This... this game was actually pretty fucking good

This... this game was actually pretty fucking good.

Why did everyone hate it, anons?

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It was a direct sequel to the worst Zelda game in recent memory sadly.

Spirit Tracks is amazing though, and does the legacy of Wind Waker well.

New things are scary.

Because it wasn't the only game released with the switch and also the Wii u.

But user the worst Zelda in recent memory is botw. WW is good tier.

It's a great game but people REEEEE about anything that isn't a standard controller and those games/controls get a bad reputation no matter how well it was executed.
Spirit Tracks, Kid Icarus Uprising, Gyro controls in Splatoon and BOTW, The Steam controller.

Fuck shit like arms though, that just polarizes everyone even more because it's terribly gimmicky non traditional controls and everyone associates anything different with wii wagglan shit.

Going around on the train to dat overworld theme is fucking great

Pretty sure PH is worst and that's what he was referring to.

What did you like about Spirit Tracks, user?

I really loved Zelda's protagonism and the cutscene direction. It was simply top notch. The very last cutscene with Zelda and Link holding hands was astounding.

The dungeons were pretty great, too, and the lasts floors of the Spirit Tower were very, very hard.

I would have liked some more items, though. There were... three? And bombs were optional. What the heck, Nintendo.

>It was actually pretty good
The train segments were tedious and slow.
It controls like ass because forced touch screen controls.
Let's not even get into controlling the pipes.
The final boss is a fucking train.
A lot of puzzles in the game are just going across the map.

Here's a question for you guys. How in the fuck do you think this game IS good? This is like Other M apologists all over again.

People complained about muh touch controls, even though they worked perfectly fine. Although one thing that did annoy me was the overreliance on microphone controls. Having to blow into the microphone like a retard every time I wanted to use the pipes was bad enough, but then my DS's microphone stopped working so the game literally became unplayable.

Because the train is a terrible mode of transport, I'd assume.

I love just about everything else Spirit Tracks has to offer, and I even think the endgame sections with the train are great, but such a huge portion of the traveling in the game suffers from highway syndrome, and the lack of freedom in traveling hurts that further. I think the way Zelda controls also harms some people's experience.

syncing the train sounds with the BGM was my favorite part of the game

Because Zelda fans can't let go of a mediocre tech demo

>The final boss is a fucking train.

This is a bad thing?

>This... this

>The train segments were tedious and slow.

Ehh... the train is slow, that is true. But there isn't that much terrain to travel through, anyway. And there's teleports all over the place (not like you'll even need them, the map IS small). I really didn't find them annoying, though.

>It controls like ass because forced touch screen controls.
>Let's not even get into controlling the pipes.

Git gud, the controls worked fine and the pipes were ok. Only trouble I had with it was the fire temple, and because I wasn't blowing in sync.

>The final boss is a fucking train.


>A lot of puzzles in the game are just going across the map.


ST is one of my favorite Zelda games honestly. There are parts that are a little weak, but overall I had a ton of fun with it, and it was comfy as fuck. Zelda is such a great companion.

It also has what is easily one of my favorite songs in the Zelda series.


>overworld theme is fucking great
Yeah and Link and Zelda's duet for the final battle was amazing

>Defending touch screen controls that exist for no reason but to be a gimmick
>Liking the lack of an overworld

The music was good, and it was neat how they incorporated the train's sounds into the song, but everything else was underwhelming as fuck.

Spirit Tracks is 3rd in my top 5.


ST was in my top 5 too before BotW came out.

Now it's

>Defending touch screen controls that exist for no reason but to be a gimmick
the DS Zelda games feel better to move around in than most other 2D Zelda games, thanks in part to the touch screen controls

Link moves faster, analog movement is better.

It was okay, loved the music though.
Yeah I think it being a sequel to PH makes it seem better than it really is

>It was a direct sequel to the worst Zelda game in recent memory sadly.

I'd play PH twice before touching SS again

Music was 10/10, story was good, Zelda was a cute and the gameplay wasn't too bad. The problem was those fucking flute sections.

>The problem was those fucking flute sections.

It varies from person to person. I had a friend who couldn't do them for shit, but then handed it to me to help him and i got it on my first try

I like WW and TP but my big problem is they're really very similar to OOT with a more superficial gimmick. Wolf form and sailing, a few items, the core gameplay is pretty much intact from OOT with little deviation.

BotW obviously knocks it out of the park by being something on the scale of OOT or Zelda 1 in terms of introducing new concepts to video games and open world and shit. Changing the Zelda formula around was desperately needed and mostly worked out for the best.
ALBW was a welcome return to the classic SNES game formula. On top of that, the open ended dungeons and item rental/upgrades changed how it played compared to ALTTP alot, and then there was paint mode which changed how link could navigate in a 2d games and completely changed how a lot of dungeon segment were designed.
Spirit Tracks was dope as fuck. The overworld starts off a bit weak but once you start to get force fragments from the side quest every zone opens up and there's a ton of different paths to take. Traveling the overworld is nice, music is great and the combat is pretty good. Touchscreen controls all work well, the sword is responsive and does whatever you want it to. Tapping the whip is fun and the sound effect is good feedback. Drawing the boomerangs path is ridiculously fun. Using the mic for the instrument and the korok looking propeller. It made a lot of old Zelda conventions interesting again.
MM is a great departure from OOT. One of the major gameplay changes is two items at once (mask/traditional) and tranformation. Both change how you approach everything about the game, traveling, combat, puzzles, sidequest, bosses, everything. The timed mechanic and the time specific stuff at different times on different days was really interesting. MM's overworld is probably still the most intricately designed in Zelda.
ALTTP is that classic good shit and I'm gonna leave it there cause I think I'm running out of space.

Fuck the touch controls and the obligatory mic
Also the dungeons were pants-on-head retarded and awful

>I like WW and TP but my big problem is they're really very similar to OOT with a more superficial gimmick
>MM is a great departure from OOT.

These two opinions are literally incompatible. I feel a stronger OoT vibe from MM than either of the Gamecube titles

Probably because you move around using only the stylus?

>one of the royal recipes is Monster Cake
>it was the chancellor's favourite
>has two horns
That was one of my favourite references in the game.

>They look the same so they play the same!
This is literally the most retarded opinion.
The gameplay changes in MM set it apart from OOT and the other three. Nothing about playing the two are similar.
MM changed a bunch of shit and the other ones were OOT again.

It grates so much when BotW does shit like this and then Zelda autists think it was meant to be assigned to a single timeline in the series

Their core gameplay mechanics are the same. It brings back most of the items from OoT and its dungeon design is also extreme reminiscent of OoT.

The time limit and similar types of smoke and mirrors do well to cover the similarities but when I get to thee meat of the game, I still feel like I'm playing OoT

You're honestly retarded. Life's too short.

That's not an argument. The only meaningful departure MM makes from OoT is ditching the "three macguffin" story structure.

>pretty fucking good

Compared to being diagnosed with bowel cancer, yes, but that's true of most things.

This. The Spirit Flute alone brought the game down several points for me. I dunno if my mic was fucked or what, but even though i did the Sand Duet perfect, it still didn't count until a fucking hour had passed.

Also TAP2WIN sucks and the dungeons feel empty. Even if the game didn't use Touch/Mic controls, it'd still suck.

>And there's teleports all over the place
The teleports are so time consuming to get to appear and take so long to use that you're better off not even bothering.

Sometimes I could do them fine, other times it took me over half an hour before giving up and doing it fine the next day. Sometimes I could play the wrong notes and still have it work. The part that annoyed me the most was having to blow so much, even if you're trying to blow softly you can still get a bit lightheaded. It made playing a literal pain.

PH was super extra comfy, I remember getting all those golden boat pieces and become the pimp of the ocean shit was neato.

shit taste is why. This game and phantom hourglass were fun and comfy.

As soon as it tried to make me blow my ds I dropped it and never looked back. Thanks for the innogimmicky bullshitvation, Nintendo

>before ALTTP
>before MM
>before WW
I just don't understand. Spirit tracks just fucking sucked, just like phantom hourglass. But even if you liked it, how can somehow like it more than the mentioned titles before?

Phantom Hourglass is better than Wind Waker. Spirit Tracks is absolute trash though

>Phantom Hourglass is better than Wind Waker

>Phantom Hourglass is better than Wind Waker
You might actually be the only person on the planet with this opinion. You also may have suffered a severe stroke and need to seek professional medical help.

>liking PH more than WW and ST
Like, even with WW it can be a matter of weird taste for the style of game, but how is it possible to like Phantom Hourglass and hate Spirit Tracks? Spirit Tracks is literally just a better Phantom Hourglass. I legitimately want to hear your reasoning here.

I liked PH over ST too. The train was just too cumbersome and boring for me, and once I got all the upgrades, the Ocean King temple was easy and breezy, and gave new rewards each time you went through it.

Not him but Spirit Tracks is trash, no exploration, boring dungeons, no secrets, no lore, completely awful characters. It's like Mario Galaxy 2 to it's prequel. Phantom Hourglass is better in every conceivable way and probably the best Zelda game in general.

PH is barely better than ST, due to no Spirit Flute. Both games are still the two worst zelda games, however.

>no lore
I just want more games in New Hyrule.

Haven't played it yet but I loved Phantom Hourglass. Don't understand the hate for it.

>probably the best Zelda game in general

Toon Link was a mistake

I like it and think it's a lot of fun. I should play it again. But thats coming from someone who doesn't like
>N64 Zelda
>SNES Zelda
>Twilight Princess

>Link's Awakening
>Minish Cap
>the legend of zelda
and Spirit Tracks.

Personally I love Spirit Tracks and I think it's quite overlooked.

It was a evil gane, especially in the parts of the flute

I played this game while I was deployed in Iraq. Had fun and enjoyed it. The sensor for the flute started acting up near the end and finally died during final boss fight. I swear I must have had less than a minute of gameplay left and there was nothing I could do. Made me rage quit, never touched it again or even look up ending.

It was probably sand. It gets everywhere

>All these Anons hating the flute sections just because they didn't know you're not supposed to be like 2 inches away from the mic
I bet you guys couldn't get passed the giant Bowser sections in BiS

>The final boss is a fucking train.
I heard this stupid argument and no, it's not. Its a giant, demonic beast.

>having to blow harder and less accurately

ST was on rails and it had still more for you to do and explore than PH, which consisted of a bunsh of same looking islands.

It's a great game, the best Zelda since Minish Cap. That is all.


Man this was the most annoying thing

Spirit Tracks isn't a sequel to WW. 10/10 bait made me reply.

They hated having a quirky Zelda persona.