Why did Kojima go full anticapitalist in Revengeance?
Why did Kojima go full anticapitalist in Revengeance?
>Trump's signature instead of Ben Garrison's
0/10 would not edit again.
Kojima is the ultimate psued regurgitating political philosophy he's read about but didn't truly understand.
Kojima has nothing to do with MGR
>We'll have to succeed or fail on our own merits
I don't understand this talking point from lolbergs.
The reason leftist client groups (including trannies) are leftist client groups is because they can't compete on a level playing field. Therefore in a libertarian society they'd be guaranteed to die out (or be relegated to the underclass in the case of non-Asian, non-Jewish minorities). But their presence is actively detrimental to whatever they involve themselves in so why not just oven them or send them back, respectively
Also video games I guess
Is this edited?
I honestly cafn't tell anymore.
>delusional people
>ever admitting that they are wrong
Kojima didn't create Metal Gear Rising, Platinum games did.
>can't compete on a level playing field
We're all equal you humanophobe shitlord
>implying you must be a leftist to not be a libertarian
Because he is redpilled
Give me ONE good reason for why the proletariat should not seize the means of production.
Oh shit you're right. I must now go profusely apologize to the nearest oppressed person and sign myself up for diversity training.
That's kind of my point.
Come back when you're a Strasserist.
>Come back when you're a Strasserist.
I actually am
Oh, then you're cool I guess.
A lot of us are dumb. There's a good chance we'd break them even if smarter folk were running the revolution
Those edited versions are pretty fucking great. More?
Kojima came up with the premise.
>best metal gear
>kojima didnt wrote the script
>kojima didnt touched the gameplay
Really ruffles up thoses jammies
This but unironically.
Class collaboration and strong nationalism is better than class conflict and internationalism because it's easier to get people with varied skills and similar ideals to work together than people with limited skills and varied ideals.
wrong, kojima wanted a dark gritty tales of how Jaegger lost his body
>being proud to have meme ideologies
Source? Wikipedia says it was based on his ideas.
Nazbol is a meme, Strasserism is a legitimate, if left-leaning, strain of fascism.
You mean the part where harvesting the brains of children is seen as "bad"? I'm seriously trying to remember what you're pissed about. Explain or lurk more.
here's what would really happen
>That's kind of my point.
You are wrong though.
There is a lot of room between what americans think is the left (and even the actual left) and libertarianism.
He didn't come up with anything. The premise of Raiden slicing shit up was proposed to him and he let them go ahead with it for a few years then handed it over to Platinum.
It's not a lot better.
This is as pathetic as a Dobson comic. You're basically saying "I'd totally beat up any tranny who made me feel small at all, r-really!"
I mean, Assigned Male is PATHETIC. You shouldn't push an edit that even more pathetic, probably made by some limp dicked user would would cry if someone was mean to him. It's just "this pathetic person doesn't make me as uncomfortable!".