R.I.P. ;__;7

R.I.P. ;__;7

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We /argus/ now boys, it literally teleported behind us

Link to cinematic but with faggot voiceovers

What bullshit magic is blizz gonna pull to make sure that KJ is actually dead in the mythic pull.

inb4 Vanilla fags ruin everything

Argus was already confirmed to be the entirety of 3.0 and the end of the Legion storyline, so

Just when I fucking thought the lore couldn't get any worse, the madmen actually go and do it.
Only good part of the trailer was Velen vindicating Kil'jaeden.
Sadly the rest of the fucking cinematic was Khadgar and Illidan quipping, followed by a fucking retarded twist.

>raid already cleared
>no new content until december

lul this game is so dead.

Why do you still play WoW?

LOL why would I feel bad for this fucker? He is literally the right hand man of what is essentially Satan in world of warcraft

Who the fuck is writing this shit?

for the panda ladies

the best part is that the patch was released back in march and the raid just came out today. WoW fags have been waiting almost a fucking year for content paying $15 each month just to have 9 reskinned bosses

I will never stop laughing at how they gated this shit just to compete with Stormblood.

Wait what the fuck is going on here? I dropped WoW for good about 3 months in to Legion. Can anyone give me the abridged version of this raped and battered lore?

nu-lore is fucking bad holy shit lets me vomit how bad this shit writting is.

Wait, how is Illidan alive now? Did they just nuke Argus? WHY ARE THEY ON A SPACE SHIP
I haven't played WoW since the first 2 months of Cata. I know about the time travel bullshit they did but what the fuck?

>Why does his brother feel bad for his brother (that regrets his decisions) that is dieing right before him LUL

This is how you sound right now

What's the lore now? Velen is Kil'jaedan's brother?

>the patch was released back in march and the raid just came out today
Did they gate each wing or what?

Isn't Kil'jaeden supposed to be literally worse than Hitler tier? Why is he a good guy now?

Is Argus going to be a single zone like Tanaan Jungle?

holy fuck I miss when WoW wasn't complete shit
Don't forget corruption
Literally nothing has happened except the big baddie KJ came down to chill with his buddies in a giant green tower and the wow fags broke in and killed him and somehow linked the two worlds together

What is funny is that everyone is logically thinking this is going to be the next expansion, but Argus (big demon planet) is going to be just a small questing zone

blizzard like to bring back old raid bosses alive by saying "they fainted"

No. It was literally locked until today.

why? what was the justification?

they didn't remove that out of shame yet?

>old lore Kil'jaeden and his buddies corrupted Sargeras

Why did nobody stop Metzen. He was worse than Georg Lucas

Are warriors still the shittiest tank in the game?

If i didnt know this was real i would of thought it was fanfiction uploaded on warcraftmovie.com

They gated the entire fucking thing and dropped it all today. WoW fags have been doing literally nothing for the last three months.
Big brother literally killed countless innocents on a fuckload of worlds and tried to kill little brother and commit genocide against his own people.

Only the most autistic of fags would think this was good writing. It'd be like if Hitler had a little brother who was jewish except instead of 6 million it was 6 trillion and a bunch of other planets and he's supposed to feel sorry? We're supposed to feel sorry?

Well Stormblood just released.. Gotta try anything you can to try and retain their ever dwindling player base.

They wanted to contest Stormblood because pic related WoW is back into early vanilla subscriber numbers and they can barely pay for the maintenance costs of all these millions of avatars sitting in statis across literally thousands of servers each simulating multiple worlds

Last week, they fucked everyone's stats and talents, as well as unjustified nerfs to some items for specific classes. They gave us a week to get used to the gaping holes we sit on after the incredible raping of our characters.

That dishonor belongs to Death Knights. They are absolutely horrible now for no reason.

sorry, warcraftmovies.com (rip)


But what the fuck is Illidan doing? Why is Argus suddenly within pissing distance of Azeroth? Furthermore, does this universe not comply with the same laws of gravity? Wouldn't two astral bodies being that close fuck a lot of shit up?

How much longer until they bring Arthas/LK back and shit on his lore as well?

Haven't played wow in years but what's this? KJ finally dead for good? Looks like Velen is giving him some last rites.

As far as I can tell, he either moved Azeroth into the Nether, where magic fucks any real physical laws, or he brought the Nether to Azeroth in order to more easily access Argus. Which is totally unnecessary since he could just that very same stone to just open a big portal to it...

>Arthas/LK back and shit on his lore as well?

They already did mate.

It's already happening. New Lich King is sitting in Northrend telling the Death Knights to commit atrocities.

Bolvar is already full on evil Lich King mode now

Arthas is mostly dead but The Lich King is apparently eternal

>Drakedog 1 was 12 years ago


lol, it's funny because for any other mmo ~2 million players is really fucking good. How many people are playing FFXIV now?

>Gul'dan steals Illidan in his crystal crib from Warden's vault
>Heroes free Illidan in nighthold from his crystal tomb, with the help of our memeboy Khadgar
>Illidan teleports behind Gul'dan and nothing personnels him, then crushes his skull a second time
>Illidan leads assault into tomb of sargeras with his yandere stalker
>Get taken to Argus during fight with KJ on spaceship, along with Velen/Illidan/Khadgar
>KJ dies and Velen has a sad moment with his brother ;_;
>oh fuck Sargeras is going to kill us, "Argus is your GRAVE!!!1!"
>Illidan literally yells "OH MY RUBBER SARGERITE KEYSTONE" and teleports us home to Azeroth
>oops guys I brought Argus with us too (I swear I didn't mean to :^)! )

They were shit right from the beginning.
Now answer my question.

>Kil'jaeden and his buddies corrupted Sargeras
Wait, wasn't it the other way around.

Bolvar has done absolutely nothing wrong.

>Get taken to Argus during fight with KJ on spaceship,
And to think that was just a joke back when TBC was announced.

nope not before nu-lore took place with bc.

let me die in peace

I can't remember which way the original was anymore.
I remember them shifting the order in TBC I think it was, and nobody really batted an eye.

Illidan never died, after we defeated him in Black Temple Maiev kept him alive and imprisoned him in crystal within the Vault of the Wardens.

Gul'dan from the alternate Draenor came to our Azeroth and took the crystal with Illidan's body from the Vault and raised the Broken Isles where he brought the body to the top of The Nighthold in Suramar City in order to transfer the soul of Sargeras into Illidan's body. We stopped him atop of the Nighthold and instead just freed Illidan from his prison who then proceeded to kill Gul'dan and inform us of his plans.

He essentially wanted Shadowmoon Valley to be the final battlefield for the war against the Legion training all his Demon Hunters in the Black Temple and was going to summon the Legion to Outland to stop them. But he sent his Demon Hunters to a different planet in order to retrieve the imprisoned hunters but in the meantime we did the Black Temple raid and foiled his plans.

Now we're going to the Temple of Elune (Tomb of Sargeras) where Kil'Jaeden is on the Broken Shore where in the pre-patch we were pushed back by the Legion and Gul'dan and lost Tirion Fordring. In the Tomb Kil'Jaeden infuses power into the Avatar of Sargeras (the same one that fought Aegwynn who also is back somehow) and we defeat it. Then we get on Kil'Jaedens Legion ship as he's trying to escape to Argus and defeat him before he can then Illidan opens a rift to Argus so we can get there easier and that's why it is now seeable in new-Dalaran in the Broken Isles.

Dreadlords corrupted Sargeras and then he fucked up Eredar, after two thirds of them joined voluntarily, far as I remember.

I thought Metzen stopped writing

>hmm I better not be evil
>get bored
>oh hey DK's go dig up some graves for me an be evil

>not playing a based Warrior


metzen is not even working anymore

Okay time for the abridged version of all the autistic middle school fanfiction tier writing that has become Warcraft's lore.

Thrall decides to say fuck it and no longer be warchief
Second best orc garrosh takes over and becomes literally hitler and both the horde and alliance invade Orgrimmar to kill him
Human king demands Thrall spare him because forgiveness is their new favorite trope
Hitler orc escapes and literally goes back in fucking time to before warcraft 1 days and convinces old horde to invade azeroth
This leads to the worst expansion ever creating WoD where literally nothing important happens in this alternative universe except Gul'Dan escapes back into our world (evil orc wizard who was dead)
Gul'Dan then resurrects Illidan who is now a misunderstood anti-hero CHILD OF LIGHT AND DARK WHO WILL SAVE THE WORLD
We discover that the burning legion and Saragas aka Satan isn't the real baddies but instead a new enemy called VOID LORDS are
Saragas is another misunderstood anti-hero who has been killing everyone and all planets so they don't become super void lords because that would be bad
Now a portal has been opened connecting Azeroth to Argus (super bad demon planet)

And everyone is running around with super epic legendary weapons like Ashbringer and Doomhammer and they brought Dalaran back to for nostalgia and the emerald dream is no longer a future expansion but instead a raid and also we can be demon hunters and death knights are talking to the lich king who has a super secret plan and queen azshara is back too

So basically WoW is dying and this new team brought on post MoP is doing everything they can to save it by pulling all the nostalgia trump cards excepts its made a giant cluterfuck because they are incompetent and the game is dying even faster now

What the fuck, I actually had 'some' hope that the lore might be less faggy after Metzen left- how did they manage to make thing even worse? Where the flying fuck do you even go from here?

That was changed for BC. Eredar were the original bad guys.


No, sargeras is not corrupted anymore he just want to destroy all the worlds before the new bad guys (void lords) corrupt everything and the draenei join them except velen and his friends.

>We discover that the burning legion and Saragas aka Satan isn't the real baddies but instead a new enemy called VOID LORDS are
>Saragas is another misunderstood anti-hero who has been killing everyone and all planets so they don't become super void lords because that would be bad
please be a joke

the tanned girl


you have to be baiting, that is a pvp achievement for restarting your rank and talents. I don't care if wow is dying, but this image is some seriously misleading shit.

it's a rip-off of Galactus

Can we just have a comfy south seas xpack after this shit?
I'm so fucking sick of fel.
I want to have a ship garrison (but good), and traveling around being comfy and hanging with pirates.
With Undermine as the capital (FUCK OFF DALARAN), plus Nazjatar/Azshara as bosses/raid Suramar style but in a giant underwater bubble
Hopefully with a fishing revamp and sub races
They fucked up by doing WoD -> Legion, everyone was burnt out on fel after HFC

What's wrong with her pussy?

lol it got retconned, it's true now

>Saragas is another misunderstood anti-hero who has been killing everyone and all planets so they don't become super void lords because that would be bad

New lore is the worst thing is their decision to make a easter egg into a expansion and making the most pointless sequel of every sequel to anything that ever has been created.

what the fuck

>new lore is worst than one of the best game expansions

I know.

that looks like a stretched ballsack

enjoy your original PIRATE CREW as a replace to guild halls

Jesus Christ. I thought WotLK was a relatively nice conclusion to the his story (at least they didn't butcher his character like they did with Illidan in TBC). Why does Blizzard feel the need to run everything into the ground.

This is the last expansion. Wow will never recover from this.

>FFXIV announced an expansion boss, what should we do to answer it?
>"shit, I dunno. Cut the raid off that patch we were just finishing, and delay it for 3 months"

Why do people still play WoW let alone pay for it?

>based fucking Illidan forced a global war with Argus so literally everyone on Azeroth could participate

he did absolutely nothing wrong

>In the next episode of War Craft Z..........
>"w-what do you mean... the VOID LORDS are not truly evil at all??"

because I can pay with fake money and sell carries for real money.

Oh holy fuck I forgot that Void Lords are cannon and not just a Deviantart-tier fanfiction. Seriously how the fuck did Blizzard reach this point? I understand wanting to retcon certain things as time goes on and your brand changes, but what the fuck is the point? Warcraft never had stellar lore, almost all of Blizzards writing was/is stolen wholesale from better places, but at least it had some sense of gravity and believably.

I think the whole Warcraft universe should be rebooted at this point.
Let it all return to Strategy.
Let the Blizzard make Total Warcraft and this would be glorious.
It would sell millions.

is azshara hot?

They pulled an Eve Online and let you buy a WoW token to sell in game. So if you have gold you can just buy game time.

The best part is that the tokens are insanely expensive now because the game is dying. Something like a quarter of a million gold.

So instead of just paying $15 a month for this shitty game, they grind out gold over the course of many, many fucking hours just to stay subbed without paying, despite the fact that it takes so long that they are basically working a part time job at somalian levels of poverty.

>Let it all return to Strategy.
Strategy is dead and blizzard is not going to drop a money cow for a dead genre.

>now go fight the void lords anyway
>kill the void lords, only to find out that the Nilnether vagrants answer to the REAL masters, the ANTIMATTER SUPREME END GOD-TITANS, TRUE LORDS OF ALL CONCEPTUAL REALMS AND MATTER

That bit about his previous job can't be true.

because it's addicting
I haven't been playing for 6 months and I still feel it pulling me
if I hadn't given away my account I'd still be playing and paying

>Saragas aka Satan isn't the real baddies but instead a new enemy called VOID LORDS are
>Saragas is another misunderstood anti-hero who has been killing everyone and all planets so they don't become super void lords because that would be bad
Please god no. I've been a WoW lore white knight for so long, but I may need to retire.



>We discover that the burning legion and Saragas aka Satan isn't the real baddies but instead a new enemy called VOID LORDS are
>Saragas is another misunderstood anti-hero who has been killing everyone and all planets so they don't become super void lords because that would be bad

Literally is. They got the Diablo 3 fuckheads to run and develop WoW and made the lead Dev a lawyer.

Now the game is littered with bullshit just to keep people paying.

You literally do random "WORLD QUESTS" to get random rewards with random chance to get gear that can be randomly upgrade a random strength with a random chance to drop a random legendary

It's become a pure skinner box designed to manipulate a gambling addiction worse than a fucking mobile game
ding ding ding

It's true, he's been ret conned to a hero that is doing what he has to.

And guess what? He tried to reason with the other titan but they wouldn't listen to him. So he had to kill them in self defense! He's didn't want to be bad, he had to!!!

Wait a quarter-million? What the shit they were like 30 grand when I left- it's only been maybe 8 months how the fuck!?

>tfw paid up for 3 months after buying CE of Legion

>tfw played like 2 hours before dropping it

I regret wasting my money on this.
If only I could run WOW on my PC offline with all NPC and quests working and ability to go through every dungeon or boss fight alone I would be happy.

I played it only for the lore anyway.

Will we ever see another MoP like expansion? I used to shit on it, but looking back it was pretty good. At least Blizz tried to tread new ground instead of endlessly rehashing (burning to the ground) all their previous lore.

You know when you got a animal that you've loved over the years but it's grown old. It's joints are swollen and inflamed. Disease runs rampant in it's gut. Eyesight and hearing is lost. And still the animal lives on. It can not stand up to shit and has to do so laying down and thus pisses itself. It suffers and needs to be put down. It would be the humane thing.

Wow needs to be put down.

>talking out your ass
World Quests stop giving decent gear once you hit 850/860 ilvl which is ridiculously easy to do now

The only ones worth doing are the PvP towers, which give a consistent amount of Honor and let you skip some battlegrounds. It's literally just grind for new gear and PvP rank, like it always has been

Horse shit, he should've died unrepentant and a total dick, instead we got
>I'm sorry dad

And suddenly we're supposed to sympathize with a guy who did everything wrong following the culling of strat. On another note, why did they write Arthas killing Ner'zhul after the mind meld?

Cause no one sells them, supply and demand. Want a fun experiment? Try to get a wow fag to take a screen shot of the server populations in game. They won't do it because all but a handful are all low pop aka dead. Literally all but less than a dozen servers have a healthy population