What's it gonna be?

What's it gonna be?




same thing it's been for years, literally nothing

It's fucking nothing.

humble literally nothing bundle

It's unusual for them to actually not have anything but the monthly up.

It posts at 2 ET, right?

best bundle in a long time


surely they're saving it for lining up with the summer steam sale right

Dubs and it's a Groovy bundle

Not disappointed.

You say it's not a joke but this is pretty funny.

It is literally nothing.

Better than the last one

>Humble Atari Bundle

1,3,5,7,9 it's good
0,2,4,6,8 it's shit
Dubs it's groovy

Why did you lie to me?

Is it actually nothing this week?

Yes. They don't do bundles during steam sales in order to not cause upsets

Steam sale is this week.
It's not the first time they didn't put a bundle up when that happens.

It's rare to get nothing twice in a row, though.

They are not very consistent about not having a bundle when a steam sale is going on. They have had multiple bundles during summer sale, and some through the winter sale.

tfw cant compete with the big steam cock
