Maybe Monsoon

Percentage of Precipitation

>no risky rains in thread beside filename
thread ded on arrival

Thread still shows up if you type in risk on catalog search



Cute Asukas dude

I think i'll take a nap before work. Have fun risky rain.

Almost got those ports fowarded...

Why havent you fowarded your ports yet Sup Forums?

I did with my toaster, but my connection can't host games very well.

server when

Lag and desyncs are features dont worry user :^)

But when everyone DCs, that's a problem.

Try this one
Port: 11100

Confirmed for working


bump from dead sniper


dead sniper bump


Unlimited loop works



b u m p


So uhhh...


>want to play
>have to mow front and back lawn today

Enforcer main reporting
>waiting for next open

I am

Remember to ban Mexico so Marielx won't have """fun"""

no more sniper for this guy

final now

Thanks for hosting. Your typing style reminds me of Metrid.

Closed, I just wanted to test my new internet desu.
I wonder why that is?

I've only ever seen him say "get 'em" and "ez desu".

Old habits die hard.

Did you catch the killer yet?

host ?

They certainly do.

I dont even have any lead yet


Is it possible to play this game single player on anything other than easy? I tried normal and by the third or fourth level enemies are so powerful and have so much health you have to keep running away only occasionally popping a shot until you accidentally get one shot to death.

Well then, get to work Tantei-san.
And by the way, when you reach 17th, don't answer don't.

I play Sup Forums mode solo and win 50/50

Have fun Risky Rain. Off to work for me. That was a good nap.

You just have to pick the right character or get lucky with items desu
Acrid actually has enough dps on non-glass

Not pick any options with "dont"? hmm, I'll keep it in mind.

Have fun dess

wait what did i miss, why ban?

For being a fag

he just love to ruin the fun


Nice fucking shit thread OP

Anytime, user.

Does he not follow rules? Is he that one guy with 3 infusions? I'm confused

>Don't know if deluge

He picks all the taboo items e.g. Infusion, Dagger, Meteor. His primary goal is to ruin games for other people.

Obviously the retarded spic picks fucking meteor. Shits worse than making the game unfun, the meteor is flat out griefing

just ban mexico tbqh