>there are people who bought a Wii U in 2014 because of the Zelda trailer
How do you think those people felt in the end?
There are people who bought a Wii U in 2014 because of the Zelda trailer
Other urls found in this thread:
Well, they got Zelda, at least.
Yeah, a version that runs like dogshit.
>inb4 someone brings up TP as if that's even comparable
they got better framerates
most of them bought a Switch too based on sales
What the fuck makes you think that?
it runs better than the switch version you retard
Zelda was released on Wii U a couple of months ago.
What's the point of your thread OP? Seems like you have an agenda going on.
I bought a Wii U. But I also bought a Switch to play BotW. Does that make you mad?
I bought one at launch and it was kinda rough at first but got way better as time went on. If not for Diablo 3 on PS4, I would have played my Wii U way more than my PS4.
It doesn't run better than the Switch version.
BOTW runs like dogshit on Wii U, so it was basically a huge bait and switch.
Even CEMU runs BOTW better than a Wii U can.
It absolutely did not get better and I say this as someone who had one since 2013
because the Switch is on track to have sold more than the Wii U lifetime sales by mid 2018 :)
The Wii U actually has some fantastic games on it. Plus the upside is you can play the select few amazing Wii games as well. Probably not worth a purchase at that point but later on picking up a Wii U is probably a good idea.
Nope. They can't even produce enough because Apple keeps throttling them, so.they literally can't build them due to a parts shortage. It will not outsell Wii U next year
Shit dude we might not have the same taste then
>Even CEMU runs BOTW better than a Wii U can.
Cemu is literally running a broken, gimped copy of the Wii U version, don't kid yourself.
>The Wii U actually has some fantastic games on it.
If you consider Star Fox Zero and Paper Mario Color Splash good then you have garbage taste
It will have still sold more than 13.5 million by 2018, screencap this post
No it won't. There's a parts shortage so they literally can't even make them. If they can't make them then they can't sell them.
This is old news dude, how do you not know about this?
>this buttmad sonybro acting like Nintendo aren't producing any at all
Wrong, my buddy's PC runs BOTW better than my Wii U does, I've watched him play it
I got a Wii U at launch because my Wii broke like 6 months before launch. And shit, I STILL have Wii games on my backlog to go through.
My only complaint on the Wii U version is the Bloodborne Tier loading times.
They definitely aren't producing enough to sell 13 million. Their initial estimate was 10 million, and that was BEFORE the parts shortage.
Get fucked.
As soon as I discovered the bait and switch I hacked my wii u and sold all my games.
Tho desu senpai BOTW runs great on wii u 85% of the time. I would care but I didn't pay so why be outraged?
XCX, Splatoon...
I bought a Wii U early this year
Feeling pretty good
they felt fucked like switch buyers.
How the fuck are you still playing Wii games
XCX was a massive disappointment, the first one is way better.
Splatoon is obsolete because of Splatoon 2
Are you running from disk or is it installed to NAND? Loads pretty quick for me in the latter case
Probably because I also play a lot of PC games. Still have some JRPGs to go through.
running from disk
>On the Wii
Is this some kind of epic ruse?
Gryo controls don't, glitched out the ass, constantly crashes.
BotW might run like shit on Wii U, but playing on cemu is just awful.
they're selling about 300,000 of them a week, this will increase around the Holiday season, they'll have 10 million by the end of 2017 at the very least
probably around 15 million by mid 2018 (stay mad)
Gyro is mapped to.the mouse which is honestly better, and if you have a good PC the other things don't happen
Pretty damn good I'd say
You're just pulling all these numbers out of your gaping asshole with nothing to back it up. Fuck off
This, Pandora's Tower and Xenoblade are the main jrpgs. I also have Paper Mario on the virtual console.
Paper Mario is a fucking N64 game
Ah that sucks. Why don't you hack your wii u and install it to NAND? Its such a simple process user, you've already given Nintendo your fun tickets for the game so you have no moral obligations if you in fact have morals desu.
Software sales aren't consoles sales you fucking tard
>Gyro is mapped to.the mouse which is honestly better
Sounds like the kind of utter nonsense a deluded PCbro would come out with. Just fucking stop.
It is better, dumbfuck.
If they were smart they bought the other ten must play Wii U games. If not they traded it in for a Switch.
Lol it doesn't even run bad on the Wii u barring some rare and quickly passing frame drops. Looks great glad I'm not so cucked into buying a switch I have to wrong my hands and make constant terrible excuses to justify my actions.
Good cause they got the best 8th gen home console?
Only way you can get number that high is if you count trash games like Star Fox and Color Splash
Or remasters like TPHD and WWHD
To me this game alone wasn't worth buying the Switch at launch. I have heard that both versions have their sets of performance problems in different areas of the game. While the Switch does run the game better, I heard that the ports problems, such as framerate issues and other glitches, are noticeable in docked mode rather than in portable mode. I honestly think the game needed a bit more performance tweaking on both versions, but I think they both run alright and enough to where it isn't game breaking at least. Except instances in the U version where hitting one of the enemies causes the FPS to drop to fucking 1 for a couple of seconds at times.
I doubt you played them so...
PS4 is way better than Wii U
I played both, find a new excuse
>PS4 is way better than Wii U
In what? Raw hardware is useless without good games.
PS4 has better games
>Can pirate stuff on Wii U.
>Can't pirate stuff on switch.
This is how I justify it.
>Inb4 butthurt Buyfags
No, it doesn't.
It does, unlike you I own both so I can compare
Satisfied. It was an incredible game, but Wii U was still trash
Xenoblade was neat too
>buying a console for a game that is not out
why not wait and buy the console and game on the same day? what kind of a fucking moron does what you have described?
If you owned both you'd know that's not the case.
But I got to play it a 4 days earlier earlier for free and beat it before there were spoilers by marathoning 70 hours
Yeah, I feel I won.
I do have both and prefer the PS4, but I never had a PS3 so maybe that's got something to do with it
>claim system has no good games
>a sequel to a good game on the next system means that the previous game is now retroactively bad
Consider dashing your skull open with a brick
Hope you don't enjoy, nor ever did enjoy, any game that now has a sequel.
It's obsolete because it's primarily a multiplayer game, why would anyone want to start playing it now?
Not him but
>Free Online
trust me, you are not a winner by any stretch of the word.
>dead online
>Get online
>Play 3 matches
Yeah, the online isn't dead by any stretch of the imagination.
>assmad buyfag
Better than the people who bought a switch for the same game
>It doesn't run better than the Switch version
But it does you retard. It has already been proved on video.
Who the fuck buys a console on the announcement trailer and not near to the definite date of release? If that's all you care about
Half of the people that bought a PS4.
I'm running BotW in CEMU with an i5 and a GTX770 and it's quite playable (even fun) with Cemuhook.
I imagine someone with a PC better than mine (which isn't a high bar) is really enjoying emulating it at this point.
kind of unrelated, but does anyone know if there's an uncensor patch for Fatal Frame like there is for TMS #FE?
I got 2 (TWO) games out of the wiiu. xenoblade and zelda.
Probably about the same as people who bought a PS3 for Last Guardian or Kingdom Hearts III.
People did that?
I was one of them. I sold the Wii U, got a Switch and BotW, and ended up very happy.
Why didn't you get more?
Bayonetta? W101? Splatoon? Etc.
What game were the people that bought PS4 waiting for?
Splatoon is one of the games I regret not having had the Wii U for, is the second game enough of a deviation to turn off some players to sticking to the first game besides the paid online?
I got what I wanted.
No reason to get Switch anytime soon.
Kingdom Hearts 3.
Guess it depends if you like the ranked modes in the first one more.
What kind of absolute retard even buys a console just for one game when the game isn't even out yet.
If you really have to buy it one week before so you're sure the game is going to be out.
I'm glad nintendo consoles are always super easy to hack. I felt cheated by the Wii U, but then I hacked it and got free Zelda and more, and that made me feel better.
I'm in no rush to buy a Switch. I can wait until it's hackable, or there is a price drop.
I bought a Wii U on launch because I always buy Nintendo systems on launch because I
>have a job so video games are cheap
>Nintendo conoles eventually have enough games to make their purchase worthwhile (some more than others, but I've never been "burned" by buying a Nintendo system)
>Nintendo usually only does one physical printing of their games and I like displaying my games on my bookshelves so not getting a game when it comes out makes it harder and potentially more expensive to get it later
>pirated Zelda when it leaked
>forgot to cancel my pre-order
I'm not a smart man
Supporting the industry by paying for a good game is the smart thing to do.
I don't want to support Nintendo if they won't support the Wii U
They released the goddamned game of all time as its last game, for crying out loud. What the fuck more do you want?
A version of BOTW that is actually optimized and doesn't run like compete dogshit
>he believes half of ps4 owners are waiting for autismhearts 3
the wii u version is the true version
the switch is the half assed port they did at end of development
however due to switches power it runs better
>the wii u version is the true version
>however due to switches power it runs better
Then it's not the true version faggot
But the Switch has higher resolution and a more stable framerate. How the fuck
does the Wii U version run better
lmao don't talk such utter, UTTER shite.
Just how the Twilight Princess Wii Version must be the true version just because it has widescreen support right?
TP on GameCube doesn't have performance issues or frame drops.
BOTW on Wii U does have performance issues and frame drops.
It's not really a comparable situation
>the wii u version is the true version
>the switch is the half assed port they did at end of development
This completely untrue.
About half way through development they knew it woulf be released on Switch. It's debatable that Nintendo geared the game towards the Switch's performance at the expense of a dead console.
Does Zelda do anything other than the typical Ubisoft thing? I've been so disappointed so far.
>climb tower
>5 minutes travel
>clear outposts
>5 minutes travel
I can't believe this is what it boiled down to. I could have bought ARMS instead. 5 hours in and I'm already struggling through.