Thanks to the latest Switch update the Pokken Pad now works on EVERY game

Thanks to the latest Switch update the Pokken Pad now works on EVERY game

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>VC with the Pokken controller
I haven't used one but I plan on getting one, good idea? Is the dpad good for that kind of thing?

WiiU can do similar but only through hacking, but a lot more controllers though (Switch, PS4, GameCube)

GameStop has the Pokken pad for $10-$15.

And yeah the D-Pad is pretty damn great.

Is this real

>my ass

unironically best tetris puyo pad.

>playing the switch docked

Source: I plugged it in and it works. The Switch sees it a regular Pro controller.

But if you need verification

Oh god thanks OP I don't have to buy a pro now

After I trade in my Wii U games, my Wii U Pro Controller and my copies of Mario Kart 8 and Pokken Tournament I'll be able to afford this new controller EXCLUSIVE for Nintendo Switch

Before shitposting at least read twice, it's one fucking sentence dude.

It's a $15 Wii U controller user. If you're gonna shitpost, you can at least try.

So does this mean we finally have a good dpad for puyo puyo tetris?

>playing the switch

You can also plug it straight into the USB C port undocked if you want

Well damn. Nintendo's been doing some neat shit lately.


Buy it quick before the scalpers take the stock out and then you can only find it for the low low price of 79.99 :^)

>works on EVERY game
Why? Most games require joysticks.

Because Pokken is coming out in September? It's not like you have to use it for every game

The Pikachu version is even cheaper.

$11 is peanuts for the amount of utility this controller now has