Press F to spit on their grave

Press F to spit on their grave.


Press F to Fuck you

the hog was based

after this patch can safely say I'm never playing this game again. Blizzard doesnt know how to handle anything and the community is made up of 9 year olds

Pharah nerf when?

t. Hogmain

Hopefully never you worthless shitstain. She doesn't need one just like Hog didn't need one.

Fuck that fat faggot one shotting almost everyone in the game. Fuck Blizzard for taking over a year to nerf this fat faggot. Now we wait for the dumbfucks at Blizzard to fix the power creep with Pharmacy and God76. Hanzo still one shots tanks.

So now that hog is nerfed the reason to play any comp but dive is.....

>Hogniggers can't handle needing to scratch someone before hooking


ARMS is fun.

When the fuck is the game getting updated?

I want to see how bad the new Hog is.

>maps are shit
>args are shit
>playerbase is cancerous
>events are shit
>blizzard doesnt know how to balance for shit
its more than just hog mate. the whole things getting to be more than I can handle

Literally nobody calls it the Blizzard App

nm. it's updated.

The new map gave me cancer.

>5/6 tanks can set up some sort of shield to avoid getting one shotted
>too dumb to do it

you'll never stop playing

Deflect needs to be changed
Defense Matrix needs to be changed
Tracer needs an actual hard counter since Flashbang is garbage
Lucio needs to be nerfed again

OW is just not fucking fun to play.

Don't know much about the game, just started playing recently. Liked playing roadhog a lot not because you could easily kill most characters, but because the hook let you deal with otherwise very annoying characters, like Tracer, Sombra, Genji or LĂșcio.

I guess I should just learn to deal with them with any character, though. What's the best way to generally deal with fast/blinking heroes?

thats a shame because I already uninstalled it

>Tracer needs an actual hard counter since Flashbang is garbage

Flashbang in general is a shitty and unreliable ability that needs to be reworked.

see you next week

It takes Blizz too fucking long to get around to doing anything about what is actually causing bad fucking games.

Hog was a problem fucking ages ago but now its Mercy enabling Pharah to the degree that people want her to be nerfed rather than fucking Mercy. Its Mercy in every single last game at every level of play making games slower, making flankers jobs more boring and generally dragging out and slowing down an already stalling and slow game.

It'll take another 6 months of complete shit before something turns up on the PTR. More than likely we'll get a Pharah nerf and a Tracer nerf in the meantime.

So why are you here?
Oh yeah, I forgot, overwatch threads on Sup Forums are the worst thing ever.


>What's the best way to generally deal with fast/blinking heroes?

Team work, or get very good at McCree. Hog was the best anti-flanker in the game, he's still decent but you'll have do some damage prior to hooking now. Flankers like Genji and Tracer are so fast and agile while shitting out damage Hog was the only character capable of dealing with them without getting burst down in less than a second. This Hog nerf is justified, and the Reaper buff is justified. But flankers and D.Va are going to be more of a pain in the ass now.

Shoot at them. Shoot at them with your team. Don't get dragged into having duels that are not in your favour.

Hogmains on suicide watch. Sorry you faggots are gonna have to actually earn your kills now. Or you can pick up a character that actually requires skill. Can't wait to get home and shit on some more hogs.

nigga I have plenty of other things to play
I've got touhou, ARMS, skullgirls, left4dead, cave story, disgaea
the list goes on my friend. I dont need your shit game
because I used to play it but I was slowly get more and more fed up with it being shit and now I'm sharing my opinion that I think its too bad to play at this point

Mei seems good. Her spray gun slows people down pretty quick, and that usually throws speedy types into "OH GOD GET ME OUT OF HERE" mode.

To continue playing Hog? He's not dead and Tracer still gets one-shot.

Roadhog can still one shot tracer and at least force Sombra to try and run from you.

>baddies actually believe pharah is balanced
I bet you blame the soldier when she wrecks your team, and the healers when you are that soldier.

>Fat faggot does so much damage he melts barriers
>God76 also melts barriers thanks to power creep for people who can't aim
>Rein has to put his barrier down to recharge eventually
>Fat faggot can always flank and hook anyone from 20m away
>Fat faggot doesn't need to be careful with who he hooks because it literally doesn't matter
>Even if he doesn't one shot a tank he will severely cripple them
What the fuck were they thinking when they made this hero?

Pharah is balanced. You silver shitters just have to remember to look up every once in a while. I shit on pharah with zen. You genji mains are hopeless

>he STILL plays Overwatch
Game is dying, just move on.

roadhog, through top 500 and streamed tournaments

All that's left on the chopping block is Hanzos fucking scatter arrow and this game will be free of noskill bullshit 1 shot kill gimmicks.

Also the OW forums are a fucking joke. For months the faggots there complained about hog. Now everyone is crying for a revert. Make up your minds shitters.

So why is everyone shitting on the game again?
It's fun.

Pharah is crazy vulnerable most of the time, but like having a half decent Widow she can't be ignored. The level of spam and its lack of damage drop off is too much of a problem to just leave alone. Balancing that is a real fucking problem, then you add in the stupid fucking synergy between her and Mercy and then the actual problems begin. Pharmercy is fucking aids. Thats not because of Pharah.

>he has never played against a good pharah
confirmed unranked shitter

Spotted the Mercy main.

It's not just forums, gamers nowadays are just impatient children.

Pharah kills her hard counter in 3 aoe hits.

>Sup Forums before pharah buff
>omg she's trash her splash damage is so small and her rockets are so slow
>blizzard slightly buffs her so she doesn't have to touch the ground

>It's fun

They realised that while it sucks getting cheap killed through no fault of their own its better than giving flankers and more importantly shit like Mei and Mercy free reign to herp fucking derp about.

>1 week from today

Pharah has become extremely problematic for Zarya. I can't do anything to her even at 100% because she can stay out of reach above me.


It's Sup Forums. No one actually plays video games; fox and the grapes.

>already shits on tanks
>Now regens health while shits on tanks

I have been playing the game since the beta. The game is bad

>Tracer needs an actual hard counter since Flashbang is garbage

git gut

He said while posting in thread after thread after thread begging for validation and attention


Fuck off Hogmains.

The entire cast is a fucking Tracer counter just shoot at her. Theres so much spam that can kill a Tracer in one fucking hit. I know in my gut that Blizz are going to nerf her damage so that shes beyond fucking useless. If you get consistently murdered by a Tracer its because they are a good Tracer not because the character is broken. In fact I would say shes the most honest thing in the game. Also shes the only thing that gets 100% one shot by Hog.

what are you talking about

What's your sr faggo cause I know it's not very high if a pharah is slapping your shit. Learn to aim and you might get to gold.
Don't play into her, admittedly Zarya isn't the best matchup against pharah. Your best bet is to get charge off of her and avoid her until she comes into range. Now, regards have a hard time processing the whole "avoiding pharah" concept. That doesn't mean ignore her, it means to be aware of her general position and don't engage her until she plays into your range. This game isn't that hard guys

Tracer needs to be left alone. She's the highest skillcap character in the game and the people who dominate with her are better than you. Sorry.

>not balanced

Pharah + Mercy is strong, Pharah by herself is fucking harmless if you can aim even slightly.

>Thinking this patch is a nerf just because the one-shot combo is gone

The fire rate increase is more than enough compensation for that. Anyone who thinks this patch is anything but a buff to Hog's overall effectiveness is a bad Hog player.

this the counter to tracer is just fucking aiming
in an emergency torb counters her if you are complete shit

>A Zarya counter making things hard for Zarya


That's like complaining that Bastion melts your shield too fast as Reinahrdt.

>shitting on Tanks pre-buff


Fucking D.Va can give Reaper trouble in a straight up fight. Pre-buff Reaper was a Tank """"counter""" that only countered Tanks if he caught them unaware.

Oh god the glorious tears from the Hog babies who 100% honestly from the bottom of their heart think they deserve to one or two shot everyone they see, who honestly thought that using the longest stunlock in the game made them GOOD at the game


So many retards in here.
> hurr pharah is so op durrr all I did was stand directly under her and didn't even bother to look up

They made one of the most braindead characters into something where you need to actually communicate and work with your team. Your going to get punished for flanking like a spastic, your not a sneaky hero your a fucking tank.

Might as well ask this here:

What's the counter to Winston?

Is Reaper good again?

its a nerf to his ability to 1v1 and kill people who are prevented from being able to react for sure

He will still be doing the same shit, but with far less one or two shotting people.

Which is was the point of the change.

tracer is good

>Just shoot her

You do realize that this is a "counter" that applies to fucking everyone in the game? A counter is something that is effective specifically towards a certain character. To give you an example, Winston fucks up Widowmaker because his kit is specifically effective against her. There is currently nothing in the game like that for Tracer.

All that aside, another popular argument to defend Tracer is "She has 150 health", which is actually pretty misleading. It's true that her max health is 150, but that is the amount of health she has if, and ONLY if, you manage to oneshot her. Otherwise she virtually has 300 health thanks to the rewind.

Discord Orb.

Anti Tank or Snipers.

You really just need to get better
>she actually has 300 health :)))
no she doesnt
>hurt tracer, she rewinds back to 150
>reload while she rewinds
>kill her?

>he still posts le epic alt-right frog
Get laid faggot

One year later and Reinhardt is still a buggy as fuck character. His charge, M1, and earth shatter are all inconsistent in their effectiveness in ways the player can't account for.

The entire fucking game IS the Tracer counter. Where does it say that everything in OW 100% needs a hard counter? Theres no real hard counter for 76 in this game of Rock Paper Scissors so lets what? Break something else to bring him in line?

Nah fuck off you shitter.

>Hurt Tracer for 145 damage
>She rewinds
>Has another 150 health for you to go through
>Somehow this isn't exactly the same as having to fight someone with 300 health, with the distinction that you can oneshot her and avoid having to go through her "second" health bar

As to your argument that I just need to get better, how about you justify Tracer not having an actual counter when all other members of the cast have one instead of spouting "git gud"?

Fuck the charge. I have no idea how they coded that but its designed to just irritate the fuck out of using it and being caught by it. I've been sucked out of a blink into it, i've been caught swift striking into it. On the other hand I've hit the perfect charge on a Mei coming out of Ice Block and all its done is knock her into the air.

I swear it has something to do with the shooter priority bullshit.

>hook is now a technical ploy to reel in backline enemies for your bros to capitalize on
>can now tank-bust with greater effect thanks to buffed firing rates

My main is now a team player. I for one welcome this. Only shit part is that sneaky creep-hog is no longer a viable strategy save for the lulz.

>everything needs a 100% easy mode no fun allowed hard counter because i cant turn on my monitor

S76 is fucking castrated by, tracer shitter.

A counter need not be able to kill the character they counter. Just making them useless works too.

You haven't played the new hog. I have 70+ hours on hog and just tried his changes out, his basic shots do fuck all damage unless the enemy player takes every single bullet to the face in melee range, and even then it only takes their health down 40-50% (200 hp heroes, not tanks). Hog now has no role, now his only reliable way to kill is via the hook combo. He can't bust shields, he can't deal damage. He's basically a walking free ultimate charge every time his hook is off cooldown or he misses.
>just land ur hooks and bring them to your team you hogfag
Easier said than done, this might work in quickplay, but in higher ranking competitive it can be really difficult to land a hook. I see hog becoming useless tier and considered a troll pick real soon.

They just keep ruining my husbando.

>what is DVa

You are effectively saying the same thing Roadhog players used to say.

>just stop having bad positioning
>just shoot her

76's strength is mid range, he gets shit on at close range by a fair number of characters.

Oh, fuck you with the scatter arrow bullshit. Just because you get killed by a person who can use there fucking brain to guess where your dumbass is and kill you doesn't mean it needs a nerf.

>hasnt actually played nu-hog

Increased fire rate means nothing. His DPS is actually lower.
It feels like you are playing a morbidly obese with no shields.
Hooking people is more likely to get yourself killed.

Real arena shooter game (unreal)
>can teleport, by throwing gravity-affected projectile everyone can see
>can't regain health by going back in time, your health remains intact
>has same moving speed as everyone else
>game has various weapons with a blast radius

Inspiration for tracer (dota) [weaver w/ blink dagger]
>can instantly teleport, but only once every 13 seconds and that's if he hasn't been hit recently
>can regain health by going back in time, but only every 40-60 seconds
>moving speed matters little as the game mostly lacks skill shots

Tracer (overwatch)
>can instantly teleport up to three times in less than a second
>can regain health by going back in time every 12 seconds
>has faster moving speed than most of the cast
>in a game with plenty of projectiles with a lower speed than those of arena shooters
>game is severely lacking in weapons with a blast radius

I'm not saying she's unbalanced because I don't know enough about game design, but you can see how she is so different from the concept she's drawing from in terms of numbers. In Unreal and Dota, it's both fun playing as and against player who teleport like that. In Overwatch, not that much.

and hanzo scatter
one shotting tanks without aiming is pretty bullshit

>tank that can 2 shot any non tank or 1shot combo them if their hook is up

Yeah roeadhog was NOT balanced.

So your complaints are:

It takes more than one shot to kill people

If you miss your attacks you are useless

You cant solo bring shields down

The only way to kill someone reliably is to correctly execute your stunlock combo(longest stun in the game btw)

It's almost as if you've been brought down to the level of EVERY OTHER HERO IN THE FUCKING GAME

>it's fine for other characters to have hard counters but not the character I play

Really gets the noggin' joggin'

>comparing a topdown moba to an fps
thats not how it works

So maybe

Just maybe

Hook them into your team. Roadhog isn't a unkillable 1v1 assassin anymore.

I dont even play overwatch :)