A new AAA game costs $79.99 Canabux

>a new AAA game costs $79.99 Canabux
>have to pay 14% tax
>a new AAA game costs $91.19

how did this happen bros?

>14% sales tax

Sucks to suck, Canada

I hate Canada

Mulim immigrant benefits don't pay for themselves.

Who cares about games when you got weed

Look on the bright side: if you get cancer you can go to a doctor and don't have to kill yourself.

>implying you won't die waiting in line to get help from the doctor

Pfft 21% VAT master race.

Got to pay for other peoples free shit somehow, leaf!

Boo hoo. Australian RRP has been $110 forever.

The key is you never ever buy anything for those prices. Don't support retailers who try.

Will Canada ever not be "that" country?

The time of the rake is soon and I'm happy when it comes.

who's worse? Cuckdeau or Turnbullshit?

P5 was €69.99- and I payed it. I guess us developed countries are funding third world gamers.

Both are pretty bad and incompetent in different ways. But if you ask most people they'll probably say Trudeau is better because he does quirky things like wear star wars socks.

>Canada pays almost a $100 for a new game

Is this why Canadians shitpost so much? They can't buy new games?

>$90 for vidya

Jesus fuck I could buy a dozen classic books and watch eight new movies for that price. I could buy vidya and have gas for two weeks.

What in the fuck Canada?

Yeah due to wages and cost of living and other shit game prices vary among countries but fuck that. If some Russian or Mexican can pay $10 instead of $40 I want to too. It's the digital distribution era after all.


I'm spic and new games are more expensive than in Usa thanks to import taxes + jewery.

>make 20 times a ruskie does for the same job
>actually, ruskie does the job better
>weeee waaaah I want to pay the same

>Implying minimum wage doesnt only matter to deadbeat losers
Wages have stagnated for years while prices of housing, electricity and food have skyrocketed because burger flippers want $15 an hour. It's absolute fucking bullshit

Not everyone works minimum wage. Even dumb niggers in the US make $2 above minimum wage after 6 months.

Enjoy your (((free healthcare))) :^)

Somebody has to pay for the immigrant housing you dummy

Someone has to pay for migrant housing, user.

>living in a shit-tier province
5% AB master race reporting in

Honestly I love Trudeau. He's intelligent, eloquent, doesn't make you cringe and embarrassed like his Southern neighbor and he looks good.

But I can see why people hate him. He represents city culture progressiveness and elitism.

>can't afford $90

Poor fags and children pls go

More like BC's bitch

t. poor ruskie

>tfw leaving cuckada for good in two weeks

>how did this happen bros?
trudeau is tanking the value of your currency so he can set up refugee and "equality" feminist programs.

This is why I stick with my 3DS instead of buying a Switch. Switch looks nicer but I can't eat an almost $100 cost for every new release.
Meanwhile I can usually buy a new 3DS game for $40-$55 or if I wasn't so lazy I could pirate it.

Allegedly free healthcare meets massive immigrant population.

Wait, how do you change your switches country settings, also what's the best country to give my money to?

>Not cringe

He looks like he pees sitting down and massages his prostate with Somalian dick. He's a fucking dork.

Just make a new Nintendo account and while you're creating it, lie about the country you live in.

Then link that account to a profile on your switch and you're good to go.

It depends on what platform you're using but I don't recommend it anymore because most big companies have probably increased measure regarding this. Your account may get banned if they find fishy shit with your IP. Plus if you purchase unknowingly you might get a region locked game.

91 moose dollars is about 68 freedom bucks. You're only paying like5 dollars more. New vidya in most states are about 62$.

Most pirate as much as possible at this point and then we shitpost during breaks.

But if I pay with a credit card, won't they know the origin of the payer? Just want to know everything before I do it.

How would you get caught?

I pay less in beaver bucks compared to Americans for most things on steam other than the biggest-budget games when you do a straight conversion.

Triple A games cost $49.99 in Canada. Nintendo Switch games cost $99.99

>deadbeat losers have stagnated for years

a canadian dollar is nearly worthless anyway that's a fair price. Do Japanese complain about having to spend thousands of yen?

>mfw I get paid in USD and live in Canada

Same for PS4 and Xbox.

Don't know why you exclude them.

Trudeau must have fucked it up, PS3 and 360 games were $59.99 under Harper last gen

>free health care
>low crime
>no crazy warmongering leaders
>legal weed soon

It's a fair tradeoff.

When you live in Texas everyone else is literally a communist


It's not the same.
When you take into account the general economy of both countries, minimum wages and cost of life, canadians get fucked much harder than their cousins from the southern prison colony.

They went up under Harper.

>not working for a hospital in the U.S. and having the best insurance and best quality of care in the world

Doesn't Trudeau frequen muslim churches and invites fugees to come enjoy the free healthcare and government assisted living? Good luck with that.

>i am willingly going to be cucked because I can smoke some fuckin grass


>caring this much about

No you fucking retard. The Canadian dollar shat the bed starting in 2013 BECAUSE of Harper. He invested all his eggs in one basket and now we're paying for it. Trudeau now has to clean up his mess.

Everyone blaming Trudeau doesn't know jack shit about the Canadian economy or the timeline.

Karma for being leaf posters on Sup Forums. Worst shitposter since Aussies discovered the Internet.

>implying games in Canada will remain at $79.99 and not be $99.99 plus tax

so this is why leafs shitpost so much
they have no games
>muh weed
it was a campaign promise, and he still hasn´t delivered. get over it

You know, you'd think so, but we're just gonna keep running deficits until the baby boomers start getting sick. At that point, the country will collapse.

>I'm a cuck because I prefer minor inconveniences over living in a complete shithole of a country

>colbert becomes president

>paying nearly 100 leaf bucks for a video game
That's why I now pirate all my games.

This, instead you'll die of cancer from having to wait so damn long.

>Both Dakotas
>New Hampshire
>Rhode Island
>Upstate New York
Pretty much anything north of the Mason-Dixon line is better than living in Canada.
Hell, most of the states south of the Mason-Dixon line are better than living in Canada if you know which nigger-infested shitholes to avoid.

>it's a "pretend that Harper was a bad PM" episode

>he doesnt wait a week after the game is released and go on kijiji to buy that game for half the price

>the caliphate of Cucknadia
>in any way not a complete desolate nightmare


At least you can get real healthcare in the states.

If you can afford it, I mean.

This is why I'm considering buying my games digitally from now on. Splatoon 2 is the same price physically, yet it's only $79.99 for a digital copy.

Check when the fall of the Canadian dollar started happening and who was the prime minister at the time.

I'll wait.

>be leaf
>cold as fuck most of the year
>warm room with overclocked computer
>warm room with smoking legal weed in room
>tfw Canada is a god tier gaming country

>paying more for things
>higher taxes
>fucked housing market
>fucked job market
>fall of Western civilization

>minor inconveniences

You know nothing about the economic situation in Canada

>Both Dakotas
I hope you're joking.

He wasn't as bad as people pretend he was, but this was a gradual change. Exchange rate has been continuing to shitter, its not just Trudeau.

Going to?

>hating Based Trudeau after the clusterfuck that was Harper

>you'll never interact with in your life
Not everyone is a sheltered upper-middle class brat like you are user, even here in liberal Massachusetts I have to deal with Somali fuckheads on a daily basis because the rest of the state virtue signals about how great refugees are and then just ships them all to Springfield, Chicopee, and Holyoke so they don't have to deal with them and can just pawn them off on all the poor people.

>clinging to already disproven media lies
He wasn't making fun of a disabled person.

trudeau is our obama in the sense that both of them accomplished exactly nothing

ahhh, Sup Forums 2.0, My favorite board

>When the students poured into Tiananmen Square, the Chinese government almost blew it. Then they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength. That shows you the power of strength. Our country is right now perceived as weak... as being spit on by the rest of the world.

-Donald Trump. This is a quote.

tell me your job right fucking now

If we want to talk about game prices it seems a lot now feature $100 deluxe editions bundled with season passes. And I thought the hike from $50 to $60 was bad.

Lol get ready buddy they're only going up from here. Starting in september Nintendo is gonna charge $99.99 before taxes. Only a matter of time before other companies follow their lead.

How can one man be so based?

proper punishment for shitposting you FUCKING LEAF

Is that quote actually admiring China or are you just being retarded? He said they were vicious and horrible, Trudeau said he admired their basic dictatorship because some numbers looked good.

He's praising them for being strong while America is weak, but nice try.

At least I wont go bankrupt during the wait

But $79.99 Canabux is $60 Freedom, exactly what we pay for games. Sucks about those socialist taxes though.

>no water bottle
shit gif

>calling them vicious and horrible

He's saying their power allows them to get away with anything and nobody bats an eye until the US doesn't anything and you hear endless screaming of "US IMPERIALISM!"

>still has nothing to say about his idol praising a dictatorship that has killed over 50 million fucking people

I've been beginning to worry about the mental stability of liberals.


Let's be honest, you deserve it.
I wish nothing but pain for leafs.