Super Lucky tales 20min of gameplay


who owns a xbox

_ ____ __ ____ ____ ___

When does it release? (PC)

does it have co-op?

around 26 millions peoples own an xbox and it's also available on Windows 10 which is owned by more than 600 millions peoples. Can we speak about the game now?

Windows 10 - 7th nov
Steam - never

Looks like a shitty unity game

no lets dump funny videogame comics instead

November 7


No idea. I think only Cuphead has that.


looks charming and I lvoe platformers but I feel it really is aimed at young players

if I had a kid it's something I'd love to play with them though, it's nice to see genuine kids games are being made

Looks kinda like Crash + 3D World

>the player nearly gets stuck on the very edge of the level at 0:35

Looks great. A bit on the easy side, but I'll be buying it

It's a shame this isn't getting released on the Switch. It's gonna sell shit on Xbox.

Would get it for my son if I had one. Wouldn't play myself

Conker cockblocker and looks like kao the kangaroo

It's not a Microsoft game and it was originally released as a VR tech demo, so after a year or so the developers might be able to release it on PSN and the Switch

Microsoft paid for exclusivity

What do you think his tail smells like? Ha-ha

>we want the rare-tier platformer adventure nostalgia market!

When will these people realise that people don't want a spiritual successor to Banjo or Conker, but rather that they want a sequel to either that doesn't suck ass?

Building a nice little platformer or whatever the fuck from the ground up means people are going to measure it objectively instead of through rose-tinted glasses and surprise surprise, after so many years a dull platformer/collectathon isn't as fun to you anymore.

It's a sequel to that Vr tech demo.

It's not even made by Rare.