why do you people always want things to fail.

Because they themselves are failures, so watching someone or something fail makes them feel better about their own failures.

Not always, but regarding a fair amount of kickstarter or go fund me type things if and when the project does fail, rather than blaming themselves for inexperience or getting in over their head, they blame some invisible outside force.

Wich hasnt happened yet. The OP is basically shitting on something he wont even play, maybe watch a youtube let play and then make 200 post saying how this game is trash and how he KNEW it would be bad.
People who try to fit in with the "I hate everything am I cool yet guys" stereotype are cringy as fuck.


Doesn't matter, they fail on their own.

I don't want bloodstained to fail, I've been craving a new proper 2d castlevania-alike for like a decade, but it looks like shit and both the development history and apparent outcome strike alarming similarities to the disaster that was mighty no 9

Because ToRtanic was such a fun time for Sup Forums and some sad people are always looking to try and recapture some of that magic.

>I've been craving a new proper 2d castlevania-alike for like a decade
what the issue

It's fun to watch the world burn when you have nothing to live for

well don't get me wrong that certainly scratched the itch, and other metroidvanias have been there to help too (momodora rutm, axiom verge, etc), but for all that HK played like a very prototypical metroidvania and was a very somber yet charming experience with that cutesy depressing artstyle, I yearn for the elegant grotesqueries that come with wandering the halls of a proper gothic castle and fighting against/with/for vampires and shit

I just want a new AoS or SotN

HK was 10 outta 10 for me, but I want more of a metroidvania with stats and weapon options.

Stats and weapon options won't save the mediocre borefest that Bloodstained is

Are you implying the last one looks best? It's utterly hideous.

The game looks good though. I don't understand why Sup Forums keeps shitting on it.

MN9 and Bloodstained are examples of people getting fatheads and inflating their egos. Inafune and Iga both rose to fame because of the people around them while working at big budget companies. Suddenly they think their god's gift in the gaming industry. Seeing them break off into their own independent studios and working with a much smaller budget they are being exposed as the frauds they are. We've seen other Kickstarters with much smaller budgets turn out much better than MN9 and from the looks of it Bloodstained.

I eagerly wait for people to be disappointed with Death Stranding.

hey look the whole theme of the thread in only two replies. gg anons

i'm convinced that bloodstained isn't going to be good... if you like metroidvanias try the following:
hollow knight
momodora 3
momodora reverie under the moonlight
enviornmental station alpha


Did you already finish the entire game?

None of these losers backed the game, so none of these assholes got the chance to play it, so none of them have even an ounce of complaint other than "It looks like shit". They've never touched it, so of course they don't know how it plays.

I do. It plays exactly like IGA's previous Castlevania games - which is exactly what I wanted when I backed the damn thing. It's going to be a good game, but Sup Forums will INEVITABLY continue to call it shit, for the same reason they call anything shit: to stir the pot.

Did you need to finish MN( to know what shitpile it is? It was a known fact even before release.
Why is it suddenly different here? Nice damage control and double standards.

whar's the last game?



oh right, thought it looked familiar


>That EgoRaptor ad in the background

I'm not that guy but to be honest I'm not liking what I'm seeing from those previews, unless they polish it A LOT and make the game a lot faster and less "floaty", I don't think I'll be giving this game a chance when it releases.

I do still hope it gets A LOT better than what it looks like right now.

I'm not him but I'm in a position similar to him. I've played all the metroids, all the castlevanias (each at least 2 full playthroughs), plus tons of other things and I still want more. I didn't even get half way through this before dropping it out of disinterest.

Part of the problem is that Hollow Knight only has one environment. It's the same rock tiles over and over with minor variations. The green zone was the only area that feel like it was significantly different.

Another problem is the game is insufferable easy. You don't even need to learn boss patterns you just need to find the points where you can safely heal up since you are constantly filling up your orb. The enemy sections also offer no challenge, even if you do get to a hard part you can just continiously respawn an enemy by leaving it 1 hp, and exiting the room. This lets you milk it for more healing. Or you could just walk back to a save point once your health gets low.

Another issue is there simply arn't enough power ups or attacks. Consider that in Dawn of Sorrow you start the fucking game with 3 attacks: skeleton soul, spearman soul, your basic attack, and the power attack. In Hollow Knight you can go a full hour with your only options being the fireball and the basic attack.

I also really got sick of every secret being yet another charm I will never use or one of those maggots that gives a petty amount of money which has nothing interesting to buy. How about having some real power ups?

>Part of the problem is that Hollow Knight only has one environment. It's the same rock tiles over and over with minor variations. The green zone was the only area that feel like it was significantly different.

Nigger please.

Now, does this mean Konami (pressure), and Kickstarter pressure, or talking about Konami, but also Kickstarter pressure?

Yeah, nice analysis, furfag

I haven't played MN, I watched other people complaining about it making fun of it. There is a high chance that I don't like the game and that I will consider it trash, but I won't go around like a weapons-grade autist searching for threads about it and scream ITS SHIIIIIIT.

Go post in a thread about a game you like for a change, because you play games, right? You're not in Sup Forums just to shitpost all day about things you haven't even watched a gameplay trailer about, right?

Like I said apart from the plant area everything else is just the same rock tiles with a few variations.

Even NES games had different colored rocks sometimes.

That fat boy sure has a ego

>but I won't go around like a weapons-grade autist searching for threads about it and scream ITS SHIIIIIIT.
But I did and nobody shunned me because it IS shit and you don't even need to play it to know that.
Sometimes the game is THAT bad you don't need direct experience.

Bloodstained follows the same path

Why do most kickstarter games look so...bad? Like a little art direction can go a long way.

>Bloodstained follows the same path

The only person saying this is you and a very vocal minority, who's only argument is "it looks bad" and nothing else, because you probably haven't even played more than 1 castlevania in your life, so you have no point of reference to critique a spiritual succesor.

Are you retarded? I literally posted area that has completely different tiles, there is even 2 variations of that area.

There is area filled with skull and bones only.

But yes, quite a few of them are "rock" and "ground" tiles. Do you know why? Probably because whole fucking game takes place UNDERGROUND.

I mean, if consistent with game story and lore tileset is what you consider a negative enough aspect to drop the game you are your own autist for whining every thread "where is muh new metroidvania to play booohooo"

Fucking dumb autist.

>The only person saying this is you

Because Sup Forums tasted "victory" once when SWTOR failed all on its own, and they want that feeling again. It's been YEARS, and they still crave it. It would be fine, but they just assume EVERYTHING is a failure, so that when they get one right they can pretend they're a fucking prophet. It's pathetic.

A lot of them are newfags just desperate to fit in. It is summer, afterall.

fucking mongol magic

It's basically you and maybe 1 other guy in a thread about how bad you want the game to be, so yeah thanks for proving my point.

>you people

don't these guys get additional funds from investors after these games reach KS goals?
