How do you pick a main in a fighting game?
How do you pick a main in a fighting game?
I want to rape that squirrel.
Pick the character with the design I like the most then grieve because it's always low tier crap.
kill yourself degenerate
Whoever has the longest sword
Don't rape the squirrel.
If it's you don't know yourself/your playstyle, pick who you like the most. If you know what you excel in, pick who fits your playstyle the most.
>caring about tiers
Why, with my peanus weenus of course!
The answer is my peanus weenus.
I pick a main in a fighting game with my peenus weenus! haha.
Who looks the coolest.
Its a spotty track record so far.
what game
>Pick a character with a design and story I like
>>Bonus points if I've seen footage of the character already
>Go into training mode, read all thier moves
>Fart around in training mode for about ten minutes trying their attacks and specials and try some super basic combos
Generally, the design and story is what's most important, because I'm willing to give their gameplay a shot regardless of how they play. I try not to pigeonhole myself into any given playstyle, although I will say I tend to give shotos a shot first since they're (meant to be) the most well-rounded characters in the game.
First I play characters who are visually interesting in either design or playstyle
Eventually, I end up playing the entire cast and choose a main from there. I usually end up playing characters I wouldn't initially expect.
Finally, I fap to Makoto.
I usually base my decision on 2 things:
1. Is she a squirrel?
2. Does he have tits?
>pick fighting game
>look up winrates
>pick objectively the worst character
>learn to play it
>losing doesn't feel bad because character is shit
>winning allows you steal a piece of your enemy's soul
most fun
>tails+ears is now fur
fuck off back to reddit
I don't care about tiers but if I go against somebody whose attacks are safe on block or has a truck sized foot dive hitbox, it ain't easy.
I want to fuck this squirrel.
>tails+ears is now fur
It's 15-20% fur at most.
fluffy tails usually help
>BB doujins are all super vanilla
i pick the cutest girl
by design or voice at first. settle with who's the funnest to play. I don't play other people so that isn't a factor
thats not how muscles work
God I just want to grind on her abs like an animal
You must be new.
tfw no cute squirrel tummy to lick/rub my face against
It's how they should.
I generally gravitate towards ninja archetypes (Chipp, Answer) or weird lookin motherfuckers, like FANG or Busuzima, or just characters that have a bit of in match progression, like Phoenix Wright, Frank West, or Junpei.
I implore you to refrain from posting picture of my wife.
That said, I generally like straightforward characters with good abare, not full unga though, that is disgraceful.
I try all the characters that catch my attention in a way or another then I come back to the one who I felt the best about. Usually cute girls are the ones picked up in the end, but there's some exceptions
t. fatyfuck
Nope. Boco just needs to die. Don't tell me you actually like a tripfag.
Ever since Guilty Gear #Reload, I've picked the fastest and most agile character. I like the speedy but fragile fighters who are absolute bastards to catch. It feels like playing on a knife edge where any one mistake sees half your healthbar drain in an instant. It's so much fun.
That, or whoever has the nicest tits. Either or.
Reminder that squirrels have a rat-like tail under all that fur.
I try to avoid anyone at either end of the tier spectrum and go for whoever feels the most natural.
>no blazblue
Ragna ends up with Makoto, right?
Pleb detected. Nothing says "I'm a walking stereotype who can't think for himself" like a gay furry. sfur is for patricians.
i know
how do i get a squirrel gf bros?
Don't worry about that pleb.
I pick one that has an edgy back story
Examples being bedman, bryan, etc
It tends to be I pick huge characters, like Hugo or Potemkin. Controlling a large amount of space with their normals is great, and since most are typically grapplers I control the close range game too. I try to learn the poster character like Ryu or Kyo since they tend to be pretty easy to pick up and learn. I also like the weird characters like Faust if I don't like the other options.
Ones with puffy nipples
Proudly display nuts
If you consider Arakune laying eggs in their wombs vanilla.
I picked Nine because I have a magic fetish, purple is the best colour and Invoker was one of my most played heroes
I still can't do any combos though
get a degree in genetics, enhance CRISPR, set up an underground lab funded by sex traffickers and go on the path of rampant human genetic manipulation to produce domesticated animal girls
I usually go for rush down characters, but Rachel is a special case. I practiced with her till my thumbs were sore.
She's my favorite character in the story, but I don't think I want to put in all that work. Good on you, user.
Always pick the big guy
I find the joke character that has the weird playstyle and learn how to use them.
Sure, why not. But he's been on Sup Forums for what, a decade or something? Are you just now using this board?
I go for mobility but not at the cost of being the guy whose gimmick is "they're the the fastest but die in 3 hits"
Hazama for Blazblue, May for Guilty Gear, and Vega for Street Fighter. I haven't played any other fighting game in a while. I guess Weavile for Pokken?
You play that shit until you don't suck.
I feel sorry for you if you actually play Potemkin.
You should play Tager instead.
I try them all until I find the one that feels more natural to me.
>find the big guy
>pick the big guy
Every time
My only gripe is that even as she won the Ragnabowl, she still lost.
Usually by design and by who I feel the most comfortable with. IF I like the design enough, I'll learn the character.
>full anthro
She got a hug which was way more than any of those other, dumb bitches got.
i pick the one with the biggest tiddies
I usually pick the big guys. Atrocitus is mah nigga.
I usually go with characters that just feel right to me or characters that I think are cool.
>Tekken- King
>KoF- King of Dinosaur-Rock-K'
Who gives a shit, I'm glad that edgy fuck's dead
Over the course of the series Noel got all of the hugs. Its not fair.
I like people that pick up Potemkin. They seem to be the most honest players, just wanting to have a good match.
I pick Slayer because I like seeing what moves I can clash with my dumb ass normals.
I usually go with the "Ken" of the series. Basically, the main character, but cooler.
GG: Ky
BB: Jin
KOF: Iori is main. Team is usually Iori, K', Kyo
SF: Ken, but I liked Guy in the Alpha series
MVC3: Zero May Cry
Pretty easy to tell what type of characters I like to main.
We've gone off topic. Post Makoto.
I pick the girls I like. Which is very bad because I suck and most female characters are not beginner friendly. Trying to learn Ibuki right now and even with everyone saying how easy SFV is, I can't play her well and still trying to do her mixups correctly
It sucks, it's frustrating, but I am the way I am, and there's nothing wrong with letting your dick lead the way
As i remember Jin is still alive.
And he was just as cancerous in 07 as he is now
I always pick the hardest hitting female character
Usually with my penis
I really like churning butter
wtf xD
>be a bro frat boy
>love getting your nuts bashed in
haha I may be a loser but I'll never be a faggot like this guy
She has poor form.
Biggest tats
>try to do it with Val
>wind up in the ER
Guess who your nurse is?
I see
this is my fetish
More than design I look for the fighting style I like.
Usually I tend to pick highly aggressive characters.
Pic related is my main in every game he's in.
Pick the char everyone hates because "cheap" one button combo that is spammable, then actually learn the char's other moves to beat them without using said cheap spam combo.
Dumb, flat-chested bitch. Rachel was the only one that really cared about Ragna.
>is it wacky?
>does it have good backstory
I'll take the cute shota on the top left.
Mai is perfection.
>BB doujins are all super vanilla
I'm a really boring person, so I usually go for Ryu/Sagat characters.
Anyone who's gameplan is winning through attrition or even better time-out is perfect for me
lol wut?
I let my dick decide usually, but I tend to gravitate towards characters that can drop Steins