It's going to outsell huniepop

>it's going to outsell huniepop

Do people still read Kotaku?

>huniepop sold at all

Every day.

Women don't have Steam accounts and fags make up a miniscule portion of the population.

It's the top result for most vidya news search results on google. Sometimes I even click on it by accident when I don't read the url names and I'm just looking for information.

got a chuckle out of me

>Made by the Game Grumps

Is Oney in it? This is important.

>modern Game Grumps


steam is like 60% weeb virgins, this won't sell 1/10th of huniepop

they sold out of the physical copies of the game yesterday, a single day after release, so...

That style is awful. They all look like unlikeable and smug motherfuckers except best das on the right.

Is this for the gay community? Because girls sure as hell won't buy that.

I hope Wambo is an unlockable dad

>Because girls sure as hell won't buy that.

oh boy

don't go on tumblr or twitter if you want to keep telling yourself that, kek

>my husband's daughter

>Is this for the gay community? Because girls sure as hell won't buy that.
The opposite actually.


Are you for real? Shoujo titles always depict slim, tall, kind of athletic, kinda feminine guys. And shoujo is the genre that targets women.

The only women who buy that tend to be the female equivalent of the neckbeards who buy otome shit.

Dream Daddy appeals to a far wider audience as well as bringing in straight men who are going to buy it purely because of memes and they love Game Grumps

Exactly. Almost the entire cast is all shoujo garbage drawn in a different coat of paint with the ginger bear being the only exception.

Are you retarded?

No straight guy is going to play this """"game"""".

They're referring to twitch streamers and other e-celebs who will play it ironically.

I sold out of BBQ dinners yesterday, I only made 10 though.

You fags thinking this won't sell doesn't know how starved market works. It's the reason the first batch of JRPGs on PC was a hit on Steam while the subsequent ones barely made the same numbers again.

There are no relatively well drawn faggot "game" out there and this will make a fuckton of money out of all the fags, including OP, of course.

>Is this for the gay community?
Hell no. All the characters are biscum with kids, including the main character. No gay person would want this. This is a game for women only, it's almost as bad as otomeshit.

what a huge audience

does it have actual H scenes? or just funny cg's where the guys show their butt crack in some awkward situation?