Also notable, PC software sales were down 48% from $23 million to $12 million.
How did the Switch get outsold by a 4 year old console?
Also notable, PC software sales were down 48% from $23 million to $12 million.
How did the Switch get outsold by a 4 year old console?
Other urls found in this thread:
Sonyniggas always win baby, no one can stop us.
Because the Switch is a sell out. Is this not obvious?
It's all about that PS Quadriple.
Sony doesn't have to compete for chips with apple to make their system, and pretty much all sides have nothing major released I think?
Who fucking cares, I just want to play games
there's many investors here on Sup Forums who rely on this type of info
It's news related to vidya, you moron.
>i jus wanna play gaems
Then why are you here faggot?
Perhaps because they are still out of stock everywhere
After losing last month and not having GOTY, it's good to see them back.
Who the fuck cares? Europeans only care about FIFA and this is reason why PS4 is beating Switch there.
...... There are no Switches to buy you dunce (⇀‸↼‶)
I look forward to the day the Switch's sales aren't determined entirely by how many they can produce
Except this is only talking US sales which the PS4 is the best for May.
Stay damage controlling cuck
Do you live in Japan? There are in stock in US and Europe.
>switch selling good
>countless threads about nintendomination and sales
>switch selling bad
>They are out of stock everywhere
In Poland, maybe, but they are still a huge bitch to find in north america
>being this retarded
>literally sold out everywhere
>why did it get outsold???
Do you go outside? Go look for a fucking switch and come back when you find one.
>PC software sales were down 48% from $23 million to $12 million
i'm more interested about this, what happened here?
Fuck off Sonybro.
Maybe if you live in Sanfran or some other manchild-dominated shithole.
Different games release at different times.
I bought a Wii U :(
I live in Iowa. None of my friends in Chicago or Minneapolis can find one either.
I've seen it yesterday in Wallmart. Nice damage control though.
You realise that it's still selling well but it's sold out right?
That's kind of how things work when something is popular
Sony is KING
I guess you could say consumers Made the Switch™ to Sony.
Does anyone know when they restock switches at best buy? This Friday they should have reatocked amiibos but what about the system it's self
Kek, nintenbros are seething hard at this comment fAm
Every east coast store i've been do doesn't have it so if switches are in America it must be in pocket areas.
>a Nintendo handheld getting outsold by a console
fuck this timeline
>Chicago or Minneapolis
Man i can't wait until this out of stock meme runs dry, been months already
>been months already
That's how demand works user.
I did.
Three days ago. I'm a gamestop desk monkey. Some parent tried to trade in a Red/Blue model w/ BOTW and I told them I'd match the credit trade in as cash which rounded up to around 200.
Go into any store that carries them, you won't find a single one on the shelves. It is literally selling out.
Please name the part of America you believe has Switches in stock, so that someone who actually lives there can chime in to say you're wrong.
>selling games on a platform infested with piracy
>selling games to an audience that trows a fit when a company protects their IP from third party hackers
Can you not put this together by yourself?
They're gonna be outta stock all year
>there's many investors here on Sup Forums who rely on this type of info
>Best Buy
I'm seeing posts on the best buy subrebbit of employees taunting people with Switches in those cages they use.
Why Nintendo fans said that PS4 is only successful in Europe and thanks to FIFA when it's literally raping new Nintendo system in USA? What the fuck is happening?
>Posting a character from an upcoming 3DS exclusive remake of Strange Journey
>muh stock shortage
Shut up nerds.
Amerilard here, I see them in stock everywhere and even on ebay and shit, not sure where this out of stock shit is coming from
Maybe if you could actually read english, you'd have already read the thread and know.
Except it isn't.
Business has nothing to do with video games.
>PS4 = Ryo
>Switch = Biker
>Motorcycle = the free market
switch still better
tho not buying one till the pokemon rpg
Investor here, it's true. We rely on Sup Forums as an objective, anonymous base of opinions that help us invest better.
>400 retail
I did. Still don't get why is this happening.
Go away redditor
Yes a game that is gonna bomb because people never liked the original?
don't play with my emotions
Oh wowwie, the most successful console to ever exist continues to be so. OP can you please make a thread about how you had your mind blown by your tap still managing to have water when turned on?
I went to IRC and mods said they're going to delete this anti-Nintendo thread ASAP.
Supply constraints.
It's still selling almost every unit I'd not every unit in the US.
The pathetic toddlers want us to believe not having stock is a good thing. If Nintendo was a decent and competent manufacturer they would have enough stock to fulfill the demand.
Go to all of your local gamestops, targets, best buys and Walmart to see if you can find any
>Supply constraints.
More like shortage of interest
>I think things can be manufactured and shipped in a single day: the post
>go to find out
That's not source. I can made up anything this way and say I found shitton of them on shelf. Post evidence.
"The console is selling so well that there are no available consoles out of the millions they produced, the demand is so high that any restock will instantly sell out completely, people are paying scalpers for the console....
But just because right now there is a shortage of stock due to Apple tactics, that means nintendo is shit and Switch is a failed console"
WHAT dude? Your "logic" doesn't even make sense. The console sold so well that you can't even buy it anymore because every single fucking nintendo switch that was ever made got sold to someone.
No, it's not a good thing, it will probably cost them sales long term. But, it's undeniably a real thing, and capping the number of sales possible
No photos?
Guiz WiiU was success too. It was just out of stock too.
Didn't and wont read but you sound angry lmao
>Horizon Zero Dawn outsold Arms
Guess it couldn't go the distance.
t. 18 year old who has never even had a job before because his parents pay for him to exist and go to community college
Move out of Iowa lmaoooo, like , not even for the switch or anything. Iowa is the corniest place on earth
>it's a sales thread
The burden of proof is on you. We can't prove that it's out of stock everywhere, while all you have to do is show that it's in stock somewhere in the US.
Exactly, post photos of gameshops with no Switches around.
Sony is selling more. Apparently they do know how to make and ship things "in a single day", toddler.
>Trump won the presidency
>No that doesn't count, Hillary could have won if circumstances were different!
>PS4 wins another NPD
>>No that doesn't count, Switch could have won if circumstances were different!
I didn't buy Arms or anything but it just came out, is it even represented there?
That hardcore projection, drones get REALLY mad when you criticise nintendo, stop cryin lil boys
>The burden of proof is on you
Are you retarded? How? It was your claim and I asked first. So where is evidence?
Ouch, the toddlers are really butthurt. Your beloved corporation is not as perfect as you believe, I understand it must hurt.
Woah man, I can't believe that Arms didn't sell so hard because people who don't even have a Switch yet didn't buy it.
Sony isn't fighting with Apple for parts. Sony's also had the same supply line for years now, with slowly dwindling numbers, while Nintendo is trying to catch up to unexpectedly high demand.
I still see no reason to get a Switch. So far, the games on it are shit tier, there's nothing better planned for it except ports, and the "console" doesnt even have all the feature of a modern console yet. No online, no internet browser, nothing to make it worth $300. What is that $300 price for? It makes no sense.
Reminder successful Sony makes Sup Forums go crazy
thanks for telling me this story
If the Switch is selling poorly, then show me a switch from a retailer in the US, Canada or Japan available to buy for msrp or a trusted (must have reviews on profile) reseller for below msrp.
NPD for January after it launched (month 3, as May is for Switch) Wii U sales was 50k units through the entire US.
The Switch sold over 125k units in Japan alone through May
Why are you ponies of Sony in such denial?
ARMS sales numbers?
>I literally have no idea how burden of proof works
You could have just said that from the start, bro
I don't get why they get so mad. How does that affect them?