it's not that modern games are bad, they are all the best of their genres, but all the genres i want to play are gone for good

>tfw you realize you've been here since 06
>you've spent over 10 years of your life watching shitposting trends come and go, each one seemingly more intolerable than the last
>your life has been so uneventful and worthless that you even start to long for old shitposting trends to return
>you spend less and less time playing video games and more and more time staring at a barely changing page mashing refresh

There comes out a ton of games today and there are certainly no shortage of good games. Large companies have really started with some shady ass business practices though. Take microtransaction in full price games or creative assembly selling blood dlc for every new game.

I often think though that the hunt for good visuals and polish holds a lot of games back. I have been playing Hidden & Dangerous 2 recently and though it has some flaws it is really fun. The game have a ton of stuff in it and you get to visit places from all over the world and control a bunch of vehicles and suddenly they throw a diving mission at you. If it was done today, i think that with the expectation we have on production values today it this would not be possible and instead the game would perhaps feature one or two different environments.

Shovelware served to fund other endeavors. For Tony hawk to exist, there had to be 10 Barbie horse adventures.

Born in 1983 here.

Things were a lot simpler in the NES-N64 eras. I hate to say it but the lack of online made certain things more straightforward. You got the cartridge or disc, you played the game. Systems didn't update.

But, lots of things were shitty. The world before online play was a lot lonelier. Both because we couldn't connect, and also because there were just less gamers. Cheat codes existed, but looking online didn't exist yet (and if it did, many people weren't connected). Also one thing people forget is that games as a hobby was even less respected back then.

Very likely

Honestly I've come to realize that alot of games I found good as a kid are actually shit. You're alot easier to okease when young, hence your childhood is always the golden age of something because nostalgia.

Don't forget: You're here forever!

you'd think there's an infinite amount of games to play, but then you find out 99.9999% are shit
meanwhile modern devs are making movies instead of adventure games, while loved franchises progress into making shitty remakes or new pathetic mockeries of what they used to make.


Both, but the shitposting wasn't as frequent nor nearly as hateful, just stupid.

Now the shitposting humanizes awful businesses and completely blurs the line between shitty and good games by drowning out actual critiques and discussion.

Hell, I'm just thankful Nintendo got back on their grind this E3, because it DAMN sure wasn't on account of our help.

there are people really like that, but they wouldnt be here

Right, and we try to talk through those things.

Sin and Punishment is ridiculous,
Chrono Trigger's story isn't special,
FF7 is too slow,
Super Metroid needs work,
SSB64 had wacky and fun aesthetics but awful balance and issues,

I was born the same year as you.
The 90's defiantly had more to offer.

what keeps you here faggot

what chinese cartoon?

you and i both know there's no leaving, user

Sums it up.

Imagine a time when you bought a game and it was good. When it didn't need months of patching just to be playable.

monthly reminder that the age of MMOs is already over and the magic of being able to play a game with thousands of other people at the same time will never come back and things like .hack will never ever happen.

Yeah I never thought it would go up in flames this fast either.

So if people want to make all these shitty threads,
and mods are tired of deleting them,

What's the solution? Filterbans?

Holy shiet, 88 here too and yes, I watched a shit ton of 80s cartoons. Hell, I have more nostalgia for 80s cartoons than most 80s kids.

One of my favorite cartoons from that era. Too bad it never got a second season.

>What's the solution?
uuuh mods that actually do their fuckin job? a sticky thread like almost every other fucking board has? Sup Forums is literally Sup Forums2.0

It's cyclical user. In 5 years you'll have a lot of people saying the same thing, and in 8 there will be WoW2

Kind of. Games were an evolving medium and could be pretty much anything as people weren't afraid to try new things. Now it's refined and developers know what works and what doesn't and we don't see a lot of unique stuff anymore. At least game prices are standardized, whether that's for better or worse. Mortal Kombat 3 on the Genesis cost over $100 and it wasn't even that great.

>or were things really better back then?
The age of pioneers is always the best, no matter what you're talking about.

They do it for the sake of passion, for exploring new grounds, be it in technology or science/art, and after that you get the flood of idiots claiming the space for themselves to promote their personal bullshit.

Gaming is no exception.

We can at least use filters to make their job easier since our users are determined to make it more difficult.
Additionally, thread ID's for the asshats that try to ban evade or eventually not use words.