Is this really as good as everyone says...

Is this really as good as everyone says? I just beat System Shock 2 (probably now one of my favorite games of all time) and Im in the mood to play some blocky old-school first person rpgs. Thing is, I played Oblivion and hated it because I felt like stats hardly mattered and no matter what class I chose you always wound up playing through it the same way. Is Morrowind the same way?

Other urls found in this thread:

>stats hardly mattered
Here stats really do matter
>no matter what class I chose you always wound up playing through it the same way.
This is the same, but for the first ten levels it will be different.

Thanks man. I also hear that the questlines in this game are the best in the series. True?

Also, the game is worth it. You start off as a little shit incapable of killing a mudcrab and gradually end up as an overpowered walking death incarnate.

I would say that Oblivion has the best quests, and Morrowind's quests are very similar to each other (although there are some that are very good), but you really feel like you're going on an adventure.
And if you liked SS2 you'll probably like Morrowind.
Also, check out Daggerfall

>Here stats really do matter

>Is this really as good as everyone says?
It's good as setting for LARP. As game, it is pathetic compared to Oblivion. Simply put, the gameplay just falls apart when 20% into the game.

It's because oblivion shit scales.

Morrowind doesn't scale with you.

I'll just tell you this right now. If you can't play a game where you have to actually read stuff, and need a lot of voice acting, then stay far away from morrowind.

Objectively Oblivion is better

>Morrowind doesn't scale with you.
It does. Except devs populated the leveling lists VERY lazily.

Fair majority of Morrowinds quests are "go here and do this and come back" with little variation on that.

Whoever told you Morrowinds quests are the best in the series couldn't think straight because of their nostalgia goggles cutting off circulation to their brain.

You mean Meme Simulator 2006?

Whats memey about Oblivion?

>stats don't matter in Morrowind
Kill yourself oblivion baby


Everything. From characters, world, voice acting, to AI, actual RPG elements, choices and combat.

Kid, going from 30 in dex to 100 in dex increases your to hit chance by like 7%

They cramped ton of stuff into levels 1-8 and then by level 20 barely any new stuff gets added, and after level 20 they just didn't bother updating leveling lists at all.
Not like you ever meet anything challenging in the game after you get couple of imba spells and cheap items like paralyze on strike daggers (which recharge themselves for free over short amount of time).

Anything you play after System Shock 2 is inevitably going to be a let down because System Shock 2 is pretty much the greatest game ever made

At least try next time.

Anything is better than trash boring high fantasy.

Seriously. How have people not gotten tired of it by now?

daily reminder that everything south of Mournhold is rightful (and now officially) Argonian Clay.

Yeah. I want to see RPG set in a real world.

So nothing you just spouted whatever mechanics of video games you could think of without elaboration. Virtually everything you listed is improved in Oblivion.

>Is this really as good as everyone says?
Yes. Atmosphere, immersion, writing and world/level design in general are amazing. And stats do matter a lot (just dont go too in-depth with alchemy). Morrowind is also the TES with greatest RP potential. I really recommend to roll several different characters and do the respective guilds instead of doing everything with 1 char and relying on trainer NPCs, all challenge disappears when you have endgame gear.

This is objectively false though, Morrowinds quests are not that varied, it relies more on immersion, good writing and 'realistic' approach. And by realistic i mean that when doing guild quests, you wont be systematically progressing through some guild-centered storyline, you'll do a lot of chores that can be expected from a recruit and progress through bigger tasks into guild politics etc.
And my favourite

Sorry you got such shit taste m8. Ill admit SS2 has some clunky crap in it, but it really is a god damn masterpiece. I would ask for a remake of it (to give it the polish it deserves), but it seems devs are completely incapable of remaking games without ruining the core experience and casualizing the shit out of it

Not really. Morrowind was annoying because you could miss attacks. It's a pretty bad eye sore now, but if anything play it on PC not on Xbox.

>proceeds to have casual conversation

And explain how this is worse than in Morrowind, where NPC's practically didn't interact at all, instead standing around or walking in a defind, scripted space and talking some shit to you once which is basically just an encyclopedia entry for you to slap into your journal.

Remember RPG's (particularly open world) didn't have advanced radiant AI interaction at the time, in Oblivion you will sometimes see npc's stealing or trespassing.

What I'm saying is, you can't take Oblivion seriously.

>morrowind being trash boring high fantasy
Its WRPG with one of the most alien and original worlds and mythologies. If you consider everything with swords and magic to be trash boring high fantasy, then i simply feel sorry for you.

Oblivion's major problem is the scaled levelling system was an absolute joke but considering the game has a difficulty slider you can fix it even without resorting to mods.

You literally can't hit anything in Morrowind unless you got the stats for that weapon

It matters.

Morrowind's a good game and definitely the best in its series, but it's also pretty overrated at least on Sup Forums. It's still a fucking Bethesda game. That said, the differences between Morrowind and Oblivion are quite significant so you hating Oblivion doesn't mean you'll like or hate Morrowind. If feeling like stats hardly mattered is the only reason you hated Oblivion, then Morrowind will be more to your tastes. On the other hand, if you hate Bethesda's gameplay and world style of "you can go anywhere and do anything but none of it meaningfully changes anything and every mechanic is a half-assed version of some better more focused game" then you'll probably hate Morrowind just as much if not more.

Not him, but Morrowind does have a lot of level-scaled content. People don't often realize it because there are four important differences in approach. One, there's a huge amount of hand placed unscaled content in Morrowind - more than any other TES game - especially when it comes to quests. This is in contrast to Oblivion where nearly every single aspect of the game scales tightly to your level, even the main quest itself. Two, the high tier enemies don't have their HP literally multiplied by your level like Oblivion's do; once the strongest enemy types start fully spawning the level scaling ends. Three, NPCs are all static and do not level with you, there are strong ones and weak ones but they don't level up when you do or suddenly become decked out in the highest end items that exist. Daedric Armor in Morrowind for example is extremely rare and remains so no matter how many times you level up, while in Oblivion half of the marauder-class bandits in the game will be wearing mostly or entirely Daedric by the time you're level 25. Four, and this is the most impactful for exploration, unique items do not level-scale their stats like they do in Oblivion. If you obtain an artifact at level 1, it will be just as powerful as if you found it at level 30.

Class doesn't matter ultimately, you can max all skills on any character with enough time. It does affect how good you'll be at particular things at first though, which can affect your playstyle for a long time. Becoming an ultimate God of Destruction that kills everything in 2 hits is impossible to avoid in Morrowind so don't worry too much about it cause no matter what you do it'll happen eventually.

Stats are very important, but the most important stat by far is Fatigue. If you don't keep your Fatigue maxed (sounds weird but imagine Fatigue = Stamina) then every other stat is useless cause you'll suck ass at everything you do.

If someone in Morrowind really pisses you off, you can kill him, trap his souls in a soulstone and use it to create a magical pair of shoes, so they will be stepped-on for all eternity.

While the game may be clunky, the fantastic setting and lore makes more than up for it.

>If someone in Morrowind really pisses you off, you can kill him, trap his souls in a soulstone and use it to create a magical pair of shoes, so they will be stepped-on for all eternity.
Strictly speaking that only works on a handful of characters. Fortunately they're the ones most likely to piss you off and they have the most powerful souls in the game, so you can still do that to great satisfaction, but the vast majority of NPCs cannot be soul trapped. Soul trapping is mainly for monsters, animals, and daedra.

The best TES game is TESO and you all know it in your hearts

>Level scaling

No. Level scaling literally makes it so enemies either become sponges that take ages to kill, or result in a reverse difficulty curve cause you get more options to tackle enemies and thus have an easier time.

Have you played ESO? And like, beyond level 20-30?

No, thanks.

>Elder Scrolls
No, thanks.

I've started replaying morrow in the other day. I am playing the vanilla goty edition.

The game is a lot of fun. But it is just a bit as clunky as the other Bethesda games. You feel like your character is molasses and you can literally glitch out on any other object in the game if you walk on it in the wrong way. Combat looks boring, and can take a long time. But that is because of the way the system works.

The best part is the lore and setting, and I suggest you do a quick read of some of the areas, races, and factions. You find lore books throughout the game. I just read one where a smith made really heavy and noisy armor to give to an armor master so that he could cuck him because the armor would be too restricting to move in. The smith was balls deep in the guy's wife, when he was killed by the guy arriving to see his wife inbetween arena duels. Then the guy fucked his wife in his heavy plate armor. The whole point of that story was to indicate to the players that leveling up the heavy armor skill in the game is useful. The game is full of things like this.

Another issue with this game, and with other games as well, is that the world does not feel alive. There are a lot of things to do and interesting things to do, so the game has great internal consistency and is well thought out in terms of the setting. But as far as I can tell, there is no true player agency in the game. Yes you can use your own original build and do whichever quests you want to do and in whatever way you want, but the game doesn't really give you feedback to show that your choices matter. Like you can advance in guilds, but your advancement doesn't matter in terms of the setting, but matters for a few mechanics.

Some quests have effects on the world.

Like once you finish one of the great houses questline. And some questlines make you kill questgivers for other guilds so you also can be fucked over by that.